Life Lessons :yes:

Super Hero

Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
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I'll be a happy person even if it helps only one person.
Here's what I've learnt.

1. 20 minutes of early morning exercise is the BEST thing you can do to improving your life (makes you feel good ALL DAY, balances blood sugar, oxygenates your body, etc)

2. Never walk around in bare feet and then put on your shoes. Bacteria causes foot odor, not sweat.

3. Movement beats meditation, in most cases. (thank you Halbert)

4. Stay hydrated. Drink a big glass of water every hour. (this leads to a VERY clear, and functioning mind...and good health)

5. Use the "Theater of Your Mind" to become WHO you want to be and to acquire new skills (of course, real world PRACTICE and action are just as essential)

6. It's important to feel good as you make decisions. (thank you Bandler)

7. Focused deep breathing leads to a healthy immune/lymph system.

8. Before your date with a girl, write down 3-5 things to talk about on a card, and keep it in your back pocket (so you KNOW it is there, and you can use it if you want) Thank you Neil.

9. Healthy body leads to better sex, and performance.

10. First impressions count. Dress for success. Wrap the package.

11. Wear a condom with new girls. Always. Always. Always. (My friend just got gonnhorea)

12. Think for yourself.

13. Turn off the TV. (Even though it doesn;t SEEM like it is influencing you, it is.)

14. Watch high-value information products istead of TV

15. When your inner world is exciting and sexy, so will be your outer world.

Post your life lessons, we surely would like to read.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Don't take life too seriously. It's very easy to be caught up in all this DJ and getting woman, worrying about your future or your job. If you're able to end everyday having a laugh at your stuff ups and finding something good from the day while learning from your mistakes, you're already half way there.