I've Worked Out Why I'm Such A Fail


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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Bible_Belt said:
OK. How in the world does depression cause constipation? Or is that the anxiety? What the hell does pooping have to do with any of this?

Everyone gets depressed; you simply have to find enjoyment somewhere in life. For example, I am still laughing at the idea of being too depressed to poop. That is some funny stuff!
I blame my diet, but it's still a symptom I can relate too


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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slaog said:
You are what you think about. Think positive thoughts and you'll begin to FEEL better.

As Michael Losier says, if you feel bad ask yourself 'what do you want'. Think about what you want. If you don't know then thats part of your problem. Think about it. :up:
I know what I want..I want a girlfriend. Have done for the past 5 years...

But there's no point me thinking positive thoughts if other people are thinking negative thoughts about me


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
TheWayOfAllFlesh said:
I know what I want..I want a girlfriend. Have done for the past 5 years...

But there's no point me thinking positive thoughts if other people are thinking negative thoughts about me

Everybody has a vibe. You give off a negative vibe and people pick up on that. So its not YOU thats the problem its the vibe YOU give off. So the problem is you don't like yourself.

Change yourself and others will see you differently.

When you think about having a girlfriend I bet you think of it negatively ie thinking that people automatically dislike you. Thats illogical thinking. You need to reprogram your thinking. Start by looking at things logically.

You havn't worked out why you're a fail you've just worked out the symtoms.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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slaog said:
Everybody has a vibe. You give off a negative vibe and people pick up on that. So its not YOU thats the problem its the vibe YOU give off. So the problem is you don't like yourself.

Change yourself and others will see you differently.

When you think about having a girlfriend I bet you think of it negatively ie thinking that people automatically dislike you. Thats illogical thinking. You need to reprogram your thinking. Start by looking at things logically.

You havn't worked out why you're a fail you've just worked out the symtoms.
I'm a fail because i'm desperate for a girlfriend. I'm a fail because my hair is a disgrace and is receding at the age of 19 which is abysmal. I'm a fail because all the people I hang around with has had sex and I have not. I'm an even bigger fail for letting the fact that they have and I have not get to me. I'm a fail for thinking I look bad when other's simply don;t give a **** what I look like. I'm a fail for understanding that you get hurt less by rejection than what if, but still never try. I'm a fail because I'm too scared to seize what I truly want for fear of what others may think of me.

And that my son. Is a small percentage of the reasons why I fail

King Turi

Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
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Dude just man up and go to the doc.

You ain't gonna get a girl with that attitude anyway so I wouldn't be worrying about that.

What you need a girlfriend for anyway? ._.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
TheWayOfAllFlesh said:
I'm a fail because i'm desperate for a girlfriend. I'm a fail because my hair is a disgrace and is receding at the age of 19 which is abysmal. I'm a fail because all the people I hang around with has had sex and I have not. I'm an even bigger fail for letting the fact that they have and I have not get to me. I'm a fail for thinking I look bad when other's simply don;t give a **** what I look like. I'm a fail for understanding that you get hurt less by rejection than what if, but still never try. I'm a fail because I'm too scared to seize what I truly want for fear of what others may think of me.

And that my son. Is a small percentage of the reasons why I fail

I told you why you fail.

You've just listed numerous negative thoughts about yourself and you have many more in mind. Ever hear the saying 'you get what you focus on'? Well thats true.

Heres what you can do now. List out all the good things about yourself and the good things in your life.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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King Turi said:
Dude just man up and go to the doc.

You ain't gonna get a girl with that attitude anyway so I wouldn't be worrying about that.

What you need a girlfriend for anyway? ._.
So I don't have a crippling sense of loneliness in the evenings and so I can lose my virginity


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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Proselytiser said:
It's all in your thinking... I'm sure some of the divorced men on this forum experience that same 'loneliness' as you but call it 'refreshing independence'.
You only have the right to call it independence if you are freed from something, i.e a relationship

I never have had anything to be free from, so I can't claim said independence like these man can, as Ive not had the fun they have


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
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TheWayOfAllFlesh said:
I'm a fail because i'm desperate for a girlfriend. I'm a fail because my hair is a disgrace and is receding at the age of 19 which is abysmal. I'm a fail because all the people I hang around with has had sex and I have not. I'm an even bigger fail for letting the fact that they have and I have not get to me. I'm a fail for thinking I look bad when other's simply don;t give a **** what I look like. I'm a fail for understanding that you get hurt less by rejection than what if, but still never try. I'm a fail because I'm too scared to seize what I truly want for fear of what others may think of me.

And that my son. Is a small percentage of the reasons why I fail
Trust me, when you're 19, all these little things seem like a bigger deal thanthey actually are. See a doc, but please don't let them put you on any damn medication. Don't get drugged up before you've had a chance to live. You're 19 and you should be out partying and making friends, so just go and do that. The girls and the sex will come along soon enough once you stop obsessing. You are putting waaaaayyyyyyy to much emphasis on "failures". Just chill out man...honestly.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2007
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You better just get over this shiit quick....in the real world no one gives a shiit how you feel and your just making it worse by crying about it and wallowing in your "misery". Your on the internet so it's pretty much a fact that you are more fortunate than most of the worlds population, You dont have to go to bed hungry, your young and youre free to do pretty much whatever you want so what the hell are you so depressed about? Wake Up and stop whining dude MAKE A CHANGE in your life


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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Dude, your only 19? Jeez, your not a fail because you don't have a girlfriend and are still a virgin. Lots of guys are virgins at your age. I'm 6 years older than you, am a virgin, but I don't think I'm a fail because of it. In fact, despite being depressed, I don't think I'm a fail at all. Though it sucks that your hair is receding.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Hell I was a virgin at 19 and never thought of myself as a failure. Then again I saw a lot of people growing up with kids or drama and was glad to avoid most of it.

You are only what you think you are. If you think you're a failure then you probably are. If you think you're a winner then you probably are.

What is good about you? write as much about that as you did about what's wrong. I bet you won't, but if you do you will be taking a step in the right direction. Let's see what kind of man you really are.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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Warrior74 said:
Hell I was a virgin at 19 and never thought of myself as a failure. Then again I saw a lot of people growing up with kids or drama and was glad to avoid most of it.

You are only what you think you are. If you think you're a failure then you probably are. If you think you're a winner then you probably are.

What is good about you? write as much about that as you did about what's wrong. I bet you won't, but if you do you will be taking a step in the right direction. Let's see what kind of man you really are.
Good things.

I have a 5 year education/career plan I have laid out for myself
I learn an instrument in my spare time for MY pleasure, not for attention
I am top of my class in what I study, and if i give it 100% rather than around 70%ish I could really go places
In a forced social situation i.e new college class, I can make friends quickly and easily
I know that if I was to go up to a girl I could do well AND walk away with her number, dunno what's stopping me though
My hair can look decent on the right day
I have a couple of close friends who have been good to put up with me

Ok that felt good to list those for a start, but the good feeling will be gone later on


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
TheWayOfAllFlesh said:
Good things.

I have a 5 year education/career plan I have laid out for myself
I learn an instrument in my spare time for MY pleasure, not for attention
I am top of my class in what I study, and if i give it 100% rather than around 70%ish I could really go places
In a forced social situation i.e new college class, I can make friends quickly and easily
I know that if I was to go up to a girl I could do well AND walk away with her number, dunno what's stopping me though (right here is where you let the negativity creep in, you see it?)
My hair can look decent on the right day
I have a couple of close friends who have been good to put up with me (again, negative creep, put up with you? dude, they love you!)

Ok that felt good to list those for a start, but the good feeling will be gone later on
List 10 more. You can do it. Make it happen. No negative creep this time. No matter how small or large, put it down in your list. 10 good things about you. Go.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
TheWayOfAllFlesh said:
The worst feeling I get is a daily sense of crippling loneliness the moment I go to bed. I spend most nights crying...

Bring on the humour..

What sort of resources do you have at your disposal?

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Start eating a healthy diet.
Go to the Gym and start exercising.
Volunteer at an animal shelter or do something to help others.
Get your ass out of the house even if you don't feel like it.
You're in a rut and you need to change your routine.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
TheWayOfAllFlesh said:
Good things.

I have a 5 year education/career plan I have laid out for myself
I learn an instrument in my spare time for MY pleasure, not for attention
I am top of my class in what I study, and if i give it 100% rather than around 70%ish I could really go places
In a forced social situation i.e new college class, I can make friends quickly and easily
I know that if I was to go up to a girl I could do well AND walk away with her number, dunno what's stopping me though
My hair can look decent on the right day
I have a couple of close friends who have been good to put up with me

Ok that felt good to list those for a start, but the good feeling will be gone later on

Of course it did. Its the opposite to what you have been doing.

Focus on the positives as much as possible. List more positive things and start reading them out a couple of times daily. That'll start to shift your focus from the negative things you think about and you'll begin to feel better.

About the hair, well theres millions of people in the world who have far worse problems then that. In any case its irrelevant. It only becomes relevant if you let it effect you.