Is it AFC nature not to fight?

ken chang

Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
Manila, Philippines
Last night, my AFC brother went out for drinks with his ALPHA friend, his ALPHA friend's HOT GF, and HOT GF's best friend.

The night was going quite well, when ALPHA had to go use the men's room.

My brother had to go pay, so the ladies were left alone at the table.(extra question: BTW, was this a bad move on my brother's part? Leaving 2 girls alone, one of them a HB8-9, in a club?)

While the girls were alone, a DUDE sat down next to the HOT GF and chatted her up a little.

My brother was on his way back when the DUDE saw him. The DUDE got up, gave my brother a tap on his shoulder, and left.(extra question again: Does that mean anything? The shoulder tapping thing? I thought it was just the DUDE's way of saying "Had to try. No hard feelings". I don't know.)

My brother asked HOT GF if she knew the DUDE and if he had offended her in anyway. HOT GF said no to both questions. So my brother just ignored the incident.

They were about to leave the club when my brother mentioned the incident to ALPHA. ALPHA suddenly gets all pissed off and demanded that my brother point the DUDE out so that ALPHA could beat the crap out of him. ALPHA says it was an insult to him that this DUDE approached his girl. My brother calmed ALPHA down and told him not to start a fight because they had women with them. ALPHA was convinced but he still said that my brother should have told him while they were still in the club.

Now my brother has AIKIDO training and the incident has emasculated him severely. He considers himself chicken sh!t now and for the life of him couldn't understand why his gut told him not to fight when he could have handled himself well in a fight anyway.

My questions are:
1. Was there cause to fight? Had a line been crossed?
2. Was it just my brother's AFC nature which told him not to fight?
3. Was it ALPHA's alpha male nature that told him to fight?


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
No lines had been crossed.
If you’re in a club then guys will hit on women if they are alone take it as a compliment. If the dude came in while your brother was sitting there and tried to AMOG him, then a line would have been crossed. Pointless fighting over useless shyte like this though. Worrying about not fighting is even more useless. ALPHA buddy just has a hot head.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
There's alpha and there's alpha - one is men's definition, the other is women's choice.

An alpha who's good with women isn't necessarily a fighter. In fact, the majority of guys who swim in poon these days (the ones called alpha on sites like this) would absolutely get their arses kicked by betas. They're often weak & effeminate.

As for your questions:

1. No line's been crossed.
2. Your brother's training in Aikido tells him that his fighting skill is bullsh!t and he shouldn't get in a real fight. Seriously, you do realise it's Aikido, right?
3. It's because he is hotheaded. Nothing to do with his alphaness (if he indeed is one).


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Teflon_Mcgee said:
Alpha sounds like an insecure douche.
I second this... if you have a hot girl, expect her to get hit on ALL the time. My gf is a model/figure competitor, yes she gets hit on all the time. I personally think its flattering.

You can't control what other guys will do when you're not around and your girl is out, etc. If you're worth it, and if she's a quality girl she'll probably stick by you. If you're a high status dude, you'll have no issues pulling other hot girls, so hot girls aren't really of that much value to you anyways...

Good call on your bro's part for keeping a cool head.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
It's her job to chase away other guys. Not mine. If she can't do that and demonstrate she's going to go to bat to protect our relationship, then there is no relationship.

Especially if this guy were really alpha. He should have a new girl in a few days if that were true.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
if you have a hot girl, expect her to get hit on ALL the time.
Also, you can't take a woman to a club without expecting her to get hit on.

I have a friend, a big guy, who's nice enough sober. But when he gets drunk he intentionally tries to get into fights. And for sure he's not the only guy like this. Maybe "Alpha" is this way too, it could explain his reaction.

ken chang

Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
Manila, Philippines
Fuglydude said:
I second this... if you have a hot girl, expect her to get hit on ALL the time. My gf is a model/figure competitor, yes she gets hit on all the time. I personally think its flattering.

You can't control what other guys will do when you're not around and your girl is out, etc. If you're worth it, and if she's a quality girl she'll probably stick by you. If you're a high status dude, you'll have no issues pulling other hot girls, so hot girls aren't really of that much value to you anyways...

Good call on your bro's part for keeping a cool head.
Thanks. I'll let him know you said that. His inner game is really weak and gets too affected by small sh!t like this. Sadly, I was like this years ago, too. Still a little am. Workin' on it.

ken chang

Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
Manila, Philippines
mrRuckus said:
It's her job to chase away other guys. Not mine. If she can't do that and demonstrate she's going to go to bat to protect our relationship, then there is no relationship.

Especially if this guy were really alpha. He should have a new girl in a few days if that were true.
Correct. And no, she didn't chase him away. DUDE never would've left if my brother hadn't gone back to the table.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
The point is he left. There is no reason to fight. When I've been drinking and see a fight starting, I'd love to join in and show them how it's done[6years of karate in 2 styles],but they didn't really do anything to me or mine so I let the feeling go.

The really good ones don't start fights,but they will be the ones standing at the end. ALPHA isn't no one knows it yet is the problem.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Alpha isn't necessarily a good title as shown here. Infact most of the 'alpha' guys I know are similar to this guy. No composure, narrow minded, overly aggressive. Hardly DJ qualities. The real alpha would never have reacted.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
ken chang said:
My brother asked HOT GF if she knew the DUDE and if he had offended her in anyway. HOT GF said no to both questions. So my brother just ignored the incident.

They were about to leave the club when my brother mentioned the incident to ALPHA. ALPHA suddenly gets all pissed off and demanded that my brother point the DUDE out so that ALPHA could beat the crap out of him. ALPHA says it was an insult to him that this DUDE approached his girl. My brother calmed ALPHA down and told him not to start a fight because they had women with them. ALPHA was convinced but he still said that my brother should have told him while they were still in the club.
Your brother did 3 AFC's moves here.

First he asked the girls if the "dude offended them". This is white knighting right there.

Secondly he made a big deal about it when he mentioned the incident to the so called baby alpha friend of his.

Third he tried to calm his friend down by making the excuse that "he had women with them". If your brother had balls he would have said to his friend to stop acting like a douche or to calm the fack down. Your brother subordinate role to his friend was the real problem here, and as long as he accepts his low ranking status with his friend calling the shots then he will always feel like a pvssy.