Is this enough eating to bulk?


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
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Few specs about me, am about 5'10". I weigh 178 lbs (recently weighed in morning). I am doing a 2x my bodyweight for protein so here is how my food looks like.

Morning Meal 7 AM: 3 Eggs + Instant Oatmeal

In class Meal 10AM: Power Bar with 10g Protein + Half a 60g protein shake

In class Meal 11AM: Power Bar 10g Protein + Rest of 60g protein shake

Get Back Home 2PM: 1 can of tuna (12 OZ Starkist Light :woo:) 2 chicken

breasts small-med in between those 2.

Meal at 5PM: Shake contains 60g's of protein

Meal at 8OM: 3 chicken Breasts + 3 eggs

My in between snacks consist of fruits like apples + bananas few grapes... some strawberries...

Also Drink about 2-3 glasses of milk + all my shakes are with milk

Thats how my typical day so far looks like, I will be doing some swaps every other day for some steaks + rice + potatoes.

But my initial meal plan is it alright for me? Should I add more of something and less of another thing? Please let me know.

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Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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The protein could be right on the mark but i'm not sure of the chicken breast your eating, add up the protein or write down how many oz the chicken breast are.

You'll need more carbs, if there to hard to get down then you can up the fats via olive oil, natty peanut butter, flax oil and fish oil.

356g Protein
125g fat
320g carbs

that would be a good starting point, if the carbs are to high for you to get down then you can replace them until the 200g mark


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
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EFFORT, the chicken was 8 oz's for each piece.

Now what am wondering about is if I do running 4x a week about 45 mins each time to cut my fat will this affect my bulking?

(Also read on that only after 20 minutes of running the fat starts to burn. not sure if that is true as well )

Because currently even though am at 178lbs its a lot of fat....

EFFORT, can you recommend any foods with high carb count?

O and am trying to stick to the 40/20/40 formula, which is 40% protein, 20% fat and 40% carb...



Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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SamoJednom said:
EFFORT, the chicken was 8 oz's for each piece.

Now what am wondering about is if I do running 4x a week about 45 mins each time to cut my fat will this affect my bulking?

(Also read on that only after 20 minutes of running the fat starts to burn. not sure if that is true as well )

Because currently even though am at 178lbs its a lot of fat....

EFFORT, can you recommend any foods with high carb count?

O and am trying to stick to the 40/20/40 formula, which is 40% protein, 20% fat and 40% carb...

If the chicken breast are 8oz each then the protein is looking good

No running that'll halt your progress. Walk on the treadmill at a speed of around 3mph with a slight incline 4days a week for 45min-1hour.

If i was you i'd stay away from those ratio formulas. The only formula you need is 2g protein xBW. Then from there you manipulate your fats and carbs until your gaining. Since you have some fat to lose i'd decrease your carbs to 250g a day and up the fat to 160g a day. ( the majority of the fat coming from good sources of course)

As for foods with carbs, Brown Rice, Potatoes, Breads, Bananas, Maltodextrin (for post workout),Apples, tortillas, wraps


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
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I did some changes to my daily food and came in about 370g protein, 105g fat and 300g from carbs. The fat is all the good fat. So I might have to buy some flax oil to get the fat numbers up. Will do more tweaking to get my carbs down a bit more.

This is another question like pre-workout. Is it alright if I have like a shake 40-60g of protein and an apple/banana which have like 120 or so carbs combined? Then post workout I would just have a 40-60g shake of protein and all my PPW food will be solid food with a lot of complex carbs, like brown rice, potatoes, pasta, oatmeal, chicken, steak?


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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Flax Oil, Fish Oil, Natty Peanut Butter, Olive Oil are good for getting the fat up

Pre workout meal is up to you i know a lot of people that can't stomach a meal like that before a workout and will lose it during there workout which isn't pretty.
But if you can then theres no problem doing that.

As for post workout its very important to get fast carbs and a lot of them. This is the only time you should be eating fast carbs so purchase some maltodextrin (theres a product called Carbo Gain by NOW thats good) or load up on gatorade (but the malt is cheaper)

Should be getting at least 60g of fast carbs post workout and whey. You could probably get away with taking more ...100g or so. Save the soild meal for 1hr and 1/2 after your postworkout shakes.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
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Ahhh so is that the Dextrose I been reading lately about that people take after their workout for carbs?

Will give it a shot and see how it goes. During my workout had no problems with the shake I took before but will see once I get my weight up there. I have also posted a workout journal as well called: SamoJednom's Workout Journal. :D!!!

Thanks a lot for all the answers EFFORT!!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
dextrose & maltodextrin are slightly different (among other things, the latter isn't as sweet), but both are useful postworkout.
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