It's Time To Just Say It...

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Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
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...I think the moderators should seriously consider banning Wyldfire. If not from the entire forum, at least from the Mature Man forum.

Let's Get Down To It:

1.) Of late, a large number of threads to which Wyldfire participates result in being locked.

2.) Her self-described relationship history and current dating/relationship status are not a positive model for aspiring DJ's and men in general.

3.) The obvious. A fundamental concept towards becoming a DJ is learning and realizing that advice from females regarding relationships and interactions with other famales is exactly the opposite what we need to learn and re-inforce as DJ's.

4.) Although Wyldfire's input and self-described relationship history provides some input as to the types of women DJ's should not invest time in, her overall sidetracking of posts, ideas and advice tends to be a far more negative than positive input on this forum.

ps. Wyldfire, you may think my suggestion is intended to hurt. It is not. I simply see that over and over again, your advice does not contribute to this forumn in a postive manner - especially to the Mature forum.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
But... But...
Wyldfire said:
If you put up a poll about me specifically...more people will want me to stay. I get MANY pms from people thanking me for my help and thanking me for posting here. They just don't post publicly because they don't want to get flamed or accused of sucking up to me. Again...YOU are in the minority. Wouldn't it be rather foolish to ban someone whose advice is in the DJ Bible? My advice is better than over 95% of the rest of the advice you'll find on these forums now...even if I do have tits. If I used a male ID and posted the things I do the same people who flame me would be sniffing my ass like they do Pook. Look past the tits and judge the CONTENT of my posts rather than just assume it's bad because I'm a chick.

This almost made me p!ss my pants:
Wyldfire said:
Look past the tits and judge the CONTENT of my posts rather than just assume it's bad because I'm a chick.
And this...
Wyldfire said:
If you put up a poll about me specifically...more people will want me to stay. I get MANY pms from people thanking me for my help and thanking me for posting here.

There are hundreds of AFC's here looking to change. Wyldfire's advice is chicken soup for their confused souls. Her advice sounds comforting because it is just what they are used to thinking: AFC.

AFC's don't see how wrong her advice is, because they're AFC. It should more accurately read: "I get MANY pms from AFC's thanking me for my help and thanking me for posting here."


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
I disagree.

Perspectives always differ, and I can appreciate different ones...

Just because someones advice differs from the "consensus" doesn't mean its BAD advice... Anyone seeking "advice", from the internet or otherwise, should obviously apply some discretion and thought to what is offered... LOL you get what you pay for!

The problem I see is that Wylde posts up, then someone (Latino namely) disagrees with her advice, and rather than simply state their viewpoint, folks take her posts apart, and turns it into personal attack and sure enough things turn into a flamewar from there...


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
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Ummm...I have to move this one. I'll probably have to close it soon.


Mar 19, 2007
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Falkland Islands, Florida

She is addicted to the feeling of being abused. She is on here to get that feeling. Banning her will not solve her problems, IMO. Ignoring her brakes the cycle.

Banning her is abusing her. So she gets her way.
Mod deleting her threads is abusing her also.

Ignoring is the only reasonable way she don't get what she wants.

She's a smart girl with advice, knows fvcking everything. The only thing she's ignorant about is her own mental illness.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
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Who cares. If you like her read her posts, if not dont read them. Worry about yourself IMO.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2007
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Wyldfire said:
If you put up a poll about me specifically...more people will want me to stay. I get MANY pms from people thanking me for my help and thanking me for posting here. They just don't post publicly because they don't want to get flamed or accused of sucking up to me. Again...YOU are in the minority. Wouldn't it be rather foolish to ban someone whose advice is in the DJ Bible? My advice is better than over 95% of the rest of the advice you'll find on these forums now...even if I do have tits. If I used a male ID and posted the things I do the same people who flame me would be sniffing my ass like they do Pook. Look past the tits and judge the CONTENT of my posts rather than just assume it's bad because I'm a chick.
wow, i've never read this one... Wyldfire definitely thinks too highly of herself (like always). First of all, just because she's in the DJ Bible, doesn't give her any right to act the way she has been acting, nor should it give her an 'air' of superiority above the rest. Also, she should never ever compare herself to pook. Never.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
djSlvt said:
She is addicted to the feeling of being abused. She is on here to get that feeling. Banning her will not solve her problems, IMO. Ignoring her brakes the cycle.
So, you're proposing the site be rededicated to "the secrets of welcoming, accomodating, and fixing abused women"?

Her problems are not our problems. She should handle her business, not plague us with them, or retard the evolution of rAFC's.


Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
She'll be back if banned. She needs this sh1t, and forums is a pretty safe place to get it from. Fixing her, if there is a way, is like easiest way to get rid of her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
By the way...over 20% of her threads (the ones she creates) are currently LOCKED. And she has created around 90 or so of those.

That's amazing stats.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Leave Wyldfire alone. She gives great advice. To me she is the wisest person on the forum! If the mods ban her I´ll leave, too!!!
J/K.... she´s a trolling attention wh0re who doesn´t know what she´s talking about. Ban her!!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Now, now. Let's just settle down here and be rational. She contributes a lot to the site, like this:
Wyldfire said: couldn't spot a troll if it bit you in the arse. You're too busy ranting about how women are the cause of everything wrong with your life. He was probably trolling you...back when I was a prolific troll on Yahoo you are exactly the type I would target.
"...but now that I'm on SoSuave, I bite everyone in the arse. Have been for 6 years, actually. I'm pretty good, huh? Damn, it's fun. Hey, everyone has their hobbies, don't blame women!"


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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One final point.

Many of you might wonder why I keep bringing her history.

The reason is simple: she tends to use the fact that she "is a woman" as her defense that her advice is better than the male advice. She calls it "the woman's perspective". She also talks about her junior college courses she is currently taking as reasons to her expertise. In a nutshell, she constantly uses credentials as a way to validate her advice.

Well, we all know there all kind of women out there. I'm making sure people understand that it is a 41 year old divorcee with children from multiple men (some out of wedlock) which selection of men for serious relationships and breeding are alcoholics, drug addicts, and ex convicts.

It is not personal attacks. I'm simply expanding on the credentials she ALREADY provided. And I'm expanding based on the history she has OPENLY share with us.

That way a person seeking advice is not going to just rely on the fact that she is "giving a woman's perspective".


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
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If we were to use the analogy of a company, the effect Wyldfire's input is having would be judged negative and she would be removed or placed elsewhere.

If we were to us the analogy of a sports team, her lack of contribution to very basic elements of the game would not only be lacking, I believe they would be deemed counterproductive. She would be let go or traded and at best shifted into a supporting position away from the actual game.

The metaphor of the matrix is used often - and it really fits (IMHO). I believe the core meaning of SS is to provide awareness and a means to find out the truth. We would be foolish to try and rescue/save each and every AFC (I was one myself) because rescuing and saving (as we soon learned via this site) is one of the very mindsets that derail us.

However, I think we have the duty to give each and every individual (AFC) who sought us out the chance to take the Red Pill. What he does after that and whether he rescues/saves himself is beyond our control. And so when there are extreme cases where this message and way to the truth are continually distracted (the nice way of saying it), I think we need to think long and hard about whether we ought to do something about it.

djSlvt said:
She'll be back if banned. She needs this sh1t, and forums is a pretty safe place to get it from. Fixing her, if there is a way, is like easiest way to get rid of her.
...Your posts are brilliant because your prognosis is perfect. I wish I could believe a focused period of ignorance would benefit her however I just don't think it would. So then should the larger group continue to be distracted or should one be ejected as to benefit the group (itself an example of a DJ making a decision)?


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Latinoman said:
By the way...over 20% of her threads (the ones she creates) are currently LOCKED. And she has created around 90 or so of those.

That's amazing stats.
I agree.

I think the problem is that she doles out so much misinformation and self-serving advice so continuously that half this forum wastes half our time disproving it all. A GREAT DIVERSION of OUR time, minds, energy and resources.

And that in itself is a GREAT way to slow our movement down. By spreading false propaganda and diverting our energy... Like how a tumor drains a person away.

Let's face it, she's an enemy mole who is trying to do exactly that.

I honestly think she'd be much better off posting on a feminist woman's forum and if any AFCs here want her advice - they could go there. She just doesn't belong here in Man's Land. She's like a Klansman in the NAACP.

Even classy women (who DO belong) here like Bad Lil'Pixie agree! :rockon:

Anyways, perhaps we should take a vote on a poll just for shyts and giggles... :D


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
I would be for ignoring her more than banning. Here's the deal: This is a man's site. Women can't give sound advice to men, just like men can't give advice to women.

Too many AFC's are trying to be Captain Save-A-Ho over cyberspace, some how winning Wyld's affections.

Any time I've written about playing the field, dating lots of women, being single past 30, working on career, not being an AFC, not having oneitis -- and the biggie, not dating single mommies in one's 20's -- Wyld comes in with the contrarian viewpoint that single mommy's are to be embraced, men should be raising someone else's kids, and so forth.

Basically what she's saying is this:

1. The DJ lifestyle is wrong

2. Men are wrong

3. I hate the DJ lifestyle

Guys, this is the message board for; this is not This site is dedicated to men who want to become better with women as in plural, women, not woman. It's also dedicated to being the best you can be. Being the best consists of working on your career, fitness, and intellectual abilities and not chasing after damaged women.

Wyld thinks men should be groveling over damaged women. It is completely contrary to the DJ lifestyle.

I'm not on divorced mommy sites telling them how to live.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2007
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wayword said:
I agree.

I think the problem is that she doles out so much misinformation and self-serving advice so continuously that half this forum wastes half our time disproving it all. A GREAT DIVERSION of OUR time, minds, energy and resources.

And that in itself is a GREAT way to slow our movement down. By spreading false propaganda and diverting our energy... Like how a tumor drains a person away.

Let's face it, she's an enemy mole who is trying to do exactly that.

I honestly think she'd be much better off posting on a feminist woman's forum and if any AFCs here want her advice - they could go there. She just doesn't belong here in Man's Land. She's like a Klansman in the NAACP.

Even classy women (who DO belong) here like Bad Lil'Pixie agree! :rockon:

Anyways, perhaps we should take a vote on a poll just for shyts and giggles... :D
I'm not really worried about her being a troll and trying to waste our time and energy. Really, all of the posts I made today and yesterday maybe add up to 20-30 mins max of my free time. Trolls lose because they have to juggle a lot more plates attacking everyone else. If she really is a troll, then it will be her lost at the end because she will have to put in much more time then we each do individually. I have been writing my posts from the viewpoint of assuming that she has good intentions and offering advice on improving her behavior. Since it seems like she will never listen, I will stop that soon. Some of you are making good cases accusing her of being a troll. Hopefully this isn't the case, because I can't imagine what someone would gain from being a troll. I come here and I learn a lot. What does it benefit a troll to come other than to waste their own life away?


Oct 25, 2001
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Actually...I have another proposal. Make me a moderator on a trial basis for two weeks. I will promise ONLY to delete personal attack posts made to me and NOT delete or censor people who just disagree with me. This will accomplish four things:

1. I will never feel compelled to defend myself because I would simply be able to delete the personal attacks as soon as I see them.

2. It will discourage those attacking me from doing it because I won't respond and I will be able to delete their posts.

3. No one else would have to deal with having threads locked because they get derailed.

4. I will be able to focus entirely on giving advice and input...which is what I really would prefer to be doing.

I have demonstrated that I am fully capable of disagreeing with people without getting angry. I've never had any problems with the vast majority of the people here. It is only a few people who are attacking me. The mods clearly don't want to deal with it. I'm offering a solution that will resolve this issue once and for all. I've moderated forums before...including a larger one than this that was basically a masculinist vs feminist battleground. In a years time I never banned anyone (It was my forum), and only deleted posts that I absolutely had to delete. If after two weeks the majority of people are not satisfied in how I am conducting myself...I'll step down.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Falcon said:
Some of you are making good cases accusing her of being a troll. Hopefully this isn't the case, because I can't imagine what someone would gain from being a troll. I come here and I learn a lot. What does it benefit a troll to come other than to waste their own life away?
Falcon, what does anyone gain from watching television?
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