Keep at it, your hard work WILL pay off, it has for me!!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
So I've been putting a lot of work into inner game the past couple months and trying to work on getting more comfortable with women and more confident in general. A lot has happened recently that has boosted my confidence: I graduated school, I have a steady job that pays well, have just paid off all my debt and am starting to save up a safety net. I'm able to afford nice clothes now and am no longer tight on money.

Also a couple of months ago my social circle sort of fell apart, some friends moved away and my others got so busy with school and work since they're graduating this semester that I lost pretty much all of my friends at roughly the same time. At first it sucked but I took it as an opportunity to branch out, get some new friends and develop my social skills. And man has it paid off.

Before I only had a handful of friends to hit up, nobody would call me, I always felt needy calling people and asking to go hang out with them instead of taking the lead. Now I have a ton of friends, who respect me and hit me up and invite me out. I'm also much more confident with going places by myself, something I worked really hard at, and so now I am completely comfortable with going out to the bar or a movie or getting lunch/dinner by myself if nobody else is available/interested. I'm finally developing an independent mindset and it feels so great.

This has recently translated into a flood of women (well, for me, at least). Met a girl on new years that I've been fvcking. Met another girl at the bar that's super fvcking hot that's really into me, just almost got laid last night (girl was too drunk and puked hahahaha) and am working on two others. This has all come so fast but I'm loving it.

It's mind blowing how different life is when you're spinning plates. Nothing really matters anymore, if a girl does something I don't like I can just drop her and move on to another. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that I would ever have this mindset. If one girl isn't available I can just hit up another. It's exhilarating and my desperation is dropping like a rock.

I'm still not "there" yet, but I don't think anyone is, it's a never ending process of personal development. I'm still at times micromanaging my interactions with women, questioning myself and at times also acting desperate, but the rate at which that sh!t happens has really dropped. I'm learning to just be myself, and be good at it.

I still have very little experience cold approaching women, but now that I have this foundation laid I feel like I'm going to be much more comfortable approaching, and I'm going to capitalize on this hot streak I've had and start approaching a ton. I'm not going to let this opportunity slip by!

So if you're feeling like you're not getting anywhere, just keep at it. Stop focusing so much on women and just focus primarily on getting your own self and your own life sorted and the women will come with time. Be patient. Don't stress over it. Just learn to be yourself and be happy with yourself and everything will eventually fall into place! :rockon:


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2009
Reaction score
Congrats on the improvements! I graduated about a year ago and am facing some similar things as well. Most of my friends are moving away to start new careers. I moved into a new city and haven't been meeting as many people as I'd like. I need to start pushing myself more.

How did you tackle this? Did you join things or were the new friends mostly from work?


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
I am in the exact same boat, glad to see it does pay off if you keep at it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Greyed Out said:
How did you tackle this? Did you join things or were the new friends mostly from work?
I actually started just calling up old friends from school and people I haven't seen in a while and started hanging out with them, and made sure to get their friends' numbers and just built it from there.

The funny thing is that I didn't really think of it like a huge challenge or anything, it was more like "I don't have plans tonight I'm gonna call up xyz I haven't seen them in a while and hang out with them" and eventually I was able to just look back and be like "damn I changed a lot".

Meeting new people isn't difficult, just make sure that you get people's numbers and make sure to call them up asap, that's all there really is to it. Most people don't bother getting the phone number of a friend of a friend, for example, just do that.