is the reason she didnt fu(k because i stuffed or not?


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2006
Reaction score
so i met this chick at this party was a great night i had 2 chicks keen on me the whole time and i didnt know which one i should try for and my mate came up and i knew he wanted a piece but i ****blocked him big time and then in his defeat he said to me "hey why dont you tell em about that hooker you made cry in asia" yet i manage to recover and get the hotter ones number.
txted went on a coffee date the next weekend, then went for a drink the weekend after on the first coffee date i walked her to her car and nearly didnt make out with her but then she sorta did this half step and i could tell that she wanted me too so i did, then again the next date after the drinks more making out but a little heaver and more.
then on the 3rd date we went to a movie its late like 1130 at night the movies over we have been holding hands and stuff were out the front of my house we make out for a decent amount of time, i also have a hand on the back of her neck and she has her hand on me somewhere, anyways then im like "wanna come in?" and she goes nah i should get moving back to my place then im like "thats fair enough maybe we will do something next weekend"

that was it... is the reason she didnt come in because ive ruined it somehow, this is the first time a chick hasnt come in after dropping me off


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
or maybe, just maybe, she didn't want to come in for some other reason. Let me put it this way, if she goes out with you again and doesn't LJBF you than you didn't screw up. So stop analyzing.


Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
My guess is what Kal said.

No need to over analyze chicks. they have reasons just like anyone else.
No need to get offended by this either. she might have been tired, might have not been comfortable yet, not feel like it, had work to do at home, etc

there are a myriad of different reasons. doesn't mean you screwed up. Over thinking will lead to you screwing up though. just be cool and have fun and everything else will follow


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
What these guys said. Next time, don't ask her to come in, lead her in.
Just walk up and open the door and walk in like you expect her to come in with you, totally comfortable and bring her to the couch and continue to make out. If she has reservations let her bring them up. Don't provide her options...she likes you so just let it happen. Action not words. Good job and keep up the good work. Good luck.