It really works-- really! Field report -- I think


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
I just discovered this forum last week and had no idea that there were groups like this. I stumbled upon it from a link to Pook's postings from another totally random site and from there decided to read a bit of the posts here and thought some of the ideas were very enlightening. I tried some of them out on saturday 9-4 at the love parade in San Francisco and was truly amazed at the response I got. But first, a little background on me: Im not what you would call shy, most people would think of me as overly ****y and ostentatious. I don't have any trouble talking to girls and am usually asked to go to clubs with my friends who did have trouble for that reason. And, I like photography-- a lot. I used to shoot people in clubs and was greatly rewarded because I was never the one to use a zoom lens. I would get right up in the faces of the girls and make them pose for me, didn't matter a bit if their 320lb boyfriend was looking right at me. Most of this is because I don't think most people like 'stalker' photos from wack ass photographers who are too shy to go right up to a girl and get the photo you want. Sadly, I have never put those tactics together to actually date some of the girls I photograph. My new job takes up so much time that I couldn't shoot and became kind of depressed lately because I wasn't out there meeting new people and being myself. I planned to go to the Love Fest because it was going to be something different and I could go take pics and enjoy the music.

After reading some of the posts on this board, I stumbled upon a saying that struck me as one of the most important things anyone could ever say: "He who hesitates, masturbates." If theres something that could be taken from photography and applied to real life, that is it (minus the masturbation part.) So, I decided to combine the two talents and eliminate all traces of hesitation on saturday-- I had both batteries charged in my SLR and headed out to the show with a group of friends. At first, I was just getting some normal pics of the floats and things and doing the standard pro-photographer thing by getting shots of the hottest girls blah,blah,blah. Then, at about 2, I started to feel more confident and was struck at how responsive the girls were. Then after another half hour, I decided that I wanted MORE-- I left my friends and struck out by myself. Not only did I want the hottest girls, I wanted them to do things that they normally wouldn't do anywhere and I wanted to pick out a few of them and f%ck the crap out of them later. From this point, my world became a blur of the hottest girls you could ever imagine yielding to anything I wanted-- if they were walking away from me, I would spin them around into crazy positions and take their picture. If they were walking toward me, I would stop them, organize their whole group and take a few photos. Not more than a few seconds had elapsed before I was getting grabbed by girls and kissed while they demanded I get a picture of them like they had just seen me do with the other girls. A few tried to pull me aside to talk, but I was just so manic and spontaneous that literally had no time to ask for their number or name or whatever-- I was just lost in a world of "theres a hot one, GET HER!!" After an hour of this and several annoying lipstick/bitemarks all over my face and neck, I started to think "ok, this is too easy, Im not even trying and these girls are falling over themselves to obey me" so I became even MORE bold and began interrupting whatever they were doing to approach them. If a hot girl was on her cell, I would look right at her, grab her phone off her ear, hang it up, put in my pocket and make her pose for me. A few times I just picked the absolute hottest girls I could find and did that-- they were literally so shocked and surprised that they couldn't find anything to say and just yielded to whatever I wanted them to do. It was as if the walls and barriers that super hot girls normally put up just dissapeared into thin air. When I gave the phone back I would hear a 'wait-uh-um-who are u?' trailing off in the distance as I was instantly after the next hottie.

After a few hours of craziness, I slowed down, picked out some other new hot girls and just asked them out right there. I didn't feel like any pickup lines or developing conversation or anything and I still wasn't hesitating, so many of my conversations were like this:

me " hey, what are you doing after this?"

g " I don't know, why "

me "were going _____, come with us"

g " ok, that sounds fun"

me " whats your number, Ill call you at like 8 "

g "(number), whats yours, can I bring my friends with me"

me "sure" (kiss/hug/walk away)

Little did I know my poor little cell phone was about to blow up later that night from all the calls. I literally don't know which girl goes with which number-- and all of them were hot. It was a day of chaos with me smiling from ear to ear and capturing every exploit on camera. I don't live in SF, so I had to drive my friends who I eventually found back home. When I finally got back home and woke up, I called some other girl that I never talk to and screwed her silly. Afterwards, She too was like "WTF got into you?!"

There is one thing that I think I should mention. The festival is not a free for all orgy-- from my point of view it was, but there were also an unlimited number of guys watching from the sidelines doing nothing and other photographers scratching their heads and biting on my photo ops (that means shooting over my shoulder while I had framed this great shot). I don't mind the biting part as much as I mind the endless number of dudes just sitting there acting like chumps. WTF?!? you're going to just sit there with 500,000 18-30yr old girls in front of you partying and dancing?

I think that the reason this worked was a combination of factors:

1) I wasn't there to 'meet chics', I was there to be a very good pro photographer and get awesome pics

2) I was genuinely happy and excited the whole day, I wanted to be there and enjoy the sights and sounds

3) I never hesitated

4) I told the girls what was going to happen, I didn't ask "if it was ok if maybe sometime u and i could get a drink or something maybe if that was ok with you..." or any other bs like that

5) I was totally natural when I spoke and approached

Notice I didn't say anything about the girls, I didn't have time to even think if they were insecure or wonder if they wanted me or not. I don't remember even one second where I thought about whether I was too bold or forward or they might be shy or their boyfriend was near, etc. It didn't matter-- if you were a girl and you wanted attention from me, you got one shot or I was off to the next girl faster than you could bat your eyelashes at me.

I don't know if this inspires anyone to do anything different than what they are already doing, but some of the advise and guidelines given on this site serve to simplify the pages and pages of complicated direction you could spend a lifetime reading. And if you can stomp down your own shyness and combine it with some of the principles here, you're golden.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Solomon said:
where the pics?


Just kidding

Good ****, yeah this site is great whether your a newbie or a pro....

Keep it up

Ill post all of them as soon as they are resized-- wouldn't want to leave people wondering what these chics look like.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
Great job man! You are a natural. It's awesome how reading some inspirational literature and apply it to your life will produce amazing results!

You took what you were good at, applied it to the techniques taught on this site, and turned into a womanizer without even realizing it!

:) +1 rep


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Duffdog said:
Ill post all of them as soon as they are resized-- wouldn't want to leave people wondering what these chics look like.
i would love to see the pics man...

Not that i dont believe you but i am always up for some eye candy. Can you please pm me when you post them incase i dont see this thread again..

Also i know you are telling the truth because i have experienced this my self. Sometime when i go out i am in a great mood where i dont give a **** and just do whatever i want and get most of the girls. I would say the main thing is to get in a happy mood which will give you confidence and make you look extra sexy to the girls.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Heres a taste of the spoils:

The two ballerina's were following me around trying to get my attention (mainly the one in the pink) and the last one in the blue was really into it. This is why I like pictures-- the facial expression and body language of the one in the blue in the last pic is what you look for when the girl is absolutely ready to F&*K the S$#t out of you.

As you can imagine, my day was good.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
San Fran
Excellent work man i like the enthusiasm

**** i live in SF and missed the parade cause i went home to L.A. for the weekend. Ah well there is always next year... Post the pictures though i want to see what i missed >.<


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Crazy DJ stuff on this thread.. hot HB9s with awesome natural game FRs!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
You think those two are ugly? I know that they are dressed...weird, but their not fat or anything and the one in the pink really does have a nice body. BTW-- I think its great that people are stealing my photos and claiming them as their own, totally makes me want to post more.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Dannyrt34 said:
i don't know man.. These girls aren't really what you made them out to be
lol @ this lame-o taking time to photoshop this


Good **** Duff, keep it up, I would love to see you do a field report, I use to be a photographer as well, more on the ameatuer side, Having a camera is a great way to utlize that as an opener, chicks love attention and a camera gives them just that


Don Juan
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Good work Duff! The next "love-parade" will be you walking with ten girls back to your home ;)

Ps. About the pics, don't worry about jealous people here on this site. You did really well! The girl from the 4th pic, left side. Send her number to me too :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Duffdog said:
Hey Perfect10 -- tell me if you think this chic in the middle is a 10. I thought so.

and this one I'm going to see again-- I thought her face was very exotic
Actually i think the one in mid is the least attractive one . If i could take one of them home with me i would prolly take the one on the left side.

I would say one on left is 9.3, Mid is a 7.5 and right one is 8.5


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score

That just tells you that you can never pick a "hottest" girl for everyone. I actually thought the two outside girls weren't cute at all-- and they were hella shy and submissive. I could have taken them home in a second, but I don't find indian girls attractive.