Just can't quite get the hang off this


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
hey guys haven't been active for a while on here. i have been working on my game by myself but i just hit yet another snag.

Ok so i just came back from college and went back to my old job... and started gaming this girl that i knew there.I saw that she seemed to really like me or at least want to **** me. So i got her number called her up about a week later and toke her out to dinner.

So during the dinner everything was going fine and then it happened. I had this girl right where i wanted her, could have kissed her anytime i wanted to during that night but i chickened out and didn't. i texted the next day telling her basically saying hey dont make too many plans cuz we are gonna do something later. she said ok what? and i tell her i dont know yet something and she said ok then. home from school so at my parents so its difficult to brings girl back. this was the only day i had the house free.

That night at work i texted her around 6pm cuz she was off that day (this was friday night) that she should come over tonight. she says that i should have told her earlier because now she made plans. i coarsed her a bit and told her i would come get her after i get off work. so i go home to get everything ready before i go pick her up. I come home to find out my parents are having a party. So i told her what was going on and she said "am going out"

*Note* this girl is a complete idiot... i saw this during the date and more when i started to texted and saw that she could not spell for her life or talk properly for that matter. The only reason im even talking to this girl is im trying to use her to build my game for when i go back to school and also to have someone on the side. she is not dating material by my standards but she does have a slamming body.
After failed attempt I spoke to her at work and asked what she was doing she says she doesnt know yet. so i tell her you should come over. Then she says i might have to go see so and so and help my aunt do something. I'm thinking to myself you just said you didnt know what you were gonna do. A little bit more coarsen and i tell her ill come pick you up after work and she says i dont know just let me know. Now while i was talking to this girl she was holding my hand, laughing, and even when i smacked her butt she said "you can't touch that unless you can have it" with a smile. To me these are all signs that the girl likes to play games and is digging me. Got home and went out to play ball for a bit forgot to call her at 7 like i planned to so i text her around 7 45 saying "are you ready for me to come get you" she says im at my girls house. i was thinking wdf and so i got bad. so i said "ur wack lol we are not cool no more" she replies "wow ok" i reply pz out and thats it.

So yesterday at work i was on the phone and she walks in and i look up smile and say hey. She opens up her water doesnt say anything and walks by me. I did not talk to her the whole day at work. One of the few times i saw her i was talking to another co worker laughing and i see her give me this dirty look. Later on that day her and some other co workers are talking about her and some guy and a kid named john. i dont know if the other guy was me or do i care but i felt like the deliberated tried to talk about that in front of me make me upset. I think that is the case because she even told the girl not to be so loud because i could hear their whole conversation. The whole day i felt that her and her friends were talking about me.
So after i got home i decided to do something i never do in this kind of situation and call her and say whats up. So i called her and said wassup what are you doing. she says im about to eat.. i'll call you back when im done and i said ok. I knew she wouldn't call back and she didn't.

so right now im lost at what should i do. i really want to nail this girl. i dont care for her at all its more about the progress of my game i just dont seem to progress passed this point.

i know this a LONG read but i wanted you guys to get the full story. One lesson i have learned from this experience is that texting is your enemy when it comes to girls who are not your girlfriend. its much better to call or talk in person you get a totally different response. With texting girls seem to have more leeway.

Edit:tried to shorten the story a bit so i could get to the point faster


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
too many lost trasnlation errors in your TEXT MESSAGES.

I think your window of opportuniuty closed, then U sealed it with your comments.

theres an art to texting and clearly U text game is way off.


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
yeah i realized my text game is horrible. i dont plan on using it again. So what do i do next now? can i still save this or just forget her and stop talking to her?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
I usually try to be witty with my text messages when first gaming a girl. Oh and i suggest doing an action date for the first date. Save the dinner date for later on....


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
ok im starting to get really frustrated.

ok so today at work i talked to her and we were flirting HEAVILY (unless i dont know what flirting is ). i was teasing her smacking her butt, she would pinch me all over and try to hit me. This even went as far as her holding/caressing my hand. So i started to do the same she even pulled my hands around her stomach with her butt to my ****... Now i dont know what i coulc have possible done wrong cuz when i was about to leave to go home i asked her when are gonna hang out and she totally ignored it and instead asked me to get her some food. So i told her ill get her food when we hang out. Then another coworker who was her friend comes in with food and she says nevermind you can leave now and starts laughing. At this point i am in shock so i start walking to my car and she says something to me but i don't look back.

While im driving home i text her saying "now that you got your phone are we gonna hang out" she replies me saying "we not you didnt get me any food" i say "ill get you food when we hang out" she replies " yea ok" so i tell her "lol i will i promise... when we hang out." she doesn't reply me for an hour so i text her saying "wat time are you getting off" she replies me an hour later saying "am home already." At this point im pissed... so i tell her"ok good im on my way back from the mall. can you still hang out?" she says "no" so i try to joke and say "ok got a curfew huh" lol i understand. she replies "lol no curfew" so i tell her "lol how you gonna say you want food and then when i tel you lets get some food you say no lol" she replies back " cuz am home now i had some noodles."

I tell her "lol noodles... sounds real good. lol if you dont want to go out we can just chill out and watch a movie" she replies " nah am gud am just chilling" so i give up and tell her ok ttyl she says pz out.

Right now i am so frustrated with this girl because this not how she was acting when i was with her at work. i almost feel like she acts totally different when i text her than in person.

Can someone chime in and tell me what im doing wrong.This has happened before with another girl


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2009
Reaction score
Make yourself scarce, around her. Stay calm, even cold. It seems she's trying to play you now. Keep your cool, look for other girls and don't run after her.
The idea is to be your own man, and if possible get her Interest Level back up.


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
ok... its annoying cuz im back from college to i hve the wind range girls to keep my mind occupied. Im gonna try and hit the club up tomorrow and get number to keep me busy.

So at work don't talk to her for the time being. How should i act and for how long?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
you took her out, and didn't pull the trigger.

you said you were going to go out again, and ended up being a jerk over text.

you then try to promise her you'll buy food if she'll only go out with you again.

see a pattern here?

you've turned yourself into the guy who doesn't follow through on his dates - the NICE guy. the very first time you guys went out together you felt like you should've kissed her. Well, then in her head she was thinking "it's time to kiss... why isn't he doing it?"

and what would happen if you went out again? you'd pull the same stuff you pulled last time you went out together. why would she waste her time with that?

it sounds like she thinks you're a genuinely fun guy, hence the flirting at the water cooler, but you've nailed yourself as a nice guy, and she's not gonna bother with that anymore.

how to fix it? that's a tough one... probably involves distancing yourself as much as possible, then inviting her out again, you and your friends and maybe her friends, give her a chance to watch you be the sexual and flirtatious guy with other girls, make her want you again.

and btw, you say she's an idiot? that entire paragraph makes it sound like you genuinely aren't that attracted to her. and if you aren't, then it's going to be that much tougher to pull anything off.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2009
Reaction score
What I meant is don't be so attentive about her. You can do the casual talk ("W'sup, Hi, how you doing", etc.)
You just have to show her that you're a bit bored by her attitude. That you won't run after her. She'll feel the difference and will try to get back at you.That's where you have to take the upper hand again. Be scarce. Be cool.
Tell her you're busy and that you'll think about a time when you can hang out together again.
Concentrate on other Girls for the Time being.

marinetti said:
how to fix it? that's a tough one... probably involves distancing yourself as much as possible, then inviting her out again, you and your friends and maybe her friends, give her a chance to watch you be the sexual and flirtatious guy with other girls, make her want you again.
That is a good point. Distancing yourself from her. And next time kiss her, you've got nothing to lose.


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
Thank you everything you both said is true. i knew all these actually i just needed someone else to say. i'll see what i can do. This is probably my last chance at getting her cuz after next month im gonna quit and i dont plan on going back to that job because it sucks.

anyways is not that im not attracted to her. Im attracted to her PHYSICALLY but aside from that i would not like to seen with her. Shes far from the type of girl i would like to date if you know what i mean.

Thanks again to both you.

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Newbie I totally agree... GREAT advice these fine DJ's are coming up with. I'm impressed gents, nice going. I wish this forum existed when I was college age, as is the OP