

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
1. Vulgarity

Being vulgar, crass is a habit of peasants. This isn’t noble. It’s not how a man carry’s himself. Refrain from excessive vulgarity. It makes you come off as a commoner. Speak positively. Speak life. Kind words of compassion. If you have no kind words, use no words.

2. Self Deprecation

Words are spells. This is why we call it spelling. You keep speaking negatively about yourself it becomes reality. “I missed that turn, I’m such a dumbaśs” no you aren’t. You are a man who missed a turn. We do not allow others to talk to us negatively we must eliminate talking to ourselves negatively.

3. Ownership

From this day forth everything that happens in life is your fault. Your rough child hood, the girl who broke your heart, the bully’s in school. Let it go. You now are self aware and have full control of the steering wheel. Any way that you feel like you are lacking in life is your responsibility to fix.

4. Excuses

There are no excuses. You either completed the task or you did not. See life as a video game. You have goals and there are only two outcomes. Mission failed or Mission complete. Doesn’t matter what obstacles got in your way. Find a way to defeat them. If you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again. Until you do.

5. Kindness

Real men are kind, they help old ladies across the street, they cut their neighbors grass when he is battling an illness, and they do this while expecting nothing in return. Be the change in the world. A kind word. Mentor. That kid in your neighborhood who is headed down the wrong path, take him under your wing. Teach him manhood. Be a super hero in your own community.

6. Give Back

Many of us on this forum are successful. I know their are several engineers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and law enforcement. I ask you give back to the community. Volunteer, start a school supply drive. Don’t just use your connections for your own benefit. Help out. We live in a time where male leadership is needed.

7. Modesty

You make $150,000 a year in a low COL area. Do you really need a 5 bedroom house and Porsche? If you are into cars by all means, but are you really just buying it to show your status? You can afford it easily but does it really bring value to your life? Live below your means. Be humble. Don’t ever let your success go to your head. The world will respect you for it.

8. The meek shall inherit the earth

The quote in the Bible says the meek will inherit the earth. However, historians say this is a poor translation. The correct translation is “He who has a sword and knows how to use it yet keeps it sheathed shall inherit the earth.“
Be a beast. Be strong, but be humble, be quiet and be calm.

9. Lead

When things go well give all the credit to the colleagues who helped. When things go poorly be the first one to step up and take the responsibility and say I.
I could have worked harder, I could have put more effort, the failure is mine.
This is a leader.

10. Treasure Loneliness

Whenever you feel lonely, plans fell through. She flaked. Do not despair. Celebrate, for now you have time to work on yourself. Knock out 10 chapters of that book. Get an additional workout in on a muscle group that’s lagging behind. Use loneliness as a tool. There is always worked to be done. Never be upset because you find yourself alone, rejoice.

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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
More about #8:

The 19th century theologian James Strong argued in his Strong's Concordance #4239 that the Greek word praus (πραεῖς) means mild or gentle, but it is not suggesting weakness but instead the way power is handled. It is "strength under control". It is demonstrating power without undue harshness. The English language does not have a word that translates conveying both gentleness and power together. But perhaps the word "mercy" or "merciful" comes close to describing the exercise of power that is "strength under control


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
1. Vulgarity

Being vulgar, crass is a habit of peasants. This isn’t noble. It’s not how a man carry’s himself. Refrain from excessive vulgarity. It makes you come off as a commoner. Speak positively. Speak life. Kind words of compassion. If you have no kind words, use no words.

2. Self Deprecation

Words are spells. This is why we call it spelling. You keep speaking negatively about yourself it becomes reality. “I missed that turn, I’m such a dumbaśs” no you aren’t. You are a man who missed a turn. We do not allow others to talk to us negatively we must eliminate talking to ourselves negatively.

3. Ownership

From this day forth everything that happens in life is your fault. Your rough child hood, the girl who broke your heart, the bully’s in school. Let it go. You now are self aware and have full control of the steering wheel. Any way that you feel like you are lacking in life is your responsibility to fix.

4. Excuses

There are no excuses. You either completed the task or you did not. See life as a video game. You have goals and there are only two outcomes. Mission failed or Mission complete. Doesn’t matter what obstacles got in your way. Find a way to defeat them. If you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again. Until you do.

5. Kindness

Real men are kind, they help old ladies across the street, they cut their neighbors grass when he is battling an illness, and they do this while expecting nothing in return. Be the change in the world. A kind word. Mentor. That kid in your neighborhood who is headed down the wrong path, take him under your wing. Teach him manhood. Be a super hero in your own community.

6. Give Back

Many of us on this forum are successful. I know their are several engineers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and law enforcement. I ask you give back to the community. Volunteer, start a school supply drive. Don’t just use your connections for your own benefit. Help out. We live in a time where male leadership is needed.

7. Modesty

You make $150,000 a year in a low COL area. Do you really need a 5 bedroom house and Porsche? If you are into cars by all means, but are you really just buying it to show your status? You can afford it easily but does it really bring value to your life? Live below your means. Be humble. Don’t ever let your success go to your head. The world will respect you for it.

8. The meek shall inherit the earth

The in the bible says the meek will inherit the earth. However, historians say this is a poor translation. The correct translation is “He who has a sword and knows how to use it yet keeps it sheathed shall inherit the earth.“
Be a beast. Be strong, but be humble, be quiet and be calm.

9. Lead

When things go well give all the credit to the colleagues who helped. When things go poorly be the first one to step up and take the responsibility and say I.
I could have worked harder, I could have put more effort, the failure is mine.
This is a leader.

10. Treasure Loneliness

Whenever you feel lonely, plans fell through. She flaked. Do not despair. Celebrate, for now you have time to work on yourself. Knock out 10 chapters of that book. Get an additional workout in on a muscle group that’s lagging behind. Use loneliness as a tool. There is always worked to be done. Never be upset because you find yourself alone, rejoice.

Great post and a very good guideline on how to live a good life.

I like the true Definition of 8

Quiet confidence it is how wise leader act, knowing they can get their way using force but choosing a better way.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Ehhhh, I’d be careful with that brother. This is just a form of masculine expression. It’s not the pure essence of man though, just one of the many archetypes. You can still be attractive without being a ‘King’, and oftentimes a man who is of less stature (societally, financially, culturally, etc.) will be more attractive anyway. That’s why single moms get knocked up by bums all the time but yet will still think they’re too good for you—those dudes had something about them you may not have had.

It’s dependent on who you are and how much of who your personality matches who you are. What I mean is, if a man such as the one you described is seen as noble and powerful, another man may be seen as weak, egotistic, and insecure while displaying the same exact traits because of who/how he is. It’ll make it to where he’s just doing it wrong. Here are some examples:
1. Vulgarity

Being vulgar, crass is a habit of peasants. This isn’t noble. It’s not how a man carry’s himself. Refrain from excessive vulgarity. It makes you come off as a commoner. Speak positively. Speak life. Kind words of compassion. If you have no kind words, use no words.
Are you so weak such that you are afraid to speak your mind? Or maybe you’re afraid of offending people and hurting their feelings? This is not a man.
2. Self Deprecation

Words are spells. This is why we call it spelling. You keep speaking negatively about yourself it becomes reality. “I missed that turn, I’m such a dumbaśs” no you aren’t. You are a man who missed a turn. We do not allow others to talk to us negatively we must eliminate talking to ourselves negatively.
No one likes a man who takes himself too seriously. Having such an ego and seriousness to you makes everyone around you uncomfortable because you always make the situation tense. If you’re not able to poke fun at yourself every once in a while or even take a joke, you’re not a very fun person to be around. It just reeks of insecurity. Being light-hearted makes people feel more comfortable around you and feel that they can be more free around you, and that I KEY for getting women to put their guards down around you and for getting people to like you and enjoy being around you.
3. Ownership

From this day forth everything that happens in life is your fault. Your rough child hood, the girl who broke your heart, the bully’s in school. Let it go. You now are self aware and have full control of the steering wheel. Any way that you feel like you are lacking in life is your responsibility to fix.
Everyone has urges, and no one is perfect really. You can’t account for everything, some things are just out of your control. Not everything bad that happens to you is your fault, so you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.
4. Excuses

There are no excuses. You either completed the task or you did not. See life as a video game. You have goals and there are only two outcomes. Mission failed or Mission complete. Doesn’t matter what obstacles got in your way. Find a way to defeat them. If you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again. Until you do.
Sometimes it’s just best to go with the flow and take things as they come so that if things don’t always go your way, hey it’s not the end of the world. You can’t control everything, nor should you try to. Some things just are.
5. Kindness

Real men are kind, they help old ladies across the street, they cut their neighbors grass when he is battling an illness, and they do this while expecting nothing in return. Be the change in the world. A kind word. Mentor. That kid in your neighborhood who is headed down the wrong path, take him under your wing. Teach him manhood. Be a super hero in your own community.
You can’t worry about others all the time, bad things happen and it’s just apart of life. The best way to teach someone is to have them learn on their own. Sometimes, the greatest kindness you can do for someone is to not do anything at all.
6. Give Back

Many of us on this forum are successful. I know their are several engineers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and law enforcement. I ask you give back to the community. Volunteer, start a school supply drive. Don’t just use your connections for your own benefit. Help out. We live in a time where male leadership is needed.
So many people just take and take and take. And in our modern society where men are hated the most, it’s best to just enjoy yourself and everything you’ve done in life. After all, YOU earned it, not them. Others shouldn’t have to piggyback off of your success, especially if they never appreciated you to begin with.
7. Modesty

You make $150,000 a year in a low COL area. Do you really need a 5 bedroom house and Porsche? If you are into cars by all means, but are you really just buying it to show your status? You can afford it easily but does it really bring value to your life? Live below your means. Be humble. Don’t ever let your success go to your head. The world will respect you for it.
Sometimes people won’t know who you are or won’t respect you unless they know what you’ve done. Many people are haters just trying to bring you down when they don’t even want to put work in themselves, so why should you have to live your life down just so that others don’t get jealous? It’s best to shut them up so that they don’t put others down. Plus, it’s always good to show the world that if you can do it, other people can too.
8. The meek shall inherit the earth

The quote in the Bible says the meek will inherit the earth. However, historians say this is a poor translation. The correct translation is “He who has a sword and knows how to use it yet keeps it sheathed shall inherit the earth.“
Be a beast. Be strong, but be humble, be quiet and be calm.
This is akin to that ‘nice guy’ facade that many dudes have. They’re nice on the outside, but viscious in the inside. They’re fake, and that’s not something anyone should be striving for.
9. Lead

When things go well give all the credit to the colleagues who helped. When things go poorly be the first one to step up and take the responsibility and say I.
I could have worked harder, I could have put more effort, the failure is mine.
This is a leader.
Ou shouldn’t put yourself in the limelight all the time, it builds up resentment. People start to think ‘who the hell put you in charge?’ And that’s not a good thing.
10. Treasure Loneliness

Whenever you feel lonely, plans fell through. She flaked. Do not despair. Celebrate, for now you have time to work on yourself. Knock out 10 chapters of that book. Get an additional workout in on a muscle group that’s lagging behind. Use loneliness as a tool. There is always worked to be done. Never be upset because you find yourself alone, rejoice.
Humans are social creatures. The worst punishment you can give to someone is to socially ostracize them. That’s why solitary confinement exists. If you want your social skills to improve, you have to socialize with others. Self-improvement is good, but having people behind you always makes it better. That’s why having a gym buddy is better than working out alone a lot of the time—they push you and you push them. You need to be with people. What’s the point in being a King if you don’t have people who can see you as such?

Now, I don’t fully believe any of the above in absolute. There’s a time and place to exhibit each of these. I only pointed out the converse to each point you made to show you that there is another way to live your life that is attractive to many other people. Like I said before, these are all just different forms of masculine expression. They aren’t the only forms.

The way to be most socially desireable and most powerful as a person and as a man is to explore all avenues of masculine expression until you start to understand what it really is. You could be the guy who takes charge (leadership) to get **** done (ambition), or you could be the laid-back guy (smooth and suave) who just doesn’t care because it doesn’t really matter to him (cool and confidence). Two complete opposites, both of whom exhibit attractive traits. Conversely, you could be the guy who takes charge (egomaniacal narcissist) to get **** done (self-serving/opportunistic), or you could be the laid-back guy (lazy) who just doesn’t care because it doesn’t really matter to him (unmotivated).

You have to find your own way, be your own person, write your own story. You could be the king in control of an empire, or you could be the general who wins every battle, or you could be the legendary warrior whom no one can defeat. All of these are great men, and all of these have a strength and greatness that is unlike the others. Which do you want to be? You have to ask what is it about them INSIDE makes them like this, not what they do on the outside. There’s nuance to everything. Be your own man. Who you are as a man shouldn’t be defined by others.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Ehhhh, I’d be careful with that brother. This is just a form of masculine expression. It’s not the pure essence of man though, just one of the many archetypes. You can still be attractive without being a ‘King’, and oftentimes a man who is of less stature (societally, financially, culturally, etc.) will be more attractive anyway. That’s why single moms get knocked up by bums all the time but yet will still think they’re too good for you—those dudes had something about them you may not have had.

It’s dependent on who you are and how much of who your personality matches who you are. What I mean is, if a man such as the one you described is seen as noble and powerful, another man may be seen as weak, egotistic, and insecure while displaying the same exact traits because of who/how he is. It’ll make it to where he’s just doing it wrong. Here are some examples:

Are you so weak such that you are afraid to speak your mind? Or maybe you’re afraid of offending people and hurting their feelings? This is not a man.

No one likes a man who takes himself too seriously. Having such an ego and seriousness to you makes everyone around you uncomfortable because you always make the situation tense. If you’re not able to poke fun at yourself every once in a while or even take a joke, you’re not a very fun person to be around. It just reeks of insecurity. Being light-hearted makes people feel more comfortable around you and feel that they can be more free around you, and that I KEY for getting women to put their guards down around you and for getting people to like you and enjoy being around you.

Everyone has urges, and no one is perfect really. You can’t account for everything, some things are just out of your control. Not everything bad that happens to you is your fault, so you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.

Sometimes it’s just best to go with the flow and take things as they come so that if things don’t always go your way, hey it’s not the end of the world. You can’t control everything, nor should you try to. Some things just are.

You can’t worry about others all the time, bad things happen and it’s just apart of life. The best way to teach someone is to have them learn on their own. Sometimes, the greatest kindness you can do for someone is to not do anything at all.

So many people just take and take and take. And in our modern society where men are hated the most, it’s best to just enjoy yourself and everything you’ve done in life. After all, YOU earned it, not them. Others shouldn’t have to piggyback off of your success, especially if they never appreciated you to begin with.

Sometimes people won’t know who you are or won’t respect you unless they know what you’ve done. Many people are haters just trying to bring you down when they don’t even want to put work in themselves, so why should you have to live your life down just so that others don’t get jealous? It’s best to shut them up so that they don’t put others down. Plus, it’s always good to show the world that if you can do it, other people can too.

This is akin to that ‘nice guy’ facade that many dudes have. They’re nice on the outside, but viscious in the inside. They’re fake, and that’s not something anyone should be striving for.

Ou shouldn’t put yourself in the limelight all the time, it builds up resentment. People start to think ‘who the hell put you in charge?’ And that’s not a good thing.

Humans are social creatures. The worst punishment you can give to someone is to socially ostracize them. That’s why solitary confinement exists. If you want your social skills to improve, you have to socialize with others. Self-improvement is good, but having people behind you always makes it better. That’s why having a gym buddy is better than working out alone a lot of the time—they push you and you push them. You need to be with people. What’s the point in being a King if you don’t have people who can see you as such?

Now, I don’t fully believe any of the above in absolute. There’s a time and place to exhibit each of these. I only pointed out the converse to each point you made to show you that there is another way to live your life that is attractive to many other people. Like I said before, these are all just different forms of masculine expression. They aren’t the only forms.

The way to be most socially desireable and most powerful as a person and as a man is to explore all avenues of masculine expression until you start to understand what it really is. You could be the guy who takes charge (leadership) to get **** done (ambition), or you could be the laid-back guy (smooth and suave) who just doesn’t care because it doesn’t really matter to him (cool and confidence). Two complete opposites, both of whom exhibit attractive traits. Conversely, you could be the guy who takes charge (egomaniacal narcissist) to get **** done (self-serving/opportunistic), or you could be the laid-back guy (lazy) who just doesn’t care because it doesn’t really matter to him (unmotivated).

You have to find your own way, be your own person, write your own story. You could be the king in control of an empire, or you could be the general who wins every battle, or you could be the legendary warrior whom no one can defeat. All of these are great men, and all of these have a strength and greatness that is unlike the others. Which do you want to be? You have to ask what is it about them INSIDE makes them like this, not what they do on the outside. There’s nuance to everything. Be your own man. Who you are as a man shouldn’t be defined by others.
With all due respect, the fact that you had an objection to every single one of these takes away the credibility of the counter arguments.. most of these aren’t solely my own discovery they’ve been quoted by numerous authors of much higher status than me numerous times!

You can find most of these in books such as “The Prince”, “48 laws of power”, and “The meditations of Marcus Aurelius”.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
I strongly disagree with #1. I used to speak my mind saying whatever I wanted when I was younger with no filter and I got great responses and had engaging interactions with others. Then I grew up and got a job where I have to be professional and positive all the time. I avoided confrontational topics and kept my interactions PC. Women hate this. I became a boring man who kept his true feelings inside. Recently I’ve been back to speaking my mind. I’m back to having engaging discussions and making women laugh at my crass jokes. Women want to be entertained, they don’t want some boring guy who is afraid to talk sh1t. Nothing is more attractive to women than an IDGAF attitude. Being vulgar and saying what you want is part of that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
I strongly disagree with #1. I used to speak my mind saying whatever I wanted when I was younger with no filter and I got great responses and had engaging interactions with others. Then I grew up and got a job where I have to be professional and positive all the time. I avoided confrontational topics and kept my interactions PC. Women hate this. I became a boring man who kept his true feelings inside. Recently I’ve been back to speaking my mind. I’m back to having engaging discussions and making women laugh at my crass jokes. Women want to be entertained, they don’t want some boring guy who is afraid to talk sh1t. Nothing is more attractive to women than an IDGAF attitude. Being vulgar and saying what you want is part of that.
Point taken, but be careful. I’ve seen it go both ways where guys can say a crass off color joke and the room erupts and I’ve seen guys try this and everyone just cringes. In group social settings with people you don’t know extraordinarily well I’d keep it PC.
You also don’t want the reputation as “the guy who is always saying inappropriate things because now you are a clown present for entertainment.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
With all due respect, the fact that you had an objection to every single one of these takes away the credibility of the counter arguments.
I don't know that he's saying your points are wrong exactly. Maybe he's just saying that there is more than one way to look at most things, which is true. Depends on your goals and personality.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
With all due respect, the fact that you had an objection to every single one of these takes away the credibility of the counter arguments.. most of these aren’t solely my own discovery they’ve been quoted by numerous authors of much higher status than me numerous times!

You can find most of these in books such as “The Prince”, “48 laws of power”, and “The meditations of Marcus Aurelius”.
Hold up bro, read this real quick:
Now, I don’t fully believe any of the above in absolute.
I meant this for my own counterpoints, not for your post. I don’t have a problem with what you wrote, just the defining of what a man is/should be. That’s why I presented all of those counter arguments. It’s just to show you that it isn’t these specific traits or any other that make you a (strong, powerful, attractive, etc.) man, but rather who/what/how you ARE internally.
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Jul 19, 2019
Reaction score
Speaking of profanity, what do you think of first and second dates where the woman cusses while talking? I've had a couple of those.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
I have always used loneliness as a tool..

I gave up on relationships a good while ago.. Smashing chicks and moving on is good enough for me.

In that rare occasion I feel lonely? I go to the gym and embrace the Iron.. I walk out from the gym feeling fukin amazing.

Fuk loneliness.. It's a temporary situation.. Use this time to develop and improve yourself.

Keep improving... You came into this world alone.. You may die alone.. Who fukin cares!

Keep pushing on!

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
Reaction score
Number 10 is my favorite. I love the feeling of getting things I need to do done instead of wasting time with people

Soldier King

Mar 8, 2020
Reaction score
Location forum to complete mission.
I agree with everything and really like your post Cola except the one.

I do think the meek will inherit the Earth. I'm not saying you have to hide your strength, but to be a man of peace is something I respect. Imagine a man that bought the world together and made it so people no longer fight, he couldn't do that with a sword, he has to appeal to people's hearts.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2020
Reaction score
1. Vulgarity

Being vulgar, crass is a habit of peasants. This isn’t noble. It’s not how a man carry’s himself. Refrain from excessive vulgarity. It makes you come off as a commoner. Speak positively. Speak life. Kind words of compassion. If you have no kind words, use no words.

2. Self Deprecation

Words are spells. This is why we call it spelling. You keep speaking negatively about yourself it becomes reality. “I missed that turn, I’m such a dumbaśs” no you aren’t. You are a man who missed a turn. We do not allow others to talk to us negatively we must eliminate talking to ourselves negatively.

3. Ownership

From this day forth everything that happens in life is your fault. Your rough child hood, the girl who broke your heart, the bully’s in school. Let it go. You now are self aware and have full control of the steering wheel. Any way that you feel like you are lacking in life is your responsibility to fix.

4. Excuses

There are no excuses. You either completed the task or you did not. See life as a video game. You have goals and there are only two outcomes. Mission failed or Mission complete. Doesn’t matter what obstacles got in your way. Find a way to defeat them. If you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again. Until you do.

5. Kindness

Real men are kind, they help old ladies across the street, they cut their neighbors grass when he is battling an illness, and they do this while expecting nothing in return. Be the change in the world. A kind word. Mentor. That kid in your neighborhood who is headed down the wrong path, take him under your wing. Teach him manhood. Be a super hero in your own community.

6. Give Back

Many of us on this forum are successful. I know their are several engineers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and law enforcement. I ask you give back to the community. Volunteer, start a school supply drive. Don’t just use your connections for your own benefit. Help out. We live in a time where male leadership is needed.

7. Modesty

You make $150,000 a year in a low COL area. Do you really need a 5 bedroom house and Porsche? If you are into cars by all means, but are you really just buying it to show your status? You can afford it easily but does it really bring value to your life? Live below your means. Be humble. Don’t ever let your success go to your head. The world will respect you for it.

8. The meek shall inherit the earth

The quote in the Bible says the meek will inherit the earth. However, historians say this is a poor translation. The correct translation is “He who has a sword and knows how to use it yet keeps it sheathed shall inherit the earth.“
Be a beast. Be strong, but be humble, be quiet and be calm.

9. Lead

When things go well give all the credit to the colleagues who helped. When things go poorly be the first one to step up and take the responsibility and say I.
I could have worked harder, I could have put more effort, the failure is mine.
This is a leader.

10. Treasure Loneliness

Whenever you feel lonely, plans fell through. She flaked. Do not despair. Celebrate, for now you have time to work on yourself. Knock out 10 chapters of that book. Get an additional workout in on a muscle group that’s lagging behind. Use loneliness as a tool. There is always worked to be done. Never be upset because you find yourself alone, rejoice.

Good stuff! Well done synopsis.