Ive been away for about a year and a half and here whats ive learned..

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
As far as DJ'ing goes:

Stay far away as possible from the Club and defintley Myspace.Its basically places where ugly women can get revenge on average joes...It is their version of the stripclub.If you dont have money 2 flash you will be pretty much emasculated and mistreated (in most cases)in these two areas.

Nowadays I club on "nothing better to do nights with the guys"when i wanna get geeked up and grab some asses and start fights with the boys...or more importantly just looking to take something home.It is NOT a place to get to know women.

There are some hot chics,lots of horny chics and drunk chics...other than that its a waste of time..

Lounges ...maybe...not clubs.

Unfortunatley most women over 21 meet their guys at work,school and through freinds and relatives and thats the cold hard truth..

To hell to balling and clubbing nonstop and keep the cold approaches to a minimum,women want their men close to them..sorry 2 say.

Myspace...online photo album to show to your freinds nothing more.Im 25 and im planning on deleting mines by next year..women there are completley fake(sometimes literally they have fake profiles and pictures).

Keep your inner-circle male..yes,male.Forget about letting women in close.You can have some female freinds but close freindships with girls isnt probably the number one problem for dj's.Not only do girls dislike dating girls they see as freinds but they tend to disrespect them and treat them like females eventually.

Not to mention they cant really be counted on as girls will dump their male freinds with no hesitation out the blue once they are in relationships.

Females freinds=sex & social proof,cases of extreme boredom and isolation,errands,and favors.Ive met a handful in my life i would consider to be my freind for real.

The younger the better.Older women have alot to offer as they are less willing to look in your pockets and be sexually aggresive but they also have children,countless partners and most are bitter as SH1T.They're also just broken down and unattractive face-wise the majority of them..

If you can get a chic under 25 den please do so..trust me..

Relationships have more pro's than con's.Committed>Single..true story.


Never settle..if you dont have any type of emotional feeling for a girl and you arent completley one hundred percent attracted to her do not sweat her at all...

Dont spare any feelings...if a girl pisses you the hell off,then make sure she knows and why.Of course she will do it immediatley afterwards again to test your dominance but never back down from confrontation with a woman on a serious issue.

Thats basically it..


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Whats good? Nice to see you are back
Tha Realnezz said:
As far as DJ'ing goes:

Stay far away as possible from the Club and defintley Myspace.Its basically places where ugly women can get revenge on average joes...It is their version of the stripclub.If you dont have money 2 flash you will be pretty much emasculated and mistreated (in most cases)in these two areas.
I think in these areas you have to seperate yourself from the pack because every dude is doing the same thing and women (even the ugly ones) tend to have multiple options in these arenas.

Nowadays I club on "nothing better to do nights with the guys"when i wanna get geeked up and grab some asses and start fights with the boys...or more importantly just looking to take something home.It is NOT a place to get to know women.
Yea, I don't think anyone is looking for wifey in the club nowadays...

There are some hot chics,lots of horny chics and drunk chics...other than that its a waste of time..
Hot horny and drunk. What more could I ask for in a STR/ONS?
Lounges ...maybe...not clubs.

Unfortunatley most women over 21 meet their guys at work,school and through freinds and relatives and thats the cold hard truth..
So when you meet them during day game it will be that much more of a connection because it doesn't normally happen to her, no?

To hell to balling and clubbing nonstop and keep the cold approaches to a minimum,women want their men close to them..sorry 2 say.

Myspace...online photo album to show to your freinds nothing more.Im 25 and im planning on deleting mines by next year..women there are completley fake(sometimes literally they have fake profiles and pictures).
Women online/in the club tend to be fake. How are you going to capitalize on it?
Keep your inner-circle male..yes,male.Forget about letting women in close.You can have some female freinds but close freindships with girls isnt probably the number one problem for dj's.Not only do girls dislike dating girls they see as freinds but they tend to disrespect them and treat them like females eventually.
Girls dating girls and treating them like females? Okay, I get what you mean though. I disagree though, as long as you keep the sexual tension in there and are getting other girls, it is just a matter of time until they jump your bones

Not to mention they cant really be counted on as girls will dump their male freinds with no hesitation out the blue once they are in relationships.

Females freinds=sex & social proof,cases of extreme boredom and isolation,errands,and favors.Ive met a handful in my life i would consider to be my freind for real.

Some of the conclusions you reached are negative or self-limiting. As for the myspace/club conclusion: where you seriously expecting to find wifey material dancing to 'Put in in my Mouth'? If most women are meeting men through their social circles and jobs, then you have to find a way to meet them in similarly nonthreatening situations. You can look for more female friends to get you in with their friends, you can hunt for girls DURING THE DAY or you can just find a new arena that will likely have smarter/more relationship orientated women (the ones you seem to be interested in) such as libraries, art galleries, fairs, etc. Welcome back


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
I've been away from the forums myself cause I was focusing on school. Thanks for sharing your wisdom, much appreciated!

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Oh man! Welcome back man!


Tha Realnezz said:
Keep your inner-circle male..yes,male.Forget about letting women in close.You can have some female freinds but close freindships with girls isnt probably the number one problem for dj's.Not only do girls dislike dating girls they see as freinds but they tend to disrespect them and treat them like females eventually.

Not to mention they cant really be counted on as girls will dump their male freinds with no hesitation out the blue once they are in relationships.
toast to that:up: