is she bsing me... about liking *******s


New Member
Apr 18, 2004
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Yea guys soo ive been dating this chick for 8 months and she absolutely is in love with me saying she wants to marry me talking to her friends about me NONSTOP. so im thinking everything is all good my dj game is workin its magic. but sumthing happened the other nite that is kinda makin me a lil worried. we are watching a movie and one guy is a total ******* and one guy is the typical AFC sappy guy. In the movie the AFC gets the girl and i ask my girl " y do chicks like movies like that , girls always fall for the ******* anyway"... she goes yea thas true... soo i go" do u like ******* guys" her : yea, but not anymore that all changed when i met you" MY HEART SUNK HERE BECAUSE I THOUGHT OH **** AM I JUST A GUY SHE IS WITH CUZ SHE WANTS SECURITY? In my head I am thinking oh this is bull**** , she still likes *******s that didnt change... but she really does like me soo idk wuts up? Maybe she likes my dj skills an ******* sumtimes but nice others? or does this chick think i am an afc and just jerking me around.
or maybe she really stopped liking then wen she met me?

help guys


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
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the psychology of women will never change. when your girl says she likes a-holes, she is really saying she like guys who don't put her on a pedestal. you don't have to be an abusive a-hole to get girls. you are probably doing everything right. don't worry. i personally LOVE having these conversations with women. most women will flat out tell you that they HATE when guys buy them everything and treat them like they are gods. just be glad your GF is honest.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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Stop over-analyizng. Women say contradicting sh!t all the time, if you take it all to heart, you will go crazy.