Johnny Soporno's Seductive Reasoning...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
If you haven't listened to it yet, go do it. I had it running while hanging around in my house and it's as if he is living my life. (His Christmas present...I should be the Grinch and take that present) :crackup:

His mindset might not be similar to most on this site but for me personally we have similar mindsets. But just in general check it out (It's free) because it has some really solid stuff in there.

I'm a very big on Sexually Liberated chicks so his speech is like home for me. I love how he talks about the types of women (Real Funny but true haha)

I know he does post here so, if you do read this...When does your biography come out?

Something funny things that reminded him of Me
- Talking about Cvmming on a chicks face :crackup: ( I love how he talks about all job classifications because many guys are quick to call chicks sluts)
- Like sexually liberated chicks
- Want to help make chicks more sexually liberated
- Not being jealous
- His rules are VERY good and really complement who I am
- "In 5 mins am I still interested in talking to this girl" (Great mindset)

I've only watched the first 2 parts and half of the 3rd part and I must say a lot of the things he talks about really hits home with my personality and the way I see women.

I'll probably watch the rest when I baby sit tomorrow...


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
He's referring to the origional post, "Potentially life changing videos" Look it up, it's worth while.