Is sex really worth this?


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Microphone Fiend said:
sounds like some pure nihilist in this thread
A nihilist is one who beleives in nothing and is skeptical of everything. I don't want to be that person at all, but its whats goin on in my head, cant help it. Am i still a nihilist even tho i dont want to be one?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2007
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Oxide said:
I think you have just reached the last stage: Realizing that nothing matters - not what you say, not how you say it, not how she looks. Her goal is to evenutally get married and have the guy pay for her.. Your goal is to put your penis inside. How is that for underachieving? Feeling used yet?



That was probably the funniest reply I have ever seen - anywhere. And pretty much for all the wrong reasons, too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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Serialized3 said:
The answer is that no, sex isn't really worth it.

I believe that meaningful sex with a partner that you care about is a thousand times better than getting emotionally empty, hollow sex from some hor, even if she's "hot". In fact, I can think of fifteen things I'd rather do, including masturbation, than having empty, emotionless hollow sex with some hor.

That's because you can get sex on a dime's notice. If you can get something easily, it doesn't seem that important. Some of us would take any sex with a hot girl at any time, just like some of you would take a $100,000 job you need in 2 sec.

But I agree with the original poster. I'm supposed to sleep with this girl for the first time during Christmas after about 9 months of courting her. We are in different cities but I'm working out hard, spending money on new clothes, not eating junk food, etc, etc. All this just to sleep with her once? It's not worth it to me.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
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Was all the DJ stuff to better yourself and find out who you really are or just to ultimately get girls?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
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DonJuan11 said:
That's because you can get sex on a dime's notice. If you can get something easily, it doesn't seem that important. Some of us would take any sex with a hot girl at any time, just like some of you would take a $100,000 job you need in 2 sec.

But I agree with the original poster. I'm supposed to sleep with this girl for the first time during Christmas after about 9 months of courting her. We are in different cities but I'm working out hard, spending money on new clothes, not eating junk food, etc, etc. All this just to sleep with her once? It's not worth it to me.
I don't even agree with that old post anymore. After getting over some (obvious) hang ups I had about sex and relationships, I'm back in my original position that recreational sex is fine. Although I still won't lower my standards ... if I'm sober. :crackup:

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Mintyfresh said:
After a good 1 1/2 - 2 years in the DJ game I'm sitting here wondering why I ever put all of the effort into it in the first place. I can't help but take the rejections extremely personal, its just in my nature to really want people to like me.

I've been in the field, ive gotten numbers, ive gotten dates, ive been laid.

I don't think I'm any more confident than when i started, infact i think im less confident. All that ive gained is the ability to be extremely good at faking confidence and pretending to be the kind of man women want around. I have zero respect for the female sex after my DJ adventures. Seriously zero, i loahte everything non physical about them.

All in all, im sitting here wondering why I or any other self respecting man puts up with all the horrendous **** women make us go through just to get the shot at sex. Is sex really good enough to justify the means? I'm not so sure anymore.
Thats the path you've gone down. You didn't work on improving yourself into an attractive person and so rejection still hurts and the sex is meaningless.

For me just interacting with women is what makes this fufilling and sex is something that is going to happen regardless so I can be fully in the moment and enjoy the interaction for what it is.

For me personally this has improved me to expand my lifestyle and to get into things that I never would've looked into before. The way that I act is so much better tha I can communicate with people well. I also end up getting access to things as a result. Some parties I just walk right in, some stores will give me free food or 70% and 80% discounts.

That beats me being with a very small social circle and never talking to people outside my social circle. I remember the first time this girl seen me laugh she went "OMG he laughed" as if it was some GREAT thing lol.

What you were chasing for is the validation of women instead of being internally validated and so you wanted to bang theoe chicks to get that validation. I don't know how many time guys who are real good said this but this stuff don't make you HAPPY if that is what your looking for you won't find it here.

Big-J said:
Ahh one who's reached a crossroads in his life. The problem here is that you've spent so much time in making this into work, a calculation, or into an obsession of rationalising that you've forgotten to stop and enjoy the moment. This is the key to success. When you stop worring about all the methods, routines, and let yourself shine in the moment, that is where you will know you belong.

The point of this site is to give you the tools you need, and to eventually incorperate them into yourself, where you don't even think about it, you just do. The downfall is when you find yourself at the crossroad you seem to be at, wondering "is this all there is" when the answer is right infront of you and around you.

Remember A woman will never bring you happiness, you have to bring it to yourself. Otherwise you'll never be happy with a woman.

I feel as though in your post you've reached this point, but you seem to be missing the inspiration to aspire and move on to bigger and better things. At this point your either going to want to Grow as a Person, or Dive further into the seduction land, which will also let you Grow, as a person, but will lead you down a different path.

Read some more of Pook's threads, his whole ideal sense in them is to make yourself whole, and the women will come.

One of my Favorites:
Fuking Golden right there

The reason why I think I'll be doing this for the rest of my life is not really for just sex, but because how much fun it is interacting with women. Having a chick become my sidekick and just rolling with me is something I love.

This is why I laugh when people aren't willing to focus on 1 part of pickup every month to internalize it fully. They don't want to do it because they want to get laid quick. They are looking at the short term rather than the long term.

Last 7 months ALL I did was basically change up my personality to become an attractive man. First month I was almost to the point of tears and very frustrated because I realized the many flaws in my personality, for 1 month I couldn't open a chick. When I say it was bad, it was bad. But now where I'm at I'm SO glad that I went through with what I did because now I know exactly who I am. It doesn't even need any thought because I fully know who I am and can spit it off in about 10mins striaght.

I think many new guys go in with the mindset as the orginal poster. Since its mainly virgins, people who got out of bad relationships, or socially unintelligent people. So they look for validation and Acceptance. They don't want to internalize nothing they just want that # to get that boost of "Yea I'm liked". Just look at how many posts are about one specific girl they want to know specificially what to do or what something means instead of proactively learning this. If they did that they wouldn't be coming with such basic questions because they'd already know what to do.

It's sad how guys are just chasing after the sex and not actually focusing on improving yourself into someone, but sex just happen to be a side effect of all this.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
No it's not worth it, all this BS, hassle, improvement and worries for women is riduclous. But you have one of two options, all of this BS to get sex or to get no sex, that's how sad the situation is. Unfortunately our genes still make us go through this because we're programmed to spread our seed. But yes, don't take women seriously, they're seriously overpriced and poor at logical thinking. Don't rely on them to determine your self worth.



Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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You keep sayinjg i'm a dj i'm a dj. No you're not. You got a little better at getting sex. DJ does not equal "i can get laid now" otherwise you'd just laugh at the game and be happy with the rest of your life rather than basing your happiness on how women are.

"i've gotten extremely good at faking." That's why you focus on YOURSELF so you dont have to fake around women. You just exude the confidence after you have accomplished and been through much because you'll be like "i did this and that and was able to handle it all! who cares about one woman or two women or five women?" Yeah, women can suck but so what? Lots of things suck but we don't let those other things rain on the parade of our whole life. Why would women be different?

I'm not terribly great at getting women but i do attract them by mostly just showing up, cracking a few jokes, listening to them talk, but i hardly set out there like some PUA with the goal of "must lay this chick." It just flows and happens and if i go home alone i go home alone.. plenty of stuff i'd like to do tonight or tomorrow so it's not like i'm just going home with my d1ck in my hand to cry myself to sleep. The end result isn't so important. The interested women just seem to attach themselves without all the parlor tricks and games just by showing up being a halfway social good man. Maybe the games and all that get you greater numbers of women but is it really that important to have 20 in 2 months when 10 would've sufficed becasue you're busy with other stuff too?

Hell you can just spit some of this stuff at women about your goals and the path you are on to become a better man and they eat it up. OhhhHhhhHHh a man going somewhere! What confidence! He's not like the rest! 20 year olds may not care but as they get older and have gotten burned a few times the good ones will start to appreciate and want to become part of your exciting life of trying to conquer the world.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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PigAdlemPimp, that is one BALLSY move!! LOL!! I don't know a whole lot of guys that would do that!! Props

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Oxide said:
I think you have just reached the last stage: Realizing that nothing matters.

99% of population do not reach this stage.. I am almost there..almost. But I am always getting pulled back when around sucks and you must fight it.

Once you get here - nothing worries you. Supermodel? Whatever. Rejected? Oh well. She is going down on you? Good for her.

Careful, only apply this to women, nothing else or you will **** up your life.

Nothing matters - not what you say, not how you say it, not how she looks. Her goal is to evenutally get married and have the guy pay for her.. Your goal is to put your penis inside. How is that for underachieving? Feeling used yet?

Lick my ear.. Feed me drinks.. Act like you are too good..Ignore me.. nothing will matter in exaclty one year. Your nature is fvcking you over. It wants you to bang everything.. it wants you to reproduce. It doesn't know the half of it - the world we live in and the consequences.. some people pay half a mil for child support.

See her. Don't think about her looks - they wash away with the make up every night before bed. She looks half as good in the morning. She is not perfect, in fact, she probably sucks much more than anyone else. She got lucky with the jeans. Be an a$$hole to these girls. Don't date them.

Find your meaning. Find why and where you are going. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. her getting offended means nothing. You speak the truth - she can't blame you if you are honest.

Women have all the power. Women rule this world.. and will continue to do so. You are outnumbered. You will be livid over things that women get away with. You will not want to ever marry. It is all a part of opening your eyes.

Good luck, good night.

I will never probably reach 3000. Cest La Vi
i feel like that too.
i used to obsess over how to become popular and ****, now i just don't care.
I've gotten more friends, but they are actually annoying now because they always wanna hang out when i want to do my own stuff.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Neubie said:
Was all the DJ stuff to better yourself and find out who you really are or just to ultimately get girls?
Ultimately to get girls. That's why I'm doing everything - to sleep with a girl for the first time ever. If she backs out, I'm going to be pissed!!

Since I can see part of the light at the end of the tunnel, I'm doing all this DJ stuff. If their is no light (i.e no girl to sleep with me), there is no point.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Oxide said:
I think you have just reached the last stage: Realizing that nothing matters.

99% of population do not reach this stage.. I am almost there..almost. But I am always getting pulled back when around sucks and you must fight it.

Once you get here - nothing worries you. Supermodel? Whatever. Rejected? Oh well. She is going down on you? Good for her.

Careful, only apply this to women, nothing else or you will **** up your life.

Nothing matters - not what you say, not how you say it, not how she looks. Her goal is to evenutally get married and have the guy pay for her.. Your goal is to put your penis inside. How is that for underachieving? Feeling used yet?

Lick my ear.. Feed me drinks.. Act like you are too good..Ignore me.. nothing will matter in exaclty one year. Your nature is fvcking you over. It wants you to bang everything.. it wants you to reproduce. It doesn't know the half of it - the world we live in and the consequences.. some people pay half a mil for child support.

See her. Don't think about her looks - they wash away with the make up every night before bed. She looks half as good in the morning. She is not perfect, in fact, she probably sucks much more than anyone else. She got lucky with the jeans. Be an a$$hole to these girls. Don't date them.

Find your meaning. Find why and where you are going. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. her getting offended means nothing. You speak the truth - she can't blame you if you are honest.

Women have all the power. Women rule this world.. and will continue to do so. You are outnumbered. You will be livid over things that women get away with. You will not want to ever marry. It is all a part of opening your eyes.

Good luck, good night.

I will never probably reach 3000. Cest La Vi

Acutally, nothing matters.
Long run, short run, nothing matters.

Do you know the names of the most importent people 300 years ago?
Hell, take the new york phone book. in 100 years all the people there will be dead...

Understanding that nothing matters is to be mature. Most people just grow up. The people that mature are rare.
Anything you do doesn't matter (unless you are 0.0000000000000000001% of the population).

Realize we have no meaning, we are here, in x time we wont, nothing matters.
in about 60~ years you will die. you will just rotten 6 feet under.
So enjoy life aslong as you can!