Is it possible nowadays to marry a virgin?


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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not telling :P
This thread is probably a bit controversial (controversial being a sad sign of the modern times?). It is not a discussion about religion but on the best methods of finding traditional conservative virgin girls.

This is my background: basically I've reached a point in my life now at 19. I have slowly got over my shyness and I'am a lot more confident around girls and with people in general and my social skills have improved. I'am nearly a Don Juan - not quite there at the top of the social ladder but at least I'm better than average. Except for the fact that I'am still a virgin. Being a virgin does not bother me though - I'am religious and it is important to remain a virgin until I'am married - indeed I feel that sticking to principles such as these makes me more of a man. Also its not like I can't lose my virginity - I could easily lose it if I wanted (in 1 hour to a prostitute (well I would never but its always there) 24 hours to a fatty - or within a week to an average girl or within a month to a hot slut) - and I have turned down some hot girls in the past (hot but sluts who are easy to bed.) A lot of girls do try to seduce me but I have to turn them down - which can be absolute pain at times but this is the life I choose and hopefully the sacrifice will be worth it all in the end.

The point of this post - is that I must ask - is it possible to marry a beautiful virgin these days? Most girls these days are not virgins - which is sad - the ones that are usually fattys (for obvious reasons) who you don't want to go near or sometimes average plain girls that dont have anything special about them and even these are types are getting rarer and rarer to find and harder as you get older.

How do you go about finding a virgin bride in modern society -without resorting to fattys or average girls??? Anybodys thoughts on the chances of achieving a result in my mission to find a stunning girl that is also a virgin? Advice on going about this? I'm at a bit of a loss here but this is so important to me (marriage and also the fact that I want 1 special quality girl to commit to for life rather than quantity).


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
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I think most girls that are virgins are usually virgins for their beliefs, and you might find a hot one at your local church, mosque, temple, etc.

I see your only 19, when i was 19 I thought I would remain a virgin till i was wed, but as i grew older and had new experiences in life, i didnt think holding on to my virginity was that big a deal.

I have a friend who is hot (maybe a 8.5) and a virgin at 33 waiting for Mr right so they are out there, just very rare.


May 30, 2009
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Anal virgins are more available.


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2009
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I wouldnt marry a virgin...I wouldnt marry no woman that old that doesnt know how to get down in the bedroom.


Jun 7, 2008
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I even see big fatties walking around with kids these days

they are not all virgins


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Church is the way to go. There is a youth subculture among religious people - the churches do everything they can to keep teenagers away from partying. You should go be one of the assistants at church camp and stalk your prey. Make sure you know the age of consent for your state. Not that it matters that much for you, though, but you should still know. If you're not going to touch the girl, you can probably even "date" 15 and 16 y/o girls. Just hold hands and have a nice chat. Do that every weekend with a virgin 15 y/o, and within a year or two, she will be old enough to marry, and you will get the child-bride you desire.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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I'm 27, a virgin, and a Christian. To the OP - I do recommend you hang out with other non-Christian girls - just to get experience as to how girls work in general. Though definitely pass on the sex part, stay true to your beliefs.

Bible_Belt said:
Church is the way to go. There is a youth subculture among religious people - the churches do everything they can to keep teenagers away from partying. You should go be one of the assistants at church camp and stalk your prey. Make sure you know the age of consent for your state. Not that it matters that much for you, though, but you should still know. If you're not going to touch the girl, you can probably even "date" 15 and 16 y/o girls. Just hold hands and have a nice chat. Do that every weekend with a virgin 15 y/o, and within a year or two, she will be old enough to marry, and you will get the child-bride you desire.

So true. There is this 14 year old girl in my church who is pretty into me - she always kino me heavily and she goes on to say how boys her age are sooo immature, she calls me, etc. She is going to be a freshman in high school now. And there was another 17 year old girl (going to be a senior in high school) - I've taken her out before. I don't want to date either of them but the opportunity is there.

It is tough to find older Christian girls (like those who are in college) who are still virgins. Not to say that they sleep around but they will often go *too far* with a bf. Most sincere Christian girls have had sex once or twice by the time they get to around 25 - 26.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
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Orlando, fl
If you can't get one new, at least you can get one that's refurbished. Hymenorrhaphy.

I would watch out with the young girls, with laws like they are it is playing with fire.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Donjuandicarlo said:
Put religion / belief system out and women f!ck around, nothing stop them.
That's really the bottom line. We can speculate all we want as to why our culture is this way now, why it's the way it is, but the answer is simple. Sex with lots of people is an inverse relationship with religion. When the majority of people started to lose belief in God in the 60's and 70's, that's when everyone started sleeping around. That's when the divorce rate skyrocketed. That's when abortion was legalized. That's when our society started tanking.

Fast forward to the current day. Even women that call themselves Christian now sleep around. Virgins are out there, but the really attractive ones are painfully hard to find anymore. You have to get to them before they get married.

If you want to increase your chances of finding one, I would recommend both looking in the South (especially Texas) and going to church.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I would watch out with the young girls, with laws like they are it is playing with fire.

I agree. The one thing that I would add is that Mommy and Daddy have to like you. It is angry parents who turn in sex offenders. Obviously, I am not advocating that anyone break the law; my point is that even the innocent guys who get convicted of being with an underage girl got in trouble by pissing off mommy and daddy.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Darth said:
If you want to increase your chances of finding one, I would recommend both looking in the South (especially Texas) and going to church.

I'm in the South and grew up in the church, and can tell you that people in either are doing it out of both pants legs. The best bet really is to find a girl fresh out of high school, fill her head with tales of grown up life, and marry her.