Islam: religion of war


May 17, 2013
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America is best

He is the son of Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas, and the man who became the face of the “Second Intifada.”

His name? Mosab Hassan Yousef. Not only is he a convert to Christianity, but he also worked as a double agent within the Israeli security service Shin Bet against the State Department-designated terrorist organization Hamas.

The author of the “Son of Hamas” recently sat down in an interview with Glenn Beck of The Blaze, and he uttered a phrase that is not new, but is nonetheless striking.

“Islam is the religion of war.”


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
If we judged all the Muslims of the world in regard to how strictly they adhered to the Koran, ISIS would be the only true followers of Mohammed. Every other Muslim would be a heretic.

Now, take that same perspective, only with Christianity, and find the most devout followers. I think you'd end up at an Amish farming community.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Bible_Belt said:
If we judged all the Muslims of the world in regard to how strictly they adhered to the Koran, ISIS would be the only true followers of Mohammed. Every other Muslim would be a heretic.

Now, take that same perspective, only with Christianity, and find the most devout followers. I think you'd end up at an Amish farming community.
I agree, yet atheists and such consider Christianity a much bigger threat to freedom, safety, etc.

That begs the atheists and similar thinkers TRULY want freedom, or do they want to stamp out Christianity? Or, I guess there's always that possibility that they are just stupid.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I still can't get over that ISIS believes Jesus is coming back to Earth to lead them to victory, shortly before the world ends.

So the strictest Muslims in the world believe in Jesus. That is just nutty.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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It seems a lot of people are unaware that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam actually all worship the SAME God: The God of Abraham.

Jesus exists in Christianity as the son of God. In Islam he is the second most important prophet next to Mohammed. Jesus is not recognized in Judaism because he did not fulfill the prophecy of the Messiah.

Okay now that we got that out of the way...

... I would agree that Islam is actually a religion of war because they regard Mohammed as "The Sword of Allah" and they glorify how Mohammed forced non-muslim tribes to adopt Islam.

all three of these religions are retarded in their own way:

* Islam wants to murder anyone who won't adopt Islam
* Judaism doesn't want to convert non-Jews to Judaism, they just want to enslave anyone who's not a Jew
* Christians are gullible sheep being controlled by their Jew puppet masters.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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The real problem isn't Islam. The real problem is our immigration and refugee policy of multiculturalism. We can't change Islam or muslims, and were not even trying. But we can and should contain it to its original culture zone as was done from 700 ad to 1965.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
The_flying_dutchman said:
Jesus is not recognized in Judaism because he did not fulfill the prophecy of the Messiah.
Uh, well, yeah he did. The Jews do want to admit this, because they are the ones who crucified him.

The_flying_dutchman said:
* Islam wants to murder anyone who won't adopt Islam
* Judaism doesn't want to convert non-Jews to Judaism, they just want to enslave anyone who's not a Jew
* Christians are gullible sheep being controlled by their Jew puppet masters.
One of these is not like the other. 2 of these are based on some type of superiority and hate, and you are attempting to lump the other in with the others to discredit it. I see right through it.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
Stagger Lee said:
The real problem isn't Islam. The real problem is our immigration and refugee policy of multiculturalism. We can't change Islam or muslims, and were not even trying. But we can and should contain it to its original culture zone as was done from 700 ad to 1965.
I agree, we should contain islam. We should also send the feminists to islamic countries so they know what oppression really is.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Yes, I agree. Jews believe in Jesus, just not that he's been here the first time yet.

I believe if you trace the Jews v Muslims conflict back far enough, it goes back to the inheritance rights of the sons of Noah. His first son was with a concubine, and his second was with his wife. So which one is the first born son who inherits everything, including God's blessing, holy line, blah blah blah. It's so far back in pre-recorded history that I think most historians would claim Noah never existed. There certainly is no proof of his existence.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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BB, that's probably true with the Jew vs Arab or the semitic rivalry. But Islam is 700 years AD after Christianity. Islam is a separate matter or should be, adopted much later as part of the rivalry. There's debate about the origin of Islam in Saudi Arabia and just what god it serves.

The thing with Islam is it has been a menace to Europe and the rest of the world too from the get go. It should all be contained to its cultural zone like it was always done until after 1965.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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speed dawg said:
Uh, well, yeah he did. The Jews do want to admit this, because they are the ones who crucified him.

One of these is not like the other. 2 of these are based on some type of superiority and hate, and you are attempting to lump the other in with the others to discredit it. I see right through it.

You can see whatever you want to see. I was raised Catholic and even I'm enough of a realist to understand that the vast majority of Christians are blind to the fact that they're being manipulated by Jewish interests.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
The_flying_dutchman said:
You can see whatever you want to see. I was raised Catholic and even I'm enough of a realist to understand that the vast majority of Christians are blind to the fact that they're being manipulated by Jewish interests.
I will admit that what the Jews do is very concerning to me, but don't just make sh*t up and infer things like you did in the previous post. Christianity isn't the same as Islam and Judaism.

I don't like non-Christian Jews. They are as bad as other groups, maybe even more so because of their manipulative tactics.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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speed dawg said:
I will admit that what the Jews do is very concerning to me, but don't just make sh*t up and infer things like you did in the previous post. Christianity isn't the same as Islam and Judaism.

I don't like non-Christian Jews. They are as bad as other groups, maybe even more so because of their manipulative tactics.

If you have the courage, and if you're not afraid of having your belief system possibly challenged, do a little research into Islam and Judaism and you'll see what wrote is not made-up nonsense, it's fact.

You just have trouble believing it because your knowledge of Christianity, Islam and Judaism is limited to what you've been told by either church or mainstream media -- all of whom construe this information as a vehicle for their own agenda.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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The_flying_dutchman said:
If you have the courage, and if you're not afraid of having your belief system possibly challenged, do a little research into Islam and Judaism and you'll see what wrote is not made-up nonsense, it's fact.

You just have trouble believing it because your knowledge of Christianity, Islam and Judaism is limited to what you've been told by either church or mainstream media -- all of whom construe this information as a vehicle for their own agenda.
I thought it was common knowledge that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same God. Guess I was a little naive about other people's knowledge of the Abrahamic faiths. I do find it confusing how 3 powerful religions can all worship the same God, but bicker and fight over a difference in who the most important prophet was.

Good posts in this thread by you.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
The_flying_dutchman said:
If you have the courage, and if you're not afraid of having your belief system possibly challenged, do a little research into Islam and Judaism and you'll see what wrote is not made-up nonsense, it's fact.

You just have trouble believing it because your knowledge of Christianity, Islam and Judaism is limited to what you've been told by either church or mainstream media -- all of whom construe this information as a vehicle for their own agenda.
Jaylan said:
I thought it was common knowledge that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same God. Guess I was a little naive about other people's knowledge of the Abrahamic faiths. I do find it confusing how 3 powerful religions can all worship the same God, but bicker and fight over a difference in who the most important prophet was.

Good posts in this thread by you.
Legit LOL on the shaming by both of you. Plus, Gaylan considers it a "good post" when he agrees with it. ;)

The path to heaven is the most important parts. Even the wild indians worshiped a higher power. Again, you've failed to show me how Christianity, a very inclusive and good-willed religion, is similar to Islam and Judaism, faith-wise. Of course it all goes back to Abraham, he gave birth to Judaism (Isaac) and Islam (Ishmael). Jesus Christ came all those years later from the line of Isaac and the rules changed. Muhammad did nothing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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^The point flew over your head.

Two facts for you again. One, that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the same God Abraham did. And two, that religious barbarism is not unique to any religion. What we see from Islam in modern time is a younger religion that has yet to catch up with the rest of the world.

However, Id also point out that Islam is not practiced the same in every region of the world. Islam in Turkey and Indonesia is far more moderate and tolerant than the Islam of certain areas of the Middle East.

Heck, a lot of this "be a muslim or we'll kill you" stuff has sprung up a lot of the time after the West or Russia decided to go into a nation and change a bunch of things. Afghanistan in the 60s is night and day compared to its present day self (aka after wars with Russia and the USA).

This is not unlike Iraq with the emergence of ISIS. Not unlike Iran after the USA and UK overthrew their democractically elected Prime Minister. After-which followed a brutal dictator, his overthrow in the 70s, and today in Iran they have harsh theocratic rule. Lastly as an example, the remains of the once great Ottoman Empire. After WWI that land was divided up into colonies and nation-states...and it wasnt long before dictators and Islamists sprang up.

My point? Islam is a young and immature religion, but Western influence plays a hand in propping up the wrong regimes or tearing things down in the wrong way. And in a way that gives Islamists a chance to seize control and a destabilized area to thrive. There are things Islam as a whole needs to do to mature and catch up to the other religions. But at the same time Western nations need to mind their business or simply stop propping up tyrants. (for exmaple...our hypocritical support of Saudi Arabia)

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Jaylan said:
My point? Islam is a young and immature religion, but Western influence plays a hand in propping up the wrong regimes or tearing things down in the wrong way. And in a way that gives Islamists a chance to seize control and a destabilized area to thrive. There are things Islam as a whole needs to do to mature and catch up to the other religions. But at the same time Western nations need to mind their business or simply stop propping up tyrants. (for exmaple...our hypocritical support of Saudi Arabia)
Just curious, what is "Western" that you are referring to when you say 'our'? The liberal agenda you so vehemently defend? Or the conservative right? George Bush or Barack Obama? I have a feeling I know who you are going to blame this on. The US has been meddling in foreign affairs for WAY too long, I think we can all agree on that. As soon as we reached the pinnacle after WW2, that sh*t started happening. Some good, some bad, but the problem was generally how we went about it. Greed does not know a party line, and it's the spoiled liberal baby boomers born of privilege who are some the most elitist and feel they should tell everybody else how to live.

Nothing went over my head. If you'd stop attempting to discredit/insult, we might have half a prayer of a civil discussion.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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The Western world in contemporary geopolitical terms, is those nations with strong Western cultural origin. This would be the USA, most of Europe, and Australia. When speaking of the West, its wise to look at the broader aspects of each nations politics...and not be blinded by partisan party line crap.

This isnt a liberal vs conservative thing. Western nations have had selfish meddling foreign policy across the rest of the world no matter if a right wing or left wing government had control. Government's handle domestic affairs differently from how they handle international affairs.

PS - Do not complain about insults when you continue to childishly call me out of my name. And do not think I have forgotten how you have a habit of insulting anyone who disagrees with you as well.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
Jaylan said:
The Western world in contemporary geopolitical terms, is those nations with strong Western cultural origin. This would be the USA, most of Europe, and Australia. When speaking of the West, its wise to look at the broader aspects of each nations politics...and not be blinded by partisan party line crap.

This isnt a liberal vs conservative thing. Western nations have had selfish meddling foreign policy across the rest of the world no matter if a right wing or left wing government had control. Government's handle domestic affairs differently from how they handle international affairs.

PS - Do not complain about insults when you continue to childishly call me out of my name. And do not think I have forgotten how you have a habit of insulting anyone who disagrees with you as well.
Oh cry MOOOAAARRR! gaylan

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
The Western world in contemporary geopolitical terms, is those nations with strong Western cultural origin. This would be the USA, most of Europe, and Australia. When speaking of the West, its wise to look at the broader aspects of each nations politics...and not be blinded by partisan party line crap.

This isnt a liberal vs conservative thing. Western nations have had selfish meddling foreign policy across the rest of the world no matter if a right wing or left wing government had control. Government's handle domestic affairs differently from how they handle international affairs.
Here we go again. "Why is islam the religion of terrorism and conquest?" Cuz of the west. "Why does anyone do anything bad or anything bad happen?" Cuz whites.Islam has always been that way since it's founding in 700ad. The only thing you can do with it is to contain it. Which was the policy until about the 1960's. You're partly right, liberals and conservatives have both encouraged islam's spread and meddle in the middle east too much.

And another thing there's no "maturing" islam short of converting. Also whether Islam theoretically worships the same god as Judiasm and Christianity is irrelevant. They don't worship their god or gods the same way and don't describe him the same way. So one or more of them is wrong.