Join Atom Smasher's New Builders' Club

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Fellow mods: Please leave this here in the main forum. I'll move it in a day or two. I want to get as much initial readership as possible.

Guys, I have previously posted about the importance of men understanding how to use tools and knowing how to build things. Tools in our hands are an extension of our creative minds and the means by which we bring into existence the things that we dream about.

Using tools and creating new things out of raw materials touches upon our most basic core as men. Each one of us has within him a drive to create, although many men are not in touch with this and are completely unaware. In these cases, this drive then manifests in other, less healthy ways.

A man who knows how to use tools to create and repair things is extremely attractive to the female mind. No need to get into the reasons here, but suffice it to say that a man who knows tools and knows how to manipulate his world is perceived as highly valuable. I've seen the look of amazement on many women's faces as they've watched me at work with my tools. It actually can put them into a trance. They just stare, lost in the satisfaction of watching a male accessing his core manhood.

The satisfaction and boost in self-value that are derived from building projects is immeasurable. Regardless of whether the project is something useful or simply something made to be aesthetically pleasing, the result is the same... satisfaction, self-worth, confidence and drive to create even more.

Bearing this basic male need in mind, I am starting a Builders' Club here on SS. Here's my basic outline:

1) Each member will choose a project that will take approximately 4 weeks or a little less to build.

2) The choice of project can be anything under the sun. It can be a piece of art, a piece of furniture, a bird house, a carving, a painting, an item of utility, shelving, renovation of a room in your home, a model airplane or car, a kit of any kind ordered online, a diy electronics project, a computer program, a musical instrument, a reproduction of a vintage item, restoration of a vintage machine, learn how to spray-paint or airbrush, just to name a few. The actual item doesn't matter... only the decision to build matters.

3) Some men here hardly have any resources at all, while others have virtually unlimited, with everything in-between. Also there are some men here who haven't built a single thing all their lives. None of that matters. If all you have is a box of toothpicks and some glue, then join the builders' guild and build something out of toothpicks.

4) Pursuant to item #3, there will be absolutely zero tolerance in the thread for making fun of or belittling somebody with a small project. A young man who decides to join and makes, let's say, a pyramid out of toothpicks because that's all he has will get nothing but encouragement and praise for his efforts. This is about breaking out and applying that amazing male brain to the business of building and creating, and not about the actual merits of an individual item being made. We are competing against our own comfort level and complacency, not against each other. Authentic men do not ridicule; rather, they encourage and help each other to attain.

Whoever wants to join up, sign in here and think of a project to work on by Saturday. On that day we'll publically announce the project that we're individually committing to. Each Saturday after that we'll report in with our progress. Mid-week, we can report progress, ask for advice, etc.

I'm asking each member here to seriously consider joining the Builders' Guild. I guarantee that the rewards, both tangible and intangible, will be great and will grow you as a man. A man's spirit transfers to the things that he builds. For that reason, there is no satisfaction in the world like looking at something you've created with your own hands.

I'll repeat, if your resources are low, just make something simple. I guarantee you there will be no ridicule on my watch. :trouble:
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
you know, ive always wanted to work on cars for as long as i could remember. My dad being a car dealer, you would think that would be easy for me to do. However, he has pretty much banned me from spending any money on cars at all, while I watch all my friends build theirs. Granted it was a smart move because I have saved a lot of money not blowing it into my car but this would be an example of how money cant buy happiness. Sure your spending money on your car but god damn yo uare proud when you install a new part and YOU did it.

I see all my buddies so proud of what they have turned their cars into and then some getting features on websites etc. And im just over here , nothing.

Ive always loed to build, legos, when I was a kid and sh1t I thought cars would be the next step now that I was older. I love building, i just never know what to build . To be honest I feel like the middle ground between car and legos is a go kart :D

Ive always wanted a shfiter kart, manual go karts that pretty much are mini race karts, and id love to build one. So for now, while i look for a shell and such that is what im putting in as my project for Atoms Guild (guild ..... lol playing to much world of warcraft lately atom ;) ).


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
Excellent idea. :woo:

I hope this thread gets as much participation as possible.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
Great thread.

If anyone needs a new desktop computer, I would recommend building your own. It's a lot cheaper, you can customize the parts better, and the final product will make you proud.

I also love working on my car and might make a small project on installing a cold air intake/new exhaust and breaking down the old wax and polish coat and re-doing everything.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
I thinking chicken coup. Builder and provider of food. Bam!


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Totally into this idea.

Problem is I cannot build ANYTHING. I am completely useless when it comes to anything involving my hands or art. My eye hand coordination, while good at hitting a softball or, say, killing rebels in Call of Duty, disappears when it comes to making tangible something out of an intangible nothing.

I have become serviceable with home maintenance because of an intense desire to not be completely useless anymore as well as much prodding by the ex-wife. Oh and just being cheap. So I know with enough dedication I can become not COMPLETELY useless.

Anyone have any ideas for a project for somebody who doesn't even have the imagination for a build?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm in but one question: do projects you've already started on count for this week's project? I've got one I've been working on for months now but it still isn't finished because of how much left there is to do.

And JohnChops you know the word guild has been around much longer than WoW has, but that's exactly what I was thinking too haha.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
well I think on that part i'm good :) pretty much know how to work with several tools, I build my computers with parts I buy from places, and repair everything in my house.

but the idea is good lots of people don't even know how to nail a board or change a plug.

fairshake would you like to build any kind of models? I think in your case can work well

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
FairShake said:
Totally into this idea.

Problem is I cannot build ANYTHING. I am completely useless when it comes to anything involving my hands or art. My eye hand coordination, while good at hitting a softball or, say, killing rebels in Call of Duty, disappears when it comes to making tangible something out of an intangible nothing.

I have become serviceable with home maintenance because of an intense desire to not be completely useless anymore as well as much prodding by the ex-wife. Oh and just being cheap. So I know with enough dedication I can become not COMPLETELY useless.

Anyone have any ideas for a project for somebody who doesn't even have the imagination for a build?
You can go to a crafts store and buy one of their projects, you can build a box with basswood from the crafts store (it doesn't have to be perfect... it's just a start), you can order a clock kit from Klockit dot com, just buy a plastic model and put it together, buy an electronics lab kit from radio shack and make some circuits, find an old item like an old fan, remove the paint and repaint it... Those are just some ideas.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Lateralus said:
How about writing a novel? Does that count?
That's a tough call, because the original purpose of the thread is to use your hands and build. I would say it's cool to participate with that though.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Eph said:
I'm in but one question: do projects you've already started on count for this week's project? I've got one I've been working on for months now but it still isn't finished because of how much left there is to do.

And JohnChops you know the word guild has been around much longer than WoW has, but that's exactly what I was thinking too haha.
LOL, I've never played WOW so know nothing about it, but the word "guild" rhymes with "build", so I thought I'd use it.

Yes, projects you've already started are fine to do. On Saturday just state where you are on it and where you intend to be at the end of the week. We've got to set weekly goals.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
BigSmooth said:
Great thread.

If anyone needs a new desktop computer, I would recommend building your own. It's a lot cheaper, you can customize the parts better, and the final product will make you proud.

I also love working on my car and might make a small project on installing a cold air intake/new exhaust and breaking down the old wax and polish coat and re-doing everything.
Yup, those are good ideas.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
JohnChops said:
To be honest I feel like the middle ground between car and legos is a go kart :D

Ive always wanted a shfiter kart, manual go karts that pretty much are mini race karts, and id love to build one. So for now, while i look for a shell and such that is what im putting in as my project for Atoms Guild (guild ..... lol playing to much world of warcraft lately atom ;) ).
Sounds like a cool project. It's a commitment, but that's what men are supposed to be about, right?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
That's a tough call, because the original purpose of the thread is to use your hands and build. I would say it's cool to participate with that though.
Well, one of the examples you gave was a computer program. I would say there is just as much use of hands in writng a novel as in a computer program, yes? When I first read your post I was wondering if writing a song would qualify. But maybe all this is getting too far away from your original intent.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Yeah I know. I really would rather stick to anything that uses tools. I was thinking of software because the final product yields a quantifiable result.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
You can't.

Does anyone know how to park pics somewhere where ABSOLUTE anonymity can be maintained?

If so, then we can post links to pics here. I need to maintain absolute anonymity, untraceable to a personal email address.

Wolfgang D

Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
Very good idea, Atom Smasher. I will have to ask a friend who has more tools, see if he has any ideas. I also know he is working on his house. If I don't come up with something to make for myself, maybe helping him with doors and the outer walls could count?

To upload pictures anonymously, go to or to See, I just uploaded this:

(On another note, while I'm talking to a mod for once: Is it possible to make a subforum for field reports? As it is, those threads disappear quickly in the traffic jam that is Don Juan Discussion. I know I would be more inclined to take the time to write field reports if I knew the thread would stick around, and I think others would do the same. I think field reports are more valuable reads than many other tips, as they put things in perspective. They show the theory in practice. So I think they are valuable enough to have their own forum.)


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
I've got an engine that I'm currently assembling. It's a shame as most of the work is done now. From start to finish it's around a four week job... it would of been perfect....

I'm in anyway. I'll find something else that inspires me.