Is the dollar going to crash?


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
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living in the middle of effing nowhere
yeah, so today i was talking with a few friends and they were all giving the "crash" warnings and stuff,saying the dollar will go really down and lose it's value....

i saw a few posts here recently that say the same thing...
now my question is :
1.will the dollar crash that badly?

2.dafuq should i do, so i dont end up homeless and living under a bridge with a bunch of wackos (my salary is in USD :( )

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
"Crash" is the wrong word. It will gradually lose value over time (as it has been doing for 100 years). Its not going to plummet over night if that is what you're asking.

I've written many posts here about the buying gold and why its a bad idea. Not going to get into it again.. but don't freak out and by gold because you fear the dollar will crash. Not a good idea.

This is not really a good place to get financial advice because there are a large amount "Armageddon" believers here that will try to scare the sh!t out of you and make you buy seeds, guns, gold and knives because "the sky is falling".

Trust me.. none of those things will save you. If you're that terrified.. leave the country. Right? :crackup: :crackup:

My advice (as always) is to use your brain. Focus on the FACTS, study history, understand world events and keep a clear head. Don't get emotional and don't make serious decisions based on fear, anger or other emotions. :up:


Oct 20, 2012
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where you gonna GO? If US crashes, the WORLD crashes with it. YOu need a pistol in your pocket, EVERY day. Consider it to be life insurance, of which YOU are the beneficiary. In normal times, either 22 or reloading your own centerfires, you can have a ball on a very few k $ per year, and build a skill that can save your life. Everyone should have a bit of gold, perhaps 10% of your liquid assets. it takes TONS of knowledge to be ready for a crash. google for "survival forums" to get started learning. get the info from Library, free, via interlibrary book loans and the "subjects" subdivision of their "books in print" catalog.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
goundra said:
where you gonna GO? If US crashes, the WORLD crashes with it. YOu need a pistol in your pocket, EVERY day. Consider it to be life insurance, of which YOU are the beneficiary. In normal times, either 22 or reloading your own centerfires, you can have a ball on a very few k $ per year, and build a skill that can save your life. Everyone should have a bit of gold, perhaps 10% of your liquid assets. it takes TONS of knowledge to be ready for a crash. google for "survival forums" to get started learning. get the info from Library, free, via interlibrary book loans and the "subjects" subdivision of their "books in print" catalog.
You're nuts bro. Guns won't protect you from biological weapons, bombs, poison, imprisonment, starvation, viruses, disease.

The elite laugh at "gun-clutchers". Guns are a relatively weak weapon when you consider what's out there. Look at what happened in Boston. Anyone can make a bomb and blow your gun-clutching ass to scrambled eggs :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

If the elite want you dead.. you WILL be dead. Stop kidding yourself.


Nov 4, 2010
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switch said:
yeah, so today i was talking with a few friends and they were all giving the "crash" warnings and stuff,saying the dollar will go really down and lose it's value....

i saw a few posts here recently that say the same thing...
now my question is :
1.will the dollar crash that badly?

2.dafuq should i do, so i dont end up homeless and living under a bridge with a bunch of wackos (my salary is in USD :( )

the real truth is, no one really knows! yes the dollar is losing value, all currencies do, however regarding the dollar, it is on the endangered list and people who use the dollar and live by it, need to take precautions, it probably wont nosedive but there is potential for it. what do you do if you have any money??? coke and *****s? not such a bad idea...long term, what will you need in future? a gun isnt a bad idea, wont protect you from the govt but will against anyone trying to steal your sh!t. I live in the uk and wish I could own one, would have one in a heartbeat.
if you can and have room, store food and water, infaltion would got through the roof! as for gold, the bible (if you believe it or not) has some wise words re end times...' a loaf of bread could buy a bag of gold' !
look at what you would need and make provisions, fuel? vehicle? food? a roof over your head? somewhere secure


Nov 2, 2011
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switch said:
1.will the dollar crash that badly?
Yes, the dollar will crash, in its place will come a new currency. The latest signs show that this collapse is eminent, in particular the gold going down, and the latest government false flag terror attack in Boston.

switch said:
2.dafuq should i do, so i dont end up homeless and living under a bridge with a bunch of wackos (my salary is in USD :( )
Do this, move to Russia.

Drastic? Yes.

But think about it, during market collapse there will be a civil war.

If not so drastic, you should preserve your current assets, buy gold and real estate. Position yourself near port city and have a boat so when **** hits the fan you can swim to Cuba.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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I see two confusing issues here. One is that the dollar will eventually lose its status as the world's reserve currency.

In order for that to happen, some other currency has got to take its place. It may be one currency, or it may be several swap deals (Japan and China, China and Aussie, etc).

At any rate, it won't likely happen inside of a decade. But when it does, the SECOND thing will happen, meaning the dollar will lose considerable value.

This, in and of itself, has two separate issues.

Issue one is that the fed's been printing money since its inception. The dollar has slowly been eroded by money printing inflation. This will continue.

The other issue is that once the dollar loses it's reserve status, the value of the dollar, its purchasing power, will drop significantly, since the majority of U.S. dollars are held in foreign banks. Everybody will be selling dollars, and they'll drop like the titanic.

How do protect yourself?

Understand a little bit about currency markets. Take a couple hours a week to stay abreast of international financial developments. Learn about hedge funds designed to protect against inflation. Learn to spot which foreign currencies are strong.

Whether you're paid in dollars or deer skins, you should be saving as much money as you can. Banks, or stock funds may not be the ticket anymore.

Don't blindly trust fund managers. Do your due diligence and find some decent investment vehicles that are mixes of hedge / growth.

And never, ever, listen to any investment advice from anybody on a forum.

Just suck it up and realize that, as a single man in today's world, understanding financial markets, how they operate, and how to identify appropriate investments is a requirement for financial survival.

Be willing to spend the time to do that, and you'll be fine.


Oct 20, 2012
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I never said that guns are EVERYTHING. Just because YOU don't know how to fight effectively does NOT mean that OTHERS don't know how. The gun just covers your ass while you poison the food supply (enough tomake people afraid to buy anything not in a metal can) the rest of it will rot, costing about 1 trillion $. One man, in one night, with a stolen airplane and a parachute, can burn CA off of the map. another trillion $. One man, in a month or so, can derail enough trains to make the cost of insurance on stuff shipped by Rail become so expensive that nobody can afford to pay it. MANY billions of $ lost. It wouldn't be hard to cut the Alaska pipeline in 2 places, in mid winter, causing the oil in the line to not be heated. It will then turn into asphalt. etc, etc.

you fight Big Bro by DESTROYING his income source, the economy. His thugs will NOT work for free, so he can't enforce jack. With electronic shock collars, big dogs can be taught that the ONLY places that they don't get shocked are their kennels, your van, and under the gas tank of black lincoln limosines. :) Put a lb of det cord powder under a big collar, and what have you got, hmm? u have the ultimate "fire and forget' missile. Let out 3 such dogs, from 1/4 mile away (line of sight) and they will get ALL THREE limos in a convoy. body guards gonna shoot at every dog that they see ? :)


Nov 2, 2011
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^^My God, holly crap!

That's some extremist bull ****, man. You can't take on the New World Order by fighting it, because the elite is not going to hold a gun, they have an army to hold a gun.

Did you know that a tank in a battle lasts about 40 minutes? Doesn't matter if it's Abrams, Leopard, or active armor T-90. Soldier lasts less.

The point of Guerrilla warfare is not to win, it is to make the enemy bleed. Continue with my thought here. If you make the enemy bleed in United States the people will turn on your ass, because they will be poor and hungry and ready to do whatever the savior - the government - tells them to do.

So, Mr Rambo, I'm afraid you swallowed a government propaganda turd which makes yappies like yourself eager to fight the government. You don't realize that your government wants you to fight them, that's why they have been exploding bombs since OKC, taking away your freedom of speech and guns, and destroying your economy. Go ahead, fight them.

To offset the New World Order you need to survive. Take all your **** and assets and move to Russia and become successful and have lots of children. That will make the New World Order's global genocide agenda (the golden billion plans) fail.


Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
what will they PAY that "army" with, if the economy is trashed, hmm? :)
I don't NEED the people, homeboy. Cant you figure that out? they are part of the problem, by FUNDING our enemy. the State.
Fvck Russia. Why should anyone give up the FAR superior access to resources and climate of N. American for a wasteland like Russia.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
plenty of my posts reflect volumes, punk. YOU are the one making the bs claims for Russia, so it's YOU that has the burden of establishing why anyone should be stupid enough to give up the US and come there.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
backseatjuan you are a fvcking imbecile.