Is the bartender interested? Long story but I want to see what the pros think.

Rex Lazer

New Member
Nov 11, 2011
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Hello gentleman, this is my first post, names Jeff nice to meet you guys... Anyways I just got out of a four year relationship maybe six months ago and can't read a sign for **** anymore. Pardon the length but I'd appreciate your assistance. Here's my dilemma

Alright here's the deal... I went up to the local bar the other night and it was pretty slow. I had seen this bartender once before and we had spoken very little that night. I know that every guy thinks that the bartender is hitting on them and I myself didn't know what to believe but my two friends who were there told me that she was. I think she was just trying to get tips. I just got out of a 4 year relationship in June so I am a little awkward with women again. Here's the story. This bar has 2 dollar 24 ounce nasty *** PBRs, but there cheap so whatever. I take 6 dollars so that I can buy two and tip two dollars. This bartender actually caught me off guard because she is extremely attractive and myself, I'm average I guess. So anyways, we chat a little while I drink the two that I paid for, then I tell her I've exhausted my limiting funding and that I was going to take off, this is around midnight. So she says, I'll buy you one. Ok, no big deal, kind of weird but she buys me another 24 ounce. I hear some bars allow the bartenders to do this but she knows I'm broke so no tip, etc. and this is a hole in the wall that doesn't get much business. Even though there are about 8 people at the bar she consistently talks to me the whole night. I finish that first free beer then say I'm going to take off. She offers me another one. I except but now it's really strange and I've only had one girlfriend my whole life (4 years like I said and I cannot read women very well.) When she is serving other customers she still looks over and smiles quite often. Then she comes over to me and hands me 5 dollars and tells me to put on some music on the jukebox. Now it's even more strange. I do that and ask her if there's anything that she wants to hear and she tells me 2 songs but I get to pick the other 4 or whatever. I go back to the bar after making the selection and she talks to me some more and then asks me for my facebook name and has me write it down for her. At this time my friends tell me that she is clearly hitting on me as I have been trying not to look at her too much. They told me to look at her body language. She is leaning in towards me over the table, pushing her boobs up and laughing at my jokes. I still take this as her just trying to win tips and customer loyalty. Then... about thirty minutes before closing she walks over and asks if I like Jager. I say yes and she brings me a glass, not a shot a shot, but a glass with about 4 shots worth in it. Well I drink it, I walked there fyi, and tell her that I'm going to take off she smiles and says goodbye. She told me her schedule a few times but I forgot what it was and we also had a funny conversation outside while smoking at some point but she was outside when I went out so, no she didn't follow me. The next day I see that she has sent me a friend request and I had her. My friend insists I should have made a move but oh well I could do that another time. Also on her facebook page I see she tells her friends to come and and she'll by them a shot or a drink. This just adds to my belief that she only wanted tips, etc. Though I clearly told her that I had no money after the first two beers. She also has around a thousand friends on facebook. Maybe she's really social. Everyone insists that she was hitting on me. Am I just being cynical about the whole thing or am I right? Sorry about the long rant. I would just like some help from someone with more experience in this arena and if she wasn't so damned good looking perhaps I would have been more apt to do something. That's not saying that I blew anything I obviously haven't but maybe you could tell me what the hell is going on here from an outsiders perspective. Thank you very much!

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
You have good reason for optimism but also good reason for caution. Highly social girls are always hard to read (at least for me), because you can double check a girl's interest in you by observing how she treats other guys, so you can see her baseline behavior, and highly social girls tend to treat everybody the same, especially with the service industry. Ultimately, though, the tried and true method to clear through the fog of uncertainties and misdirections is to enter the realm of action.

When in doubt, game. Strike when the iron is hot.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
Number close her, only way you will know.

Rex Lazer

New Member
Nov 11, 2011
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Thanks for all of the great input guys. I went in yesterday had a beer, found out a little bit more about her to gauge interest, got the number close, then I split. We'll see what happens next. I appreciate all of your help!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
honestly buddy, i have a friend and he's a natural. he taught me one really important thing: when it comes to girls, just assume they are ALL interested. and act as you would if they were.

Rex Lazer

New Member
Nov 11, 2011
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Thanks guys! I shall, but I'm going to wait a few days and see whats up. She told me yesterday to come talk to her today, as it would be slow but I said I was busy. I don't want to wear out my welcome. But I think I screwed up in that I sent her a little humorous message on facebook and she didn't respond even though she's updated her status. Whatever. I'll just let it simmer for a few days and hit her up Wednesday or Thursday and ask her straight up. I have another lady that seems interested though not as much so I'll try to nurture that prospect. Thanks again! I'll keep you guys posted.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
If it helps to understand the situation a friend of mine has a bartender that does the same things to him...but she already has a boyfriend.

She might just be very friendly.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
The consensus here is correct! Number close, call her up, ask for a date. This is how you figure out if a woman is interested or not. There should be no more questions or speculation, just action.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Rule of thumb: bartenders and waitresses are 99.9 % not really interested in you.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
WTF are you waiting for??? you have her contact info.... send her a message and get her phone number. If she doesn't give it to you, then fock it. If she does, then game on.

BTW... don't consider yourself "average". You are what you think u are.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
PapiChulo said:
Rule of thumb: bartenders and waitresses are 99.9 % not really interested in you.
I've gone out with a sh*tload of bartenders and waitresses. If they aren't interested, then they have a pretty bizarre way of showing it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Well, that's you. Every time there is someone who is trying to get with a bartender or their yoga instructor or a stripper, having to ask if they are interested- they aren't.

Rex Lazer

New Member
Nov 11, 2011
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Excellent! While it's probably true that she isn't interested I'm going to give the ask her on a date thing a show for ****s and giggles. Honestly I can never tell if a woman is interested. There was even a woman a few years ago when my girlfriend and I split for two weeks, who I made out with three times and stopped talking to because I couldn't tell if she was interested... Long story... Needless to say I've learned a bit since then. Thanks again for the assistance.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
She GAVE you 2 drinks to keep you around. WTF does she need to do,throw you down and rape you on the bar?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I will bet anyone here $100 the OP will not get anywhere with her.

Once my prediction comes true, ask me how I knew.

This is rookie mistake #1 LOL. I will post about it in my blog right now, give me 15 minutes to write it up.

EDIT: Ok, it's up, it's called "Don't hit on women who are paid to be nice to you." Enjoy.

I've gone out with a sh*tload of bartenders and waitresses. If they aren't interested, then they have a pretty bizarre way of showing it.
Not as their customer, you haven't.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Huge mistake telling her you are broke, you opened yourself up like a book to read. I can tell she thinks lower of you because shes sending you to do things for her like work the jukebox like her little do boy. You think a woman wants that in bed with her? I feel that was a test.

I would have at the very least told her I was trying to save money, maybe a nice opportunity to say something like "nah I don't need to be burning so much cash on beer, lol" shows her you have your head in the right place compared to all her other bar aquaintances. I always hold on to some cash when I go out and i'm low. So I would have accepted the beers but tip nicely. Shows her your no scrub, and lends itself to the fact that you are there for her not free beer.

When she would have tried to get me to run the jukebox I would have either just started talking to her about music or just put the money down on the bar and left it there. I would have done the juke box thing if maybe she could have motivated me enough through super stimulating music chat that I just felt I really wanted to do it. I don't take orders from anyone, particularly if i'm out chilling in a bar or something. Don't be scared to say no to her dude! At least do it tactfully...

Rex Lazer

New Member
Nov 11, 2011
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Well she texted me yesterday and told me she got called in and to stop by if I had the time as it would be slow but she was covering for another bartender. I got to beers and chatted with her a while and she invited me to a party at one of her female friends this weekend. I guess that's a good sign! At least I didn't have to make a move asking her out, that's always nice! Anyways I'll see what happens then. So far so good. Thanks again guys I really appreciate the help!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
Dude dont let anyone discourage you. Just because shes a bartender, waitress, etc. and makes money on tips doesn't mean she can't have certain feelings for a guy.

I remember getting that certain vibe from a cute japanese waitress at a sushi joint and a hostess at a restaurant. I asked for their numbers went on a date with both and ended up banging them as well.

You don't have anything to lose by going for it.