Is this too easy of a decision?

The LadyKiller

Senior Don Juan
Oct 5, 2011
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I went out with a HB a few weeks ago. We had a good time and have texted since, but both our schedules have gotten in the way of a second date. This week, she says she is free this weekend and proposes that we can either meet/go out:
- Saturday night after I get off work (around 10pm), OR
- Sunday brunch before I go to work that afternoon

Excluding the answer of "why not both?," I feel like the night option is the clear winner, right? I have a nice place and if we end up there, I likely seal the deal. But the reason I am posting here is because I asked two of my friends, who each took a different side. One agreed that the night option is better because I won't feel limited by time and work constraints. My other friend disagreed, saying brunch is classier and shows I am more interested in a potential relationship.

What side are you on?

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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This isn't criticism. I can tell by your posting that you're a bit newer to the dating scene (and we all started out there at some point).

A common mistake is trying to plan the 'perfect' date. If you're a bit newer to this than some of us old-timers, it's understandable that you might want a few 'props' (such as wanting to make a good impression, providing the right atmosphere, sending a 'proper message' etc..).

Three's nothing wrong with providing any of the above as supplements, but it shouldn't be the basis.There's a big difference between the two. You are attracted to her without the extra bells and whistles and it's okay to expect her to be attracted to you without the "extras" as well. In fact, you don't want to see a girl that needs to be subconsciously 'bribed' to enjoy your company.

If you two hit it off, I can assure you that it will not be because you took her to brunch and it appeared as a "classy move." If she's into you, it will not matter if you see her Saturday night or Sunday late morning.

Even if you feel uncertain or nervous, it is *very* important that you make at least some sort of move on her. It can be as simple as touching her back as you two walk through a door or placing your arm on her shoulder if you are talking into her ear (if you're in a loud place).

If you're asking for advice, I'd suggest taking her out Saturday night. Here's why: Although you're intentions are beyond just a roll in the hay (and nothing wrong with that) it's always good to leave that option open too. Those of us that have been around, have dated women and thought "it ain't gonna happen" and to our surprise, it did. You never know.

Last thing. What ever you do.... do not say to her "what ever you want to do." Always, always always, be the man that has a plan and takes charge.
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Jul 30, 2003
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All this back an forth compromising and scheduling and waste of time chit chat is gonna blow up in your face. Make your own plans then invite her. Its up to her to figure her sh1t out and be there. This is why guys out here are failing and getting flaked on

“Hey wyd thursday im going to this new sushi bar, wanna come its at 7pm off mainstreet”. U send this msg to like 3 chicks. That way u dont put all ur eggs in 1 basket.

So u got 3 shots. If 1 or 2 flakes u still got ur backup. If ur first pic agrees then u can flake on the other 2. This is called abundancy mentality. This is called game. And game is based on your attitude and lifes situation. U gotta write checks your ass can cash. That means back up yourself . It goes with the don juan lifestyle. Does anyone even call this a don juan site anymore? More like incel don nowadays. Sad state of affairs.

I digress. The point is your lifestyle needs to match up and it will be congruent with your attitude.


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2018
Reaction score
I went out with a HB a few weeks ago. We had a good time and have texted since, but both our schedules have gotten in the way of a second date. This week, she says she is free this weekend and proposes that we can either meet/go out:
- Saturday night after I get off work (around 10pm), OR
- Sunday brunch before I go to work that afternoon

Excluding the answer of "why not both?," I feel like the night option is the clear winner, right? I have a nice place and if we end up there, I likely seal the deal. But the reason I am posting here is because I asked two of my friends, who each took a different side. One agreed that the night option is better because I won't feel limited by time and work constraints. My other friend disagreed, saying brunch is classier and shows I am more interested in a potential relationship.

What side are you on?
Stop overthinking it. Take her out saturday night and have fun and then spend the night at your place. Grab breakfast in the morning and send her on her way.