Just got my ass kicked by first semester of college


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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I had mono for the first half of my first semester in college which coupled with the whole 'adjustment' to the freedom and not used to having to study so much really ****ed me over for my first semester. I gasped out loud when I got my report back... I barely pulled a 2.0. I know a lot of people say they screw up their first year of college, but I'm wondering if I should even continue. I mean a 2.0 is a horrible start.... is there any way I can salvage this and kick ass the rest of the 7 semesters and I'll be able to land a decent job?

Or what? I've heard multiple things, that its passable to fvck up your first semester of college and it happens to a lot of people and that if you can get good grades the rest of college it'll work out..... but I've also heard that if you fvck around the first year, that's it, no recovering.


I'm not going to say that college is right for you - because I don't know anything about you - but your GPA is easily salvageable.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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If you work hard, there is no reason as to why you shouldn't be able to bump your GPA up.

Also you can take summer school to replace some of the courses grades or increase your overall GPA.

2.0 is not the end of the world, I believe the previous president of the United States had this mark as well.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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my gpa was 1.7 my first semester and after that i almost enlisted in the marines. Then with a little change of fortune and some backstabbing by my recruiter i ended up back in school a week into the second term. I graduated with full honors summa *** laude.

Actually i didn't graduate summa *** laude but i did graduate. took a while to bring my gpa up but i did.

Some of my friends i knew/know transferred schools, some transferred programs/majors and by doing that their gpa's started over from scratch. Ask around, ask some friends or career advisers/counselors for opinions.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
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I'm still looking
I just finished my first semester of university as well. I'm just going to say all this "adjustment and getting used to freedom" being used as an excuse is horse $hit. To a degree it holds true in regard to becoming familar with the pace and work load at the university level, but students know well in advance the warnings from parents and teachers about the amount of free time and rigour of classes before you even register for university classes. The freshman classes are your easiest ones; imagine how you will do 2 years down the road when you take 3xxx -5xxx level classes.

Something I learned first semester that will be invaluable later on is to treat college as a full time job even if it doesn't feel like it. You probably go to class on average 3 hours a day, so spend 3-5 more hours outside of class each day doing homework and/or just reading the textbook. If you have a part time job you either have less free time or less study time. Trust me, it does suck but after a while you get used to it. Better than going home and telling your folks you got kicked out of school. This semester went pretty well for me, but there is always room for improvement if I didn't get strait A's.

I set up my schedule where most of my classes start at 8 or 9 in the morning and I do my best to limit the amount of gaps inbetween classes. For example, my schedule for spring has me going 9 AM -1 PM on M+W for two classes, but there is a 2 hour gap inbetween so during that time I will be hitting the books instead of napping. Then after one I'll study until 3 PM - 5 PM with a few breaks inbetween; no later no less. Then I have the evenings to relax and do whatever. Keeps me from going insane and I won't have to stay up late to do homework. Fridays kick ass because I have class from 8 AM - 11 AM with no gaps inbetween and odds are I won't do any work outside of class on Fridays unless I really have to.

Don't think that I always did that though. 25% of the time I said fvck it and decided to slack off. Tends to happen after midterms and near the end of the week like on Thursdays and Fridays. I need to work on that for next semester. As long as people go to class and do the homework they should be fine. Classes can be very hard even if you really work at it, but if you choose to make them hard because you don't want to study then you are making a big mistake.


Not to sound like a b!tch, but were you really at all suprised how your term went? I keep track of all the grades I have gotten in all my classes during the semester to give me a rough estimate of how I am doing. My actual GPA was higher than my estimate after finals were over. The fact that you gasped at your semester marks when you got them kind of shows that you didn't care much during the semester. I've seen your other topics and it seems like you have girls on the top of your priority list with your recent gf issues. Girls come and go, but you can't erase your transcript. A lot of the mature men will say that girls should be a part of your life and not the main focus, if you don't want to listen to me then listen to them. Don't mess school up because you have the hots for a chick. It's college, probably wouldn't last anyway.

I'm not going to tell you if you should continue with school or not, but you can still salvage this. Your GPA won't be perfect but if you literally kick ass from now on employers and graduate schools will see the upward trend in your grades and in fact might recalculate your GPA without your first semester and compare it to your overall GPA. However, the bad first term hurts you regardless so just be wary. Just know that you aren't completely screwed.

For job prospects, it does depend on your major and GPA. Typically if your GPA is lower than a 3.00 you are not seriously considered for a lot of jobs, but it is all relative to your major, interviewing skills, internships, work experience, and the company hiring you.

Work experience > GPA

Now that you know what to expect and how college life is really like there should be no reason for you do to worse. It should only go up from here. Happens to a lot of kids and be glad you didn't fail out already.

I am fortunate in my own way. For the first two months of school I barely studied outside of class and towards the end I started treating it like my job. Luckily my grades didn't majorily suffer but as I said before, I could always do better.

So can you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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I'm a senior in college, and from what I hear, most employers don't even look at GPA. But it is important if you plan on going on to grad school.

If your planning on going to grad school either kick ass for the rest of your 4 years or kick ass for the next year and a half, and then transfer to a school that would take your credits as either pass or fail (which would reset your GPA and give you a clean slate).

Part of being in school is staying healthy enough to be able to do your work. The world isn't going to wait up for you to get better. Go for a 4.0 next semester. Your GPA will come up to a 3.0 and you'll be set.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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Upside said:
I just finished my first semester of university as well. I'm just going to say all this "adjustment and getting used to freedom" being used as an excuse is horse $hit. To a degree it holds true in regard to becoming familar with the pace and work load at the university level, but students know well in advance the warnings from parents and teachers about the amount of free time and rigour of classes before you even register for university classes. The freshman classes are your easiest ones; imagine how you will do 2 years down the road when you take 3xxx -5xxx level classes.

Something I learned first semester that will be invaluable later on is to treat college as a full time job even if it doesn't feel like it. You probably go to class on average 3 hours a day, so spend 3-5 more hours outside of class each day doing homework and/or just reading the textbook. If you have a part time job you either have less free time or less study time. Trust me, it does suck but after a while you get used to it. Better than going home and telling your folks you got kicked out of school. This semester went pretty well for me, but there is always room for improvement if I didn't get strait A's.

I set up my schedule where most of my classes start at 8 or 9 in the morning and I do my best to limit the amount of gaps inbetween classes. For example, my schedule for spring has me going 9 AM -1 PM on M+W for two classes, but there is a 2 hour gap inbetween so during that time I will be hitting the books instead of napping. Then after one I'll study until 3 PM - 5 PM with a few breaks inbetween; no later no less. Then I have the evenings to relax and do whatever. Keeps me from going insane and I won't have to stay up late to do homework. Fridays kick ass because I have class from 8 AM - 11 AM with no gaps inbetween and odds are I won't do any work outside of class on Fridays unless I really have to.

Don't think that I always did that though. 25% of the time I said fvck it and decided to slack off. Tends to happen after midterms and near the end of the week like on Thursdays and Fridays. I need to work on that for next semester. As long as people go to class and do the homework they should be fine. Classes can be very hard even if you really work at it, but if you choose to make them hard because you don't want to study then you are making a big mistake.


Not to sound like a b!tch, but were you really at all suprised how your term went? I keep track of all the grades I have gotten in all my classes during the semester to give me a rough estimate of how I am doing. My actual GPA was higher than my estimate after finals were over. The fact that you gasped at your semester marks when you got them kind of shows that you didn't care much during the semester. I've seen your other topics and it seems like you have girls on the top of your priority list with your recent gf issues. Girls come and go, but you can't erase your transcript. A lot of the mature men will say that girls should be a part of your life and not the main focus, if you don't want to listen to me then listen to them. Don't mess school up because you have the hots for a chick. It's college, probably wouldn't last anyway.

I'm not going to tell you if you should continue with school or not, but you can still salvage this. Your GPA won't be perfect but if you literally kick ass from now on employers and graduate schools will see the upward trend in your grades and in fact might recalculate your GPA without your first semester and compare it to your overall GPA. However, the bad first term hurts you regardless so just be wary. Just know that you aren't completely screwed.

For job prospects, it does depend on your major and GPA. Typically if your GPA is lower than a 3.00 you are not seriously considered for a lot of jobs, but it is all relative to your major, interviewing skills, internships, work experience, and the company hiring you.

Work experience > GPA

Now that you know what to expect and how college life is really like there should be no reason for you do to worse. It should only go up from here. Happens to a lot of kids and be glad you didn't fail out already.

I am fortunate in my own way. For the first two months of school I barely studied outside of class and towards the end I started treating it like my job. Luckily my grades didn't majorily suffer but as I said before, I could always do better.

So can you.

No, you're right completely. I didn't put in the time or the effort for this and I deserve the flak. I'm just glad my parents are willing to give it another go and I can show them what I can do with a clean slate. Just having mono and having to make up a month's worth of work and midterms right at the end of November was horrible. Honestly the only thing I can do is just thank you for laying it out for me like this and just being real about it.

And would you believe me if I told you that because of my gf, I've actually missed class and didn't turn in assignments because two times this semester she called me up five minutes before class bawling saying she's depressed? Seriously, I'm beginning to think she is just a huge negative factor in my life. She actually just told me that she's going to a community college next semester because her parents pulled her out due to her bad grades (worse than mine), which is a shock for her because she was an honors student last year.

So my plan is now:

1. Adopt your "school is your job" mentality, if you don't mind :cool: . IMO it's a perfect way of looking at it and I feel like it'll help me devote more time to my studies, instead of just looking at it like "Alright, class is finished with. Now to relax".

2. Reform myself. When I was an AFC (not saying I'm fully past this stage in some regards, especially in the regard of hanging onto this girl so long, but that's more of a fear of what's going to do to herself if we break up) and horrible with women I would consistently tell myself I was confident, funny, charismatic, and in control at least once a day. Surprisingly I eventually just accepted it internally and became those qualities. I'm going to start telling myself now that I'm productive, hard-working, that I enjoy completing assignments and the feeling of reward and confidence it gives me, and that I will persevere.

3. Not bring any distractions. I'm not going to bring my desktop full of PC games with me when I go back this semester. I got a new laptop for Christmas and I'm going to use it strictly for schoolwork. I figure that is a bulk of the distractions right there, especially after a tiring day of class.

4. Break off the relationship. I cannot keep worrying about what this girl will do to herself if I break up with her, I'm beginning to realize that this relationship, while a good experience for me in some regards, was an overall negative influence in my life and an unneeded distraction. Limit girls to simply hookups and ONSs, which is more simplified and fine by me anyway.

5. Talk to my councilor about taking classes during the summer to see if I can retake the classes I did poorly in. Hopefully this can salvage my GPA a bit.

6. Re-examine my friends. A great entrepreneur told me that to be successful in the real world, in college its important who you surround yourself with. Picking productive, intelligent, and friends who generally make good grades will inevitably rub off on you. As it stands now the majority of my friends are party-ers and the majority of them are (surprise) in the same situation I am now. I'll still keep in touch with some of my better friends and hang out with them on the weekends, but I think I need to branch out to a different group of people.

That's my general game plan, how does that sound? Anything I left out?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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i have seen both sides of the coin throughout my undergraduate years. Some kids start off poorly in the easy classes and never recover and drop out of Mech E by sophomore year. Others suddenly desire to do graduate school and improved their GPAs from 2.5's to 3.0s and beyond, which in mech E is good enough to land you a job at most defense contractors.

Is your GPA ****ed? no, you still have a long ass time to bring it up. Clearly you aren't a natural, so more disciplined work on your end will be required. If you party 3 nights a week, drop it down to 2. If homework grades are bringing you down, focus more on that...same with tests if that is the case. a GPA isn't everything, but having a solid 3.0+ gives one ease of mind when trying to get that first job to make some cash.

Work experience > GPA

For the most part yes, but for some jobs in some fields, they want the GPA. Raytheon, Boeing, NASA all require at least a 3.3 in an engineering discipline. GPA can get your foot in the door, but those companies are looking for 80% experience.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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Your major and school depend a lot for grad school as well if you're planning on going that route. I can't speak on entering private industry directly after school. I'm at a university where a 3.0 is pretty good if you're in the sciences, specifically anything biology related. But my friends back home are in places where you'd get a 3.0 for ****ing around for 4 years. This may not be a consideration for employers, but potential supervisors know damn well what's going on at different places.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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So far I have done two years of Biochemistry in University and now I am finishing up my Finance degree at a local college. By next fall, I'm done.

From what I have learned, my best classes I didn't even give a crap about what mark I got. I just wanted to do well. Understand the material, and give well written reports. Paying attention to what the GPA is and what marks are for every single thing is very stressful.

I just do my best, if I can't get a good mark, I do my best anyways and take whatever I get.

Don't worry about what mistakes you might have made. So you're new to the place and you partied. Sh*t happens. You had a good time now study and enjoy what really matters.

If you like the material, and you study the material, you WILL do good.

If you don't like it, nothing can help you. You might barely scrape by if you force yourself.

Do you like what you're studying... overall?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2008
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I didn't really read to in-depth, but from what I've seen and experienced GPA falls much easier than it rises.

It's not insurmountable but you're gonna have to overcompensate to bring it back up.

Honestly though, GPA doesn't really matter. Whether you barely pass or you ace everything you still wind-up with the same credentials.

Hell they made a point of telling us in nursing that whether you pass with a 79 or a 100 you're still an RN. I'm advocating doing the bare minimum but don't stress over it too much either, you only get to be this age once. You're got the rest of your life to work and take things too seriously :p

You'll find your groove, don't sweat it.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
Brighty said:
I had mono for the first half of my first semester in college which coupled with the whole 'adjustment' to the freedom and not used to having to study so much really ****ed me over for my first semester. I gasped out loud when I got my report back... I barely pulled a 2.0. I know a lot of people say they screw up their first year of college, but I'm wondering if I should even continue. I mean a 2.0 is a horrible start.... is there any way I can salvage this and kick ass the rest of the 7 semesters and I'll be able to land a decent job?

Or what? I've heard multiple things, that its passable to fvck up your first semester of college and it happens to a lot of people and that if you can get good grades the rest of college it'll work out..... but I've also heard that if you fvck around the first year, that's it, no recovering.
I'm in the same boat. I did amazing in High School, but my first semester of college was a mess. I didn't do quite as bad as you, I got a 2.8, but it's bad nonetheless.

In High School I never partied much. But because of the people I met in college, I was introduced to the club and rave scene the first week of school. Instead of studying on the weekend, I went out and danced all night. I partied every Friday and Saturday, and occasionally on Thursday. This resulted in 3 all nighters last semester where I stayed up all night to finish a project due the next morning. My sleep cycle was seriously ****ed up. I would go to sleep at 12 all week and 5 or 6 in the morning on the weekend.

Drank more alcohol than I ever have in my life, smoked more cigarettes than I ever have in my life, smoked more weed than I ever have in my life, had more sex than I ever had in my life, tried a litany of new drugs; Ecstasy, Ketamine, GHB, Shrooms, LSD. Met a bunch of cool new girls, really had a blast. But I put my social life ahead of my schooling, and the result was subpar grades.

The way I see it, I had my fun, now it's time to take this seriously. I'm off to a good start this semester and I aim to keep it that way.

Also, great posts Upside and Brighty.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Brighty, you can still swing things your way. When I was a freshman my grades were in the 2.5 area. After coming back from a study abroad in Germany though it all went to crap and was placed on academic suspension and then finally kicked out.

After that I did take 7 years off and now at the age of 27 I am back in school. This time though I'm focused on kicking ass and taking names and after my first semester I got all A's.

You just have to keep that fire burning and stay focused.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
2.0 GPA, man! That's an average of a "C". You should decide now if you want to continue schooling otherwise, trust me it will only get harder if you don't grasp the fundamental concepts.