Is muscle Milk Safe?


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
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I'm 16 years old and my cousin gave me half a can of his muscle milk because he hated the flavor. I paddle for my school (in hawaii) and I decided to take it during paddling to make use of it.

I was just wondering if this stuff is safe for me to take or if not, what protein supplements are safe for a teen to use.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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Okay, first I'm going to tell you that there is no supplement besides HGH and steroids that are dangerous for a teen. HGH(human growth hormone) can **** with your development in your younger years, its generally not recommended until after 25 years old, and even then.. You cant get these over the counter, and are illegal without a med. perscription

I'm 18 years old, in great shape, excellent health, and i eat +300g protein per day.

Some of the stuff I take that contains 'protein':
1. meat(ground beef, steak, etc)
2. whole eggs
3. whey powder
5. L-glutamine
6. BCAAs
7. milk

You should be eating all the protein you can get your hands on while you're young. Muscle milk should generally be avoided due to the copious amounts of sugar in it. Stick to natural sources, and avoid those single serving bottled drinks, they tend to be loaded with your common health bad boys(sugar, corn starch, aspartame, etc).

To bottom line this...EVERY protein source is good for you man.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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lol muscle milk is basically a protein shake it wont do anything to you lol And it tastes mad good so i dont know where the **** he got his taste buds from . If you wanna take somethign take Cell tech hard core with nitrp tech hardcore and you'll see gains be4 your even done drinkiing the shake im dead serious to you'll feel the effects immediatly.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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Quiksilver said:
Okay, first I'm going to tell you that there is no supplement besides HGH and steroids that are dangerous for a teen. HGH(human growth hormone) can **** with your development in your younger years, its generally not recommended until after 25 years old, and even then.. You cant get these over the counter, and are illegal without a med. perscription

I'm 18 years old, in great shape, excellent health, and i eat +300g protein per day.

Some of the stuff I take that contains 'protein':
1. meat(ground beef, steak, etc)
2. whole eggs
3. whey powder
5. L-glutamine
6. BCAAs
7. milk

You should be eating all the protein you can get your hands on while you're young. Muscle milk should generally be avoided due to the copious amounts of sugar in it. Stick to natural sources, and avoid those single serving bottled drinks, they tend to be loaded with your common health bad boys(sugar, corn starch, aspartame, etc).

To bottom line this...EVERY protein source is good for you man.

I'm going to correct you here a bit.

First off there are supplements out there (MANY) that have no studies or proof behind them at all. And since the FDA does NOT regulate supplements, you never will know what is and isnt safe until one isnt safe, or you dont do your homework. Bottom line is that being a TEEN has nothing to do with supplements. I will bet money that there are supplements out there that are harmul to EVERYONE, or can have side effects. In fact with the number of them out there, I guarantee it. I posted once about the supps out there, and many have never been heard of or are fairly new. So you cant say there is NOTHING bad, as there is.

Second Muscle milk has 6g sugar per 2 scoops, so no reason to avoid it.

Lastly, you need to prob not just suggest protein to people like that at 300g+ I'm not bashing or yelling, but all I am saying is that you are 18, and have LOTS to learn.

What I cringe at when I read things related to this stuff is how so many just focus on protein. Protein is NOT the sole source of what it takes to grow. And this is sad because while yes its important, no one talks about the importance of fats, carbs, water, sleep, etc etc. Its always.... Dude, slam down protein.

Just trying to clear things up because so many people take advice from places like this and boards, and when they get some things wrong, it does them no good, and confuses them more.

Last... Corn starch in drinks? Not sure what label your reading. :confused: You mean HFCS?

But to your question... MM is fine. Dont rely though on just supps and shakes. If you want to drink one or 2 in the day, go for it, but make sure most of your food is from whole food sources.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Damn, I miss my Muscle Milk :(

Used to drink one every day. Tastes great, low carb, and plenty of protein. Drink it buddy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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2g of protein per lb is the basic formula he didn't mean 300 for everyone. I'm eating 475-500g of protein a day. And some basic understanding are drink a ****load of water, eat your carbs and fats, get your sleep, all part of the process.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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EFFORT said:
2g of protein per lb is the basic formula he didn't mean 300 for everyone. I'm eating 475-500g of protein a day. And some basic understanding are drink a ****load of water, eat your carbs and fats, get your sleep, all part of the process.
Actually 2g isn't a basic formula, and there is no formula per say, but the leading researcher in protein, Dr Lemon and other researchers in protein have come to a conclusion of about 1.25g/lb of bodyweight. He says that 2g would be absolute max because of lack of data. He suggest it could be ok for healthy people, but he is not definite. He has also been doing research in this area for 20yrs.

He's your protein guru so to speak. I personally have about 1g, and sometimes it might be more. I dont do 2g because again, there is no research stating that 2g is better than 1g, or 4g is better than 2g. I usually stay in the recommended amounts based on his research. I feel it necessary to also focus on the others as mentioned.

Now i'm not saying to stop eating 2g because that is your choice, but i've been in the supp industry for many years, and since the data isn't there, I see no need to do that much until further research shows it. I'm sure that 1-1.25g is perfectly fine, and that you probably achieve the same results as if you were doing 2g. You have to remember that those numbers are above RDA anyway, geared towards people like us. Remember that RDA is 0.8g/kg (so we are well over at 1-1.25g/lb)

I've been happy with about 1g or so per pound and dont plan on going higher, unless data shows otherwise. And i'll know if they do more studies because I have journals coming out the butt, and get them in the mail from ACSM.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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I've read lots of that research, get acsm journals in the mail and nsca journals with all there literature and frankly could careless about it, IA and DC, both top trainers have almost all there trainees taking in 2g per pound. And the results are always amazing.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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Just the protein alone wont determine the results, and if so, can you pinpoint that it is the 2g versus 1-1.25g? Nope, and that's the point. I didnt say you couldnt take it, i'm just saying the research isn't there.

If you get the journals, you should care what is in them, cause they make up most of the science in the field of Exercise Phys and Science, etc.

You know then, that ACSM is gold standard for many things.

I dont care what trainer says what, I go by the research, and world renowned experts in the field, and not just trainers. Unless they have 20yrs of protein research like Lemon.

My point in case, you cant justify the 2g yet. Maybe once there are a few studies done ok.

Again this is why you should care about the journals, cause you'll likely see it in one of those or similar. And I dont know why anyone wouldn't want to care about the better journals out there.

Doesn't make sense to me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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The journals have good info for people in the more general fitness category, but the majority of the people i train are looking to add a good deal of muscle mass and the information taught in my degree and acsm certification just aren't up to par in my opinion. Sure the technical stuff can be very interesting but at the end of the day i'll take results over science. As far as i'm concered countless studies have been done already on guys taking in a high protein intake bodybuilding community, powerlifters, strongmen, all IA clients, DC clients, all examples. How many more studies do we need?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Omen said:
Actually 2g isn't a basic formula, and there is no formula per say, but the leading researcher in protein, Dr Lemon and other researchers in protein have come to a conclusion of about 1.25g/lb of bodyweight.

He's your protein guru so to speak. I personally have about 1g, and sometimes it might be more. I dont do 2g because again, there is no research stating that 2g is better than 1g, or 4g is better than 2g.

Other thread:
Omen said:
I'm at about 1.5g/lb and that's good enough for me.

Which is it?!


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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mrRuckus said:
Other thread:

Which is it?!
I was referring to just that day. I had more meat than normal, plus the usual, and extra milk so it was about 1.5g that day.

So if it wasn't the end of the day, I prob would have focused on more carbs and healthy fat.

1g/lb is the norm. A few days it may be higher, if the calories are higher by chance of protein but i've never done 2g/day

Truth be told, most the time i'm eying my carbs and fat, and only check protein on occasion.