Living on a shoe string and banging lots of chicks!


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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I don't think you need a lot of money to be successful with women, in fact I know you don't. I don't have money and I've bagged lots of beauties. I have friends who have never really worked that much and had no problem bagging the hot ones, and the hot ones pay for them to follow their art.
Just be a rouge, an artist, musician, drug dealer or romantic traveller, Buddhist warrior... that's all it takes. You don't have to be a CEO of X corp. In fact most of my CEO buddies ain't that sexy at all! Usually stressed out and too busy.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2008
Reaction score
I have to wonder if these artsy type guys are just groupie magnets, Unfortunately the Metal music scene is lackluster in the groupie dept
Slayer, mastadon, cannibal corpse etc... are like bug repellent to women.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
K2000kidd said:
I have to wonder if these artsy type guys are just groupie magnets, Unfortunately the Metal music scene is lackluster in the groupie dept
Slayer, mastadon, cannibal corpse etc... are like bug repellent to women.

Hahaha, no. Not at all. Just went to shred fest in Baltimore and there was gorgeous women all around, mainly gf's of the band members.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Englishman,
You are so right and the proof of your pudding is in your eating....I recently had a couple of hip tie rod ends replaced an English Operation actually and Bluddy good to...but what I really wanted to say was, that whilst I was on my back unable to move,dressed in pajamas,no trappings of wealth a picture of despair,I was able to game chicky babes....In my estimation in a short time I was able to "Pull"two nurses,a Chinese Physio and a visiting Wife....How?by using charm alone....Charm comes from ones innate sense of good manners,combined with wide reading,large repertoire of bon mots,jokes and even poetry together with the ability to flirt and flatter in an innocent manner...There is the sense of watching a Bird in a funnel trap luring its fellows in to share its fate....If one swallows the bait,others want a piece too...When I went home I had to have visits at different times,from District Nurses,three Single Ladies called upon me to change dressings,remove stitches two were very interested indeed...a different scenario here I have a Batchelor Pad adorned with erotic pictures a statue of pair of Greek Gods Inflagrenti dilelcto adorns the top of the Video Machine,beautiful views of Park Land out of the windows,so here obviously we have the lure of,Money,brass,Mazooma or Boodle...then they see me strip,here the hours spent in my home gym pay off...One of them pointed to an elaborate support frame hanging from the ceiling "Whats that?"...."Its a love swing support"..."What's a Love Swing?"...."well it's for people to play on while they make love,would you like to see it?"....Her face reddened but strangest looks of shock,amazement, curiosity and desire crossed her face"Nun a nun No"...Next time you see a Girl you know,going past in a Sports Car if she is alone there is a good chance she would just love to take you and show off her skill and possessions....can't really do that if you own your own.


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
In my experience, I've formulated the opinion that the more comfortable a woman is in your domain, the more likely you will be able to bang her. Hence, having money affords one the opportunity to live in a desirable enviornment without interferring roommates or other types of interuptions which can decrease a woman's level of comfort....basically the same thing Scaramouche is saying (but without his entertaining prose)


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
Depends what you mean by "Success?"

If you call picking up some Horny chicks who will fvck the next dude who talks to them "Success"...then don't need money.

If you want to attract and maintain a "Quality Relationship" with a Quality Girl...then i'm sorry to inform you, but your Artsy Fly-by-night image will do you no good. A girl with half-a-brain will give you the broom in a New York Minute after she wakes up from your "ether!"


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Are you Single,
"is englishman for real? How can an old man like him possibly attract woman?"Of course he can,as quality Men like him are not attracted to shallow superficial Women,Girls like you never get to know what they are missing....I look at my own scene,socially it revolves around Dancing,mainly Tango,Ball Room and Rock and Roll...On these three scenes which each break into different venues every week,a number of Men much older than Englishman reap the Younger Women as a Farmer scythes Wheat...This is particularly so on the Tango Scene,where a good Male Dancer takes years to perfect the Art....Real Life example:Katie a 26 year old girl(long hair gorgeous body,degree in Commerce an eight in anyones book)starts lessons.....within about six weeks,she attracts the attention of Robert 56 years old,skinny,greying,reasonable personality maybe a seven....Well it takes about a year,with his superb leading he gives her the illusion of being a good Dancer....actually she is only just passable,if she Dances with other People she realises that things aren't working out right...but she sticks to her Guns,telling herself,I am Gods gift to Dancing I just need a Man at my level to bring out the best in me...soon she will wait on his availability rather than expose her clumsiness....SHE IS DEPENDANT ON HIM,SHE NEEDS HIM!....But in this dependence is her Achilles heel,the close hold with him generates her Oxytocin she is in love....and so Robert will dance maybe half the dances with her,being a Philanderer he uses the rest to progress his other Plates......Tango nights though she is the Main Dish,he takes her to his Home until the wee small hours,then drives her back to her Mothers place....I can think of maybe eight to ten Men like this,interestingly four of them are Gay or Bi....Really good Dancers often start as young Children,suggesting a very dominant Mother,one of the Key variables in fostering Homosexuality in the young Male...Me?....As a Dancer maybe an eight,can't afford to spin plates....I have a really good Dance Partner,and will only try and "Pull" other ladies in different thematic areas,that can create enough unexpected situations anyway...on that topic coming home from Dancing with my regular Bird,we dropped in to a Super-Market to do a bit of Shopping,I ran head on into Plate no 2 she was puzzled,I just blurted out "little Dog,gotta go"ran away and waited in my Car...luckily all was well...Plate No 1 was told this Woman was an ex Girl friend who had previously stalked me,Plate No2 was told that I had just received a Voice Mail,that My Dog had collapsed at home and I had to help her....A close one...Always Run...Why?,well the two parties never get together to compare Notes,you end up dealing with them separately,so two stories and plenty of time to think....Of course if one sees the other in close cahoots,then that might require a bit of ducking and diving,and if you survive you will be under very close surveillance from then on.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
K2000kidd said:
I have to wonder if these artsy type guys are just groupie magnets, Unfortunately the Metal music scene is lackluster in the groupie dept
Slayer, mastadon, cannibal corpse etc... are like bug repellent to women.
Blind Guardian and Opeth brought in a lot of fine-ass girls ... most chicks into real extreme metal have serious emotional problems though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
AreYouSingleFemale said:
is englishman for real? How can an old man like him possibly attract woman?
Yes I'm for real, and I bang chicks in there 20's and 30's and hot ones too! I have chicks propositioning me and buying me jeans and food and all manner of stuff. I even had one that sent me money anonymously when I ran into hard times. She later confessed and started to cry, telling me how much she was in love with me.
I'm not making it up! And I've never had much in the way of money! But I can't fight like fvck, play a guitar and write her a knockout love story.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
acw said:
Depends what you mean by "Success?"

If you call picking up some Horny chicks who will fvck the next dude who talks to them "Success"...then don't need money.

If you want to attract and maintain a "Quality Relationship" with a Quality Girl...then i'm sorry to inform you, but your Artsy Fly-by-night image will do you no good. A girl with half-a-brain will give you the broom in a New York Minute after she wakes up from your "ether!"
It's not the case acw.... I have had relationships (not just sex) with school teachers, therapists, a kindergarten director, a professional orchestra player etc...


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Rubirosa said:
In my experience, I've formulated the opinion that the more comfortable a woman is in your domain, the more likely you will be able to bang her. Hence, having money affords one the opportunity to live in a desirable enviornment without interferring roommates or other types of interuptions which can decrease a woman's level of comfort....basically the same thing Scaramouche is saying (but without his entertaining prose)

I have banged chicks in cars, fields, clubs, the back of a greyhound bus, a high school, beach, HER expensive bedroom or kitchen floor! I don't need money to bang hot chicks! Slam me all you want here on SS.... I think you guys have lost your way!


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score

I am curious too.

OP share your wisdom Bro !


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
englishman said:
I have banged chicks in cars, fields, clubs, the back of a greyhound bus, a high school, beach, HER expensive bedroom or kitchen floor! I don't need money to bang hot chicks! Slam me all you want here on SS.... I think you guys have lost your way!

All this and more is possible with tight game. If a woman *wants* to bang you she will find a way!


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Boilermaker said:

I am curious too.

OP share your wisdom Bro !
To be honest, I don't really know... I've had lots of experiences like the ones I wrote.
My first gf when I was 14 took an overdose of pills when I broke up with her and was in hospital for a week, she stills writes to me now and I haven't seen her for years.
I had my older brothers gf bang me when I was about 15, (something I'm not proud of!)
The women I wrote about in my previous post that sent me the free money was actually my old mans gf, she was a school teacher and was nearer my age than his.
My old mans the same with women, he plays saxophone, rides a motorbike, travels and although he's had money at times he's never had much. Yet he hasn't had a house of his own for years, he always found a women with a nice place and moved in with her. He's an old dude now but he has a son that's 7 years old! So I guess it's a genetics thing.
I had a women tell me that I oozed sex appeal? I still don't really know how thats done though. Another that came right up to me in the bar and asked me if a fvcks out of the question! another I banged tried to set me up in a foursome with her and 2 of her girlfriends.
On the flip side I've had ex gf's and other women kick me in the balls numerous times, punch me in the face, and one even head butt me in the nose and had them lie and make up all kinds of jealous bull.
And one thing I can say without a fvcking shadow of a doubt is that I NEVER HAD ANY MONEY ! :kick: Seriously.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Guys, I am reading your stories about women giving you money and supporting you, but I fail to understand: how does it make you feel when someone gives you money?

I don't know about you, but I'd be far, far away from being flattered by that. In fact, I would be offended. I am not mentally disabled, I am not homeless, I am not handicapped to accept spare change. I am a man and can make my own money! More to that, if someone feels like giving me "help", that would mean to me that they see me as incapable, worthless, pitiful piece of sh!t who deserve a donation, not respect...


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
englishman said:
To be honest, I don't really know... I've had lots of experiences like the ones I wrote.
OP is a great looking guy like I figured. One of my buddies who was great looking (but has tight ass game) was the same way

Had one women buy him tattos after only knowing her for 3 weeks

Same women after 2 weeks let him use his car with a full tank of gas (we ran that bytch empty in 2 days)

Another bytch paid his cell phone bill which was a $1000

Girls would buy him drinks at the bar


Shyt like that doesn't happen to average guys