Lack of sleep/energy = crappy times...


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2005
Reaction score
So for some damn reason, I have Foot In Mouth Desease. I just always say stupid **** that blows a good conversation no matter the subject.
Sometimes it is about something new I have never heard about. Hell there are more conversations that are sexual and such that I had no idea even existed. I finally learn what one was and five more come up. I know that Silence is golden but if I am never the one to speak up in a conversation it just seams that I end up being the oddball left out whether the person knows me or not. This comes up in any conversation over anything but is worst when I have the chance to be funny or we are just BSing about recient events. Its like I have no idea what is taboo and what isnt. This in turn runed it with my past gf who took a few things I said completely the wrong way (and is a bit over serious about herself).

Some days I can be on it. Just relaxed, having fun, say the funniest crap at the right time, its all good. But these days are extremely rair and far apart. I like to blame it on the fact that I just dont get enough sleep. When I get a real good nights rest (once a month or so lol) I am just relaxed and have a great day, but due to school, sleeping like crap even though I have a full 8 in front of me, and such I just turn into a stupid talkin zombie of sorts.
When Im tired it just brings out the worst in me for God knows what reason, and this really complicates it even more when most of all the good social times I get are at night. It will effect me from anything social, dancing, etc.

Maby its the stress from school and the fact that I can neever just get my mind to STFU when im tring to hit the hay. But are there any ideas on how to switch things around?

A few friends of mine are able to keep sane at almost all times of the day while I fizzle out about 5 min past noon. Im thinking of trying some of thoes 5Hr energy things, trying to change my sleeping habbits and such, and a whole variety of other things but it will all be slowish going. Anyone else have a similar problem?

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
yeh i get lack of sleep has well man and i also blame lack of sleep for a reason not to approach. It is crap u can still approach tired, u r not on top of ur game, but still u should approach no matter the circumstances. If u make a mistake u live with it and make the best of what u got. U r probally going to b tired again tommorow, so jus get out of bed, work hard and do all the things u want and when u get home u will b shattered. Then u get a early rest and u r in the right sleeping pattern and on top of ur game next day.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2005
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Its not a problem with my game, but since the sport season im in right now has me seeing alot of people I know and a few i like, I would like to be the cool, fun guy to see at the next event other than that dumbass whatshisname. I can pick up all the women I want when im rested and I can still pull some when im tired, but the quality I can keep myself for them drops dramaticly. I really link it to being stressed. If im rested, Im relaxed and all the good stuff comes out smoothly and without effort. When im tired I try to think too much and end up always saying the wrong thing.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
o then get some sleep haha, pretty obvious answer man. I noticed i did crap in physics at college and stuff when i was tired and my coursework. I did a spreadsheet i could do in 30 mins in 6 hours when i missed a whole day sleep. U know what u got to do man and i would also say don't watch to much tv or play computer because they r sort of things that keep u awake.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
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In the club/bars
do you work out at all man??? sounds like you're just lethargic... If you're in a slump and don't use any of the energy your body creates then your body has no reason to create that energy.

start working out... running... anything that makes you sweat, breath hard and makes your muscles feel good with that special ache.

It might make you feel even more tired for the first couple of days (but at least this time its justified) but eventually natural energy and "feel good" vibe will be coursing through your veins again.... Oh and you will sleep better at night. :yes:


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
I second the idea of working out. The earlier in the morning the better -- it charges you up for the rest of the day. If you are new to it, work your way up... but just like with approaching, you gradually want to get to a point where you are going pretty hardcore with your workouts. Your body will adapt.

The second part to that is nutrition. Really truly clean up your diet. Eat clean as much as possible. That simply means, no processed foods, colas, etc. As natural as possible. Our bodies are evolved to eat lean meats, grains and legumes, fresh vegetables. We are not designed to be drinking coke and eating twinkies -- besides the obvious (fat content, sugar content, etc), processed foods also contain chemicals that gradually build up in your body and contribute to all sorts of things ranging from lethargy to disease. So... clean up your diet! And drink tons of water. If you think you are drinking enough... drink more! It makes a world of difference, just try it for a week and you'll see.

As far as the actual technical aspect of sleep goes, I have found that THE best method to getting on a proper sleep schedule is to get up at the same time, every morning, including the weekends. No sleeping in, no changing the time based on the day... same time everyday. This accomplishes many things. Firstly, your body will start to adapt, and you will gradually get into a pattern. If you get up everyday at 6am, your body will prepare you for that. If you are getting up at different times everyday, sometimes early sometimes late, your body won't prepare. So when you get up at the same time everyday, no matter what, your body will naturally make you tired when the time comes. The key here is DON'T GO TO BED AT THE SAME TIME EVERY NIGHT. Rather, ONLY go to bed when you are tired. Some nights you'll have a little more energy, other nights, not so much. The only solid factor should be the time at which you awake. Once you get into this habit, your body will fall into a natural cycle.

Good luck.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2005
Reaction score
What is funny is im not Physically tired 90% of the time. I do workout enough that that is not an issue (I am on the waterski team and am up and at practice early mon,wed,friday. It keeps me in shape and it feels great to be on the water no matter what time of day or what you have going on. For the most part it would be sleep related issues, though its so damn hard to get on a sleep cycle that my brain wont wake me up 30 before the alarm no matter what its set at. Each day I need to wake up at a different time but its the getting to sleep part that i have the hardest time with. I dont know what it is but for the last 2 weeks, I hit the hay at about 9PM or 10. but when im in bed i toss and turn almost all night. Its like i am asleep... but im just awake enough to notice every sound and such. Like what you are just before you wake up in the morning, but for me it is all night.

Im thinking its partally the change in weather and my bed setup.. I do plan to move upstairs in my fams sorta appartment in our shop which will be the closest thing to living out of the house without leaving the properity, hopefully then the quiet of living by myself will help me leaps and bounds.

Anyway ill keep you guys posted.

Today just after work I gave one of thoes little 5HR energy thing a shot. I have to say that I am not neccessairly energized, but i am more alert and can actually study where normally i would be falling alseep studying business law lol. A few buds use these things on thoes late night party's so i might have to give one a wirl at the next one. Untill then sleep is a pritority no matter how hard it is to get.

Dont you wish we didnt have to sleep. Its a great thing to do but at the same time so inconvient. I would enjoy sleep more if I was awake to enjoy it.