Is she interested? Not sure how to handle this...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
so I met this girl on saturday and shes been texting me and then asks me if I had AIM or whatever and she wanted to talk to me on AIM cause she's an online person. rather than talking on the phone. heres the thing. she recently graduated college and I met her the day before she moved to Cali. So I don't know what the hell to do now. I asked her if she is ever planning on coming back and she said shes gonna try.

Is she interested or should I just next her because
a) she moved
b) i dont really believe in long distance relationships
c) I just want to bang her...

she basically begs me to come online so i can talk to her. She IMs me first.
when I tell her i want to go to cali (where she lives) she insists I should go
tells me shes really tired and laying down and her eyes are heavy
and she feels bad cause she told me to come online and shes tired
she asks me if im gonna come on tomorrow and I say "maybe but i might make you too tired and want to go sleep again so i dunno" (C&F Response)
that made her laugh good.
then she's like "you won't, promise! text me later if you get bored"
she asked me about computers, apparently, she's really into online. she has a mac n stuff. I told her I had a laptop but it's broken and she came up with a pretty damn good C&F response to that, she said "broken? too much porn thats why huh?" she made a funny. anyway I've only known her for 2 days and we talk like we've known each other for a bit. I Just don't want to get sucked into the ****in friends zone!! When she said she's tired I hit her with "Get some rest sleepy head" and stuff.

based on this, does she seem interested? How do I handle this situation?


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
She's definitely interested. The question is what to do with it. The good thing about online is it's easy to keep in touch. You could keep in touch casually and then just hang out with her next time she's in town or some time when you're in her area.

As for visiting her, I wouldn't go through the trouble unless you lived within a couple hours of her.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
yea..your right the question is what to do with it. i mean i feel i can only keep her interested for so long until she realizes that it won't work out cause i will never see her in person. so i was just wondering do I bring up relationship topic with her or do i just keep it casual and wait for her to mention something? so far we've just been talking about topics like movies, hobbies, school, stuff like that. but nothing about relationships or pasts.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
dude, drop that play around the bush and tell her, like so if you were here we coulda grabbed dinner and that fav movie of yours u kno..and im sure she'll hit u back with "I wish i was back in town to do that with you". trust me they re all like that. but eventually she'll find friends in college and move on. long distance dont work. so its just better for you to put it out there and let it go, coz situation now, it wont work past a couple opinion from my experience. atleast now she knows u have the balls to say it and she knows you aint just playn around, when she eventually visits atleast you dont have to act awkwardly friendly like you're both hiding smtn, you spend your time going out..


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
you're right. i just need to tell her im interested.
she told me sh e was gonna watch a movie so i just texted her that. "if you were here we coulda watched wanted u know..." so im starting to break the ice a bit now to her. only 2 things. 1 shell accept it or she'll run.... if she runs... I won't lose anything cause it's a long distance shyt anyways. so better something then nothing.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
thats right bru, chics love a dude that can be straight to the point and no mind games. coz they get that stuff from their girlfriends and other lame dudes.

you just laid it out like it is, but you did it with suave, like yeh if you were here we coulda caught that flick. now she'll either be thinking
1. YES! he likes me too!!! i gotta hit him back with something cool like "i wouldve loved that" or something playful like "you would have to ask me out first", either way you're in

2. Snap! i think he likes me. but then atleast ur not in the "friend" zone. thats not a good

good job. its what ive done before and its worked for me fine.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
she responded back with "ah I know :("

me questioning her interest just boosted a bit, as it does seem like shes interested now.
damn. i just need to play my cards right i guess. i cant fvck this up!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
of course you can **** it up. and then learn from how you ****ed up. dont pressure yourself or you WILL **** it up. She's not the only girl on earth man.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
baurman said:
i cant fvck this up!!
That's the wrong mentality. Who cares? Just find out when she's coming back to your area again and make a plan to meet up. Talk to her every so often (but not too frequently) just to keep things moving along, but leave her hanging and always wanting more (should be easy with the distance). That should have her itching to hang out with you by the time she comes back.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
If I stopped contact with her. Wouldn't she just move on? I need to keep in contact with her every so often so that way its not like she forgets about me and moves on.

I just dont want to play games with her ya know. She doesn't seem like she's playing any games with me so far. Whenever I txt her she answers immediately. She texts me in the morning "Hows work?" and when I tell her I'm going out, she texts me at 4 in the morning asking me "How was it?" I just feel if I ignore her or whatever then she'll start to play MY game and then that would piss me off.
If I just keep in contact with her every day and answer her texts and what not, at least this shows im interested and when we do meet up again next month or whenever, her guard will be down and i could bang her easily.
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Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
If you stopped talking to her, she would wonder what's up and try talking to you more, because she craves attention. Otherwise she wouldn't be trying to talk to you at every single opportunity. Most girls are going to act like they are really into a guy when he's out of reach, and then when you finally call them out on all that hype and try to meet up with them they flake or disappear.

Well if you're looking for the fast track to the friend zone then you are doing everything correctly. Replying to everything she says at all times of the day is showing her you obviously have nothing else and are giving her your full attention. If there's no competition for her to worry about then there's no reason for her to take any further action. She'll just keep telling you how her day was while she nails that guy on the side she hasn't told you about yet.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
well. I do talk to other girls. im sure shes aware of it.
Im not sure how she'll handle it though. I mean all girls are different. Some girls hate competition and when they find out that other girls are talking to me, they may just quit. So thats why I still contact her. But I'll stop contacting her.

I did stop contacting her Today and she texting me late at night asking me how im feeling lol.

also another girl on my my space just left me a comment
"tried calling you earlier but you didn't answer damn you!!^_^
so hows it going? hows work?
do you have any plans for next weekend?
talk to you soon.....

so that might display higher value to me.
just sucks she lives in another state. I'm trying to convince her to visit here next month tho.......WE'll see. If she does visit then I know that shes still intersted.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Whatever you do dont visit her. I'm sure you've heard of the cat and the string theory. It basically says that if you give her what she wants she will not not want it anymore.