Lay Report + Texting tips


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hardly see any lay reports since I've been back here.. been on this forum since 2007, and I used to see at least one a week back in the day! We need to share our experiences and help these young lads.

This is a lay report from my most recent plate. She's basically in the FWB zone now, she is aware of this and is fine with it. To paint a picture, she is 27, single mom, works a lot, so pretty much any free time that isn't spent with her kid is usually with me. She still hasn't let me meet her kid, but she lets me go to her house at midnight to pound her brains out.. anyway.. let's go back to the beginning.

I met her on Bumble. Recently, I've grown quite a liking to Bumble.. the girl initiates the conversation, so you already know she is interested. Cuts a lot of the BS in half.

I'm going to outline a few key points through our conversations, there is way too much to retype everything.. but I'm going to out line a few key moments that I think were pivotal moments towards getting the lay.

Bumble convo:

Her: Hi how are you :)
Me: Hey there :) are you really 5'0? I'm like an entire foot taller than you lol. You're still cute though :) how are you doing?
Her: :) haha pretty much but I can manage I'm good just have to work today how are you
[Small talk about where she works etc..]

^ I think it's pretty obvious what I did here. A simple C+F joking about her height, but still giving her a compliment to show interest. She easily takes the bait.

Her: I closed last night and I work in the AM so I don't look my best today.
Me: I'm sure you look great [More small talk]

We get into talking about our kids.. my daughter is 7, she mentions her son is 6.

Me: [More small talk] That's cool.. they are pretty close in age then. Maybe they can play date and he'll let me hang out with his super hot mom :)
Her: No way really you're a keep I can't let you go already
Her: Sorry if that was a little too much didn't mean to sound all creepy how was your dinner

^ Some might say I give out too many compliments.. but this is also been my style.. be unapologetically sexual, and make it obvious what you want. She was obviously very receptive to it, and was dishing it right back.. so it felt natural, and we were definitely vibing.

I left this message linger, and didn't respond until the next morning.

Me: Good morning :) no it wasn't too much. You should text me #111-111-1111 it's easier to get a hold of me that way
Her: Ok I did

^ Now the conversation moves from Bumble to text..

Her: Morning handsome it's [Name]
Me: Hey you :) how are you doing, wasn't sure if your name was [NAME] or [ALT NAME], so it's spelt .....?
Her: Blah blah..
Me: Ok, just wondering what I should put you in my phone as
[I Send a screen shot with her name saved with a <3 behind it]
Her: A heart huh, nice touch so what should I put your name under then
Me: Scars <3333333333
Her: So like that [She sends screen shot and actually does it..]

^ At this point, I know her attraction is really high. I need to start setting the frame for a meet up..

[There is some more small talk about what we do, our kids, general life in quaratine etc.. I also got her to send me a couple pictures.. not nude or anything, but I was able to compliment her smile, and call her "sexy mama" some more.. she is really eating it up at this point.]

I ask her what her schedule is like and when we can hang out, she says Tuesday.

Her: So what is it you want to do?
Me: I don't really care, I just wanna see you
Her: I mean if you wanna see me that badly you can just come over when my son goes to sleep

[HUGE Alarm bell goes off here.. this is basically a woman telling you she is DTF without actually saying it.. I know it's game on from this point]

Me: Yes please :)
Her: Haha, I'm going to bed, text me tomorrow

Me: [Sends a picture of some BBQ I made]
Her: I mean looks good but I rather have a pic of you

[I think take a cheesy mirror pic, but I made sure to wear grey sweat pants, and I gave myself a half chub to give it that "bulge" look. Looking back on it now, it's kind of obvious what I did.. lol, but she either didn't notice, or care.. because she just sends a bunch of heart eyes back and compliments me.

Her: I just wanna make sure I'm not being catfished
Me: What's your snap?
Her: {username}
Me: If I add it, it's not gonna ask me to pay for premium is it?
Her: I wish I was thatr hot
Me: You are (fire) (fire)
Her: Maybe I should try snap premium jkjk
Me: I'd buy it :)

I really like this point of the conversation because it starts to turn sexual..

Me: What are you doing?
Her: just laying in bed
Me: Teasseee
Her: How is that teasing, teasing you would be telling you I'm naked in bed
Me: Well, are you?
Her: Maybe :)

[A little more sexual banter back and forth]

Her: You're so freaking cute I just wanna kiss you
Me: I would have kissed you 20 minutes ago if I could have, actually no, way sooner than that
Her: Way sooner I like that answer
Me: We'd be on round 3 by now
Her: Oh really you can recharge that fast huh lol
Me: Who says I ever stop?
Her: Ok a man that can last long I like which means you can make *** more than once ;)

[As soon as she said this ****, that's when I knew.. she was coming over to fvck, and I need to get over ASAP]

[We finally schedule a meet up, it happens to also be her birthday, and she is going out with friends for drinks later that night, but I told her to come to my house for a "birthday gift" first. I got her a bottle of crown apple, because she mentioned she liked it. If I hadn't known this was a for sure deal, I might not have done it.. but I did it anyway.]

So I'm not gonna lie here.. meeting her for the first time was a tad akward at first. She was a lot more shy in person, definitely. But we do a little small talk. I make sure to hug her when I first see her. I'm touching her a lot, like her arms during conversation, doing a lot of kino etc.. eventually it gets to a point where we're sitting on my couch, just talking, I have more arm around her, and I go in for the kiss. We make out for a good minute and then talk again. She then looks me in the eyes and says "So what do you want to do?" I knew this was code word for "let's ****.." so I grab her by the hand and guide her to my bedroom without even saying anything. I playfully push her back onto the bed and then climb on top of her and we start making out. After some grinding, the pants come off, and well, you know the rest..

Now she hits me up 1-2 times a week to sneak in and **** her in the middle of the night. She hasn't brought up any "so what are we" conversations or anything.. she seems pretty happy with the current situation, so if she isn't gonna push it, then neither will I.

Hopefully some of you guys can analyze what I did here and gain some insightful tips..

Let's see some more fvck stories here boys!

Good luck


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Man you made me horny too while reading this report lol... She sounds great. You were "in the green" from the start so you turning it into a suspenseful play by play was pretty funny haha. I only wish i could match for shyt too.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
Great initiative, definately need more lay-reports with concrete examples on here. I also share your view on bumble. There is less attention whoring going on compared to for example tinder. Girls invest more, so they seem to be somewhat more serious to meet up, the only downside is location and where you live. Here in europe it's not as popular so you run out of girls to swipe pretty fast.

As for the text game, tbh here is where i feel you had her:

Her: Hi how are you :)
Already shows very high interest putting that smiley there, i kinda know what kind of woman i'm dealing with at that point. She's attracted to your pictures and/or bio and it doesn't need alot of magical words to get her to where you want from there.
From then on, as usual it's about not fvcking it up by doing things like coming off as creepy, overinvest, be a douchebag, boring, needy etc. A woman like this gives you alot more room for potential mistakes.

One important point here is that you've children of similar age, i think you're considered a perfect match from the get-go in her eyes because of that.
You choose to take it longer than necessary, going to text is a good move, going to snap from there was overkill but she was willing to comply with whatever you were throwing at her. Other than that too many smileys, compliments and personally i don't do the "good morning :)" and hearts thing but you've to develop your own style. On the good side you do a good job of staying positive and light hearted, you make her feel special and you're leading. It's a good vibe.

Her: I mean if you wanna see me that badly you can just come over when my son goes to sleep
She was basically begging for the D as overt as a woman can be at this point.

All in all, thank you for sharing, well done. I'm sure you could have gotten to your goal alot sooner. Keep up the good work.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Great initiative, definately need more lay-reports with concrete examples on here. I also share your view on bumble. There is less attention whoring going on compared to for example tinder. Girls invest more, so they seem to be somewhat more serious to meet up, the only downside is location and where you live. Here in europe it's not as popular so you run out of girls to swipe pretty fast.

As for the text game, tbh here is where i feel you had her:

Already shows very high interest putting that smiley there, i kinda know what kind of woman i'm dealing with at that point. She's attracted to your pictures and/or bio and it doesn't need alot of magical words to get her to where you want from there.
From then on, as usual it's about not fvcking it up by doing things like coming off as creepy, overinvest, be a douchebag, boring, needy etc. A woman like this gives you alot more room for potential mistakes.

One important point here is that you've children of similar age, i think you're considered a perfect match from the get-go in her eyes because of that.
You choose to take it longer than necessary, going to text is a good move, going to snap from there was overkill but she was willing to comply with whatever you were throwing at her. Other than that too many smileys, compliments and personally i don't do the "good morning :)" and hearts thing but you've to develop your own style. On the good side you do a good job of staying positive and light hearted, you make her feel special and you're leading. It's a good vibe.

She was basically begging for the D as overt as a woman can be at this point.

All in all, thank you for sharing, well done. I'm sure you could have gotten to your goal alot sooner. Keep up the good work.
Wait, youre in europe? Which country?


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Very nice bro. It's always great to see Lay Reports on here.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2020
Reaction score
I matched with a girl on hinge, right after reading this. She opened with the same exact thing yours did. She was also 5'0" so I stole your opening line without the emojis. Worked pretty well. We had some light conversation about whats going on in the world. I told her she is "smarter than she looks."
Her: "Hahah do I not looks smart?" with a couple emojis
Me: "I'm curious about you. Not sure why. Heres my number xxx-xxx-xxxx. Text me.

She went silent. I received a text from her around midnight with her number. I was asleep. I am at work now so haven't texted her back. When you guys give a girl your number on a dating app do they usually take a while to respond? A lot of times they might not respond till the next day for me, but they usually give me theirs. Just have to be patient.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
I matched with a girl on hinge, right after reading this. She opened with the same exact thing yours did. She was also 5'0" so I stole your opening line without the emojis. Worked pretty well. We had some light conversation about whats going on in the world. I told her she is "smarter than she looks."
Her: "Hahah do I not looks smart?" with a couple emojis
Me: "I'm curious about you. Not sure why. Heres my number xxx-xxx-xxxx. Text me.

She went silent. I received a text from her around midnight with her number. I was asleep. I am at work now so haven't texted her back. When you guys give a girl your number on a dating app do they usually take a while to respond? A lot of times they might not respond till the next day for me, but they usually give me theirs. Just have to be patient.
With this girl she texted me almost immediately, but she is a fast texter. Some girls will sit on it for a day, or wait a little bit of time to not seem "needy" (Yes, girls try to run "game" on guys as well sometimes).

If she texted you, that shows signs of interest. I would not worry about how long it took. There could be a number of reasons why it took her a little extra time. Don't waste time trying to analyze it, just keep moving forward. Although, from this point forward, if she isn't texting back within a day, or 2 (tops), then I would see that as a sign of disrespect. But don't try to analyze why it took her so long the first time.. she could have been busy, or maybe just nervous about texting first.

I try to always give my number first though. I get to probe her interest, and it sets her into my frame. I had complete control the entire time.

Good luck and keep us updated my dude


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2020
Reaction score
I texted her around 6:30-7:00 last night. I asked her how her day has been. No response. Maybe she wasn't that interested. Maybe she found someone else.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
Hardly see any lay reports since I've been back here.. been on this forum since 2007, and I used to see at least one a week back in the day! We need to share our experiences and help these young lads.

This is a lay report from my most recent plate. She's basically in the FWB zone now, she is aware of this and is fine with it. To paint a picture, she is 27, single mom, works a lot, so pretty much any free time that isn't spent with her kid is usually with me. She still hasn't let me meet her kid, but she lets me go to her house at midnight to pound her brains out.. anyway.. let's go back to the beginning.

I met her on Bumble. Recently, I've grown quite a liking to Bumble.. the girl initiates the conversation, so you already know she is interested. Cuts a lot of the BS in half.

I'm going to outline a few key points through our conversations, there is way too much to retype everything.. but I'm going to out line a few key moments that I think were pivotal moments towards getting the lay.

Bumble convo:

Her: Hi how are you :)
Me: Hey there :) are you really 5'0? I'm like an entire foot taller than you lol. You're still cute though :) how are you doing?
Her: :) haha pretty much but I can manage I'm good just have to work today how are you
[Small talk about where she works etc..]

^ I think it's pretty obvious what I did here. A simple C+F joking about her height, but still giving her a compliment to show interest. She easily takes the bait.

Her: I closed last night and I work in the AM so I don't look my best today.
Me: I'm sure you look great [More small talk]

We get into talking about our kids.. my daughter is 7, she mentions her son is 6.

Me: [More small talk] That's cool.. they are pretty close in age then. Maybe they can play date and he'll let me hang out with his super hot mom :)
Her: No way really you're a keep I can't let you go already
Her: Sorry if that was a little too much didn't mean to sound all creepy how was your dinner

^ Some might say I give out too many compliments.. but this is also been my style.. be unapologetically sexual, and make it obvious what you want. She was obviously very receptive to it, and was dishing it right back.. so it felt natural, and we were definitely vibing.

I left this message linger, and didn't respond until the next morning.

Me: Good morning :) no it wasn't too much. You should text me #111-111-1111 it's easier to get a hold of me that way
Her: Ok I did

^ Now the conversation moves from Bumble to text..

Her: Morning handsome it's [Name]
Me: Hey you :) how are you doing, wasn't sure if your name was [NAME] or [ALT NAME], so it's spelt .....?
Her: Blah blah..
Me: Ok, just wondering what I should put you in my phone as
[I Send a screen shot with her name saved with a <3 behind it]
Her: A heart huh, nice touch so what should I put your name under then
Me: Scars <3333333333
Her: So like that [She sends screen shot and actually does it..]

^ At this point, I know her attraction is really high. I need to start setting the frame for a meet up..

[There is some more small talk about what we do, our kids, general life in quaratine etc.. I also got her to send me a couple pictures.. not nude or anything, but I was able to compliment her smile, and call her "sexy mama" some more.. she is really eating it up at this point.]

I ask her what her schedule is like and when we can hang out, she says Tuesday.

Her: So what is it you want to do?
Me: I don't really care, I just wanna see you
Her: I mean if you wanna see me that badly you can just come over when my son goes to sleep

[HUGE Alarm bell goes off here.. this is basically a woman telling you she is DTF without actually saying it.. I know it's game on from this point]

Me: Yes please :)
Her: Haha, I'm going to bed, text me tomorrow

Me: [Sends a picture of some BBQ I made]
Her: I mean looks good but I rather have a pic of you

[I think take a cheesy mirror pic, but I made sure to wear grey sweat pants, and I gave myself a half chub to give it that "bulge" look. Looking back on it now, it's kind of obvious what I did.. lol, but she either didn't notice, or care.. because she just sends a bunch of heart eyes back and compliments me.

Her: I just wanna make sure I'm not being catfished
Me: What's your snap?
Her: {username}
Me: If I add it, it's not gonna ask me to pay for premium is it?
Her: I wish I was thatr hot
Me: You are (fire) (fire)
Her: Maybe I should try snap premium jkjk
Me: I'd buy it :)

I really like this point of the conversation because it starts to turn sexual..

Me: What are you doing?
Her: just laying in bed
Me: Teasseee
Her: How is that teasing, teasing you would be telling you I'm naked in bed
Me: Well, are you?
Her: Maybe :)

[A little more sexual banter back and forth]

Her: You're so freaking cute I just wanna kiss you
Me: I would have kissed you 20 minutes ago if I could have, actually no, way sooner than that
Her: Way sooner I like that answer
Me: We'd be on round 3 by now
Her: Oh really you can recharge that fast huh lol
Me: Who says I ever stop?
Her: Ok a man that can last long I like which means you can make *** more than once ;)

[As soon as she said this ****, that's when I knew.. she was coming over to fvck, and I need to get over ASAP]

[We finally schedule a meet up, it happens to also be her birthday, and she is going out with friends for drinks later that night, but I told her to come to my house for a "birthday gift" first. I got her a bottle of crown apple, because she mentioned she liked it. If I hadn't known this was a for sure deal, I might not have done it.. but I did it anyway.]

So I'm not gonna lie here.. meeting her for the first time was a tad akward at first. She was a lot more shy in person, definitely. But we do a little small talk. I make sure to hug her when I first see her. I'm touching her a lot, like her arms during conversation, doing a lot of kino etc.. eventually it gets to a point where we're sitting on my couch, just talking, I have more arm around her, and I go in for the kiss. We make out for a good minute and then talk again. She then looks me in the eyes and says "So what do you want to do?" I knew this was code word for "let's ****.." so I grab her by the hand and guide her to my bedroom without even saying anything. I playfully push her back onto the bed and then climb on top of her and we start making out. After some grinding, the pants come off, and well, you know the rest..

Now she hits me up 1-2 times a week to sneak in and **** her in the middle of the night. She hasn't brought up any "so what are we" conversations or anything.. she seems pretty happy with the current situation, so if she isn't gonna push it, then neither will I.

Hopefully some of you guys can analyze what I did here and gain some insightful tips..

Let's see some more fvck stories here boys!

Good luck
Good stuff. I think your post goes to show that the "get in and get a date and stop texting" strategy that is sometimes espoused on here quite often doesn't always have to be what you do. Like you, I have actually had some better luck with (more) rapport building lately. And like you, I have found that the girls I meet on Bumble are typically higher quality than other sites and usually WANT to talk to you more before you meet (which is fine).


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2020
Reaction score
Good stuff. I think your post goes to show that the "get in and get a date and stop texting" strategy that is sometimes espoused on here quite often doesn't always have to be what you do. Like you, I have actually had some better luck with (more) rapport building lately. And like you, I have found that the girls I meet on Bumble are typically higher quality than other sites and usually WANT to talk to you more before you meet (which is fine).
I think the key is to keep things moving forward. Send a few messages back and forth then move it to texting. Then move it to a phone conversation or try to pin a time to meet. I have not had much luck since the lock down started, but before I would screen girls out with a phone conversation. Saved me from wasting my time meeting up with a few psychos.

I have talked to a few women during this pandemic, but I have not had any success. It's most likely due to me not escalating things properly. Every conversation seems to fizzle out. Either I lose interest or they do. I don't enjoy talking through text messages at all.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2020
Reaction score
I think that one was a dud. I am staying away from OLD. I am finding that any time I meet resistance / have to put work into trying to get someone out I end up just nexting them. I feel like there is too many options. I am constantly talking to multiple women on there. I find myself only hooking up with the easy girls that are only good for sex. I felt like it was also interfering with my work life / hobbies because I would constantly want to swipe women to see who the next match was going to be. Plus I would be in multiple conversation threads with women. I just don't have the time for that. There have been quite a few women where I got their numbers and then just ghosted because I lost interest. So i had to ask myself why am I even doing this.

Things are starting to reopen here. I am starting to meet more women out in different social circles. I am finding its so much easier to build a connection with someone of value this way. It feels overall more rewarding to meet women doing offline activities.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I am staying away from OLD. I am finding that any time I meet resistance / have to put work into trying to get someone out I end up just nexting them.

I feel like there is too many options. I am constantly talking to multiple women on there. I find myself only hooking up with the easy girls that are only good for sex. I felt like it was also interfering with my work life / hobbies because I would constantly want to swipe women to see who the next match was going to be.

Plus I would be in multiple conversation threads with women. I just don't have the time for that. There have been quite a few women where I got their numbers and then just ghosted because I lost interest. So i had to ask myself why am I even doing this.
What you describe is how most women think about swipe app dating multiplied by about a factor of 50.

Women ghost conversations because there are too many options. Women ghost first dates because the guy wasn't a Top 5% income earner with big muscles and there wasn't all the butterflies in the world. Women have extreme fussiness on apps because their swipe queues are long and have a lot of messages in the inbox.

Things are starting to reopen here. I am starting to meet more women out in different social circles. I am finding its so much easier to build a connection with someone of value this way. It feels overall more rewarding to meet women doing offline activities.
You're absolutely correct that meeting women offline is more rewarding. The women who meet men offline likely feel that as well. It is healthier.