Internet Dating is NOT the way to go!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Internet Dating is NOT the way to go!

Do to my experience, knowledge, and reports I hear about people dating people off the Internet I decide to post something that’s on my mind. Hey it’s late…

Internet Dating is not the way to go it wills most likely lead to disappointment and frustration. Now the Internet has grown so much these days that just about everyone has it, owns/host their own website, has/continuously buys stuff, pays bills, do questionable things, and meet new people. And there are many other great things about the Internet but the main attraction is meeting new people. Whether it’s a blog friend, WWC buddy, or mate people make and like to meet new people. And the greatness of it all is that you can be really vague or you can be really honest with that other person. No one can see you nor can tell if you’re telling the truth or not. It allows lots of freedom and mystery. However dating or finding a mate off the Internet is not wise. One may say: “Well they post pictures or do a web cam so I can see who they are and so there are no surprises. They put up information that is honest. Besides what’s the harm in it?” Well Internet dating will get you nowhere. And the reason being is that people lie. Yes people lie even on the Internet, imagine that. In fact they embellish even more so. Why? Because it is so easy to do so. Who’s going to know? Until the day you finally meet of course. But before one might meet that person, that person usually spends lots of his/her valuable time on the Internet talking to this person trying to find out who they are and are they compatible. But now how many times have you seen this fail. Here is a list of why one individual should NOT use the Internet in finding a date.

1.People lie. Everybody lies on the net for many reasons and we all do it.

2.Looks count. If looks matter to you then its going to be really hard when you find this women who is amazing person and has an awesome personality but when you two finally meet, is not what you quite thought or had in mind. In fact you may not be attracted to her at all. And it’s not her fault she may have even sent a picture to you, but guess what people look different in person.

3.The person lied about something physically about themselves and when you finally meet it is completely overwhelming to handle and is a complete turn off. Perhaps if they told you before you met then it might have not been in issue at all. See number 1 on the list

4.Humans need contact with the other person not just verbally but physically as well. Studies have proven this when a newly born child was born he was never held, touched or anything. Not to long the baby dies because the lack of love and physical touch of the parent. We are emotional especially women creatures. We need to be loved and touched. So in a relationship it’s even more so or it will die. But you can’t do that on the net now can you? Typing *hug you don’t count

5.Lot of the times people won’t comment do to the distance so in essence your just wasting your time for nothing.

6.It will be hard to remain loyal considering none of you live close by.

7.Even if you get along well together online as well as in person and lets say you marry the person doesn’t mean its all good. I have read and personally seen where people do this get married then all of a sudden down the road things change about the other person they are not who they were when you visit them all that time And this leads me to number 8.

8.Short visits don’t do it. Short visits can’t make long-term relationship work because you can’t know a person who they really are by just a few visits. You need to spend a lot more time with them like you would with a girlfriend close by or a girlfriend close to marriage. Or things will happen like in number 7.

9. Trust. You have to have it especially in a LTR/ Internet dating. And you can’t have any insecurity about if she might cheat or what have you.

Well if one might think after reading all this, still think that its still a wise idea to do it then by all means do it. Its your life. This post is just to show others that it might not be wise to do so and to show others the reason why or the problems they will have. But you know there is always going to be those couples that worked for them, and you know, happy to hear it. Now for the rest of 98% of us sarge the chicks that live by you and in person.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
San Antonio
thats 9 disadvantages, I'm sure I can come up with 9 ADVANTAGES. I think its not bad to casually talk to hotties online, while most of your game is played out in real life.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit Rock City
Originally posted by Valdez
thats 9 disadvantages, I'm sure I can come up with 9 ADVANTAGES. I think its not bad to casually talk to hotties online, while most of your game is played out in real life.
Seriously though, what does it say about a "hottie" if she has to resort to the internet to get laid?

Most even marginally attractive women could get a dozen guys approaching them just by going out to a bar.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
orange country holland
The same things happens in real life meetings, first impressions can be faked too down the road the girl turns out different so plz its the same i will say.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
well i meet a hot girl online so i guess ill give online dating a try. as long as you got good pictures you'll succeed in the online daing game. its shallow if you asked me. but ill give it a shot this one time. i aint too keen on it either, but its a good way to pratice on girls who knows you might click with one.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
San Antonio
I don't need the internet to get laid myself, but it gives me a much more wider choice of girls I can get with. This applies for girls looking for a guy. Also, alot of the girls I would NEVER have met outside of the internet. I've gotten with some Grade A hina from myspace. Just have to use caution


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Inet dating

I've laid quite a few hotties off the net. Nothing wrong with it. All these guys looking for "the one" need to get a life. Just work on getting laid, Jesus. DO NOT date women off the Internet. Anyone who puts her picture on the Internet to look for guys is not long term material.

Why do I like it? Minimal effort. You're already one a date. Since this is ofen in another town, the girls almost always offer to let me stay the night. I'm already garuanteed to be in bed with them on the first date. Alot of marriied women can be found that just want sex or will give sex hoping you'll take her out of a bd marriage in some po' dunk town.

What can a guy do to minimize disappoinment.? Never fixate on any one girl. Always see at LEAST one recent photo of her body. If she says she's a few pounds over, NEXT! That means she's fat, dude. Attractive women say athetlic or skinny.

Sorry, I couldn't be bothered to read the huge article, so maybe I missed something. lol.

Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cheat_LBJ
Seriously though, what does it say about a "hottie" if she has to resort to the internet to get laid?

Most even marginally attractive women could get a dozen guys approaching them just by going out to a bar.
Most quality women probably do not want to meet a guy at a bar, which is why you'll find quality women online. That's just one reason. There are many reasons hotties are online.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
All the reasons you listed for not dating online can be avoided with common sense. You should title this thread "internet dating is not the way to go for idiots." I've met people olnine before and I never had any of the problems you described. Yes this included finding hot women.


Don Juan
Apr 12, 2003
Reaction score
As with anything else in dating: it's all who you're with. Personally, I know for a fact that I'm not going to find the woman of my dreams in a bar or club, because only skanks go for me, internet dating is a way to go. I NEVER look for women that are more than like 50 miles from me, even that's extreme. I agree that long distance internet relationships don't work out most of the time, IMing and Emailing isn't the same as talking to the person on the phone or in real life. In my experience, IMing/emailing is the worst way to get to know a person because you do start to have an idea of what this person is like, but you get disappointed when you find out they're not. Some women (and men) do post deceiving pictures on there. I actually got burned with this a few weeks ago. She had cute pictures, then I saw a more recent picture and she looked NOTHING like the way she did in her original photos (thank god we didn't meet, it would've been VERY disappointing).

On a side note, I know a couple that just got married, and they met on (early 30s). The girl is EXTREMELY beautiful and the guy isn't bad looking either, they make a great couple. I was starting to become a doubter on internet dating much like you, but they renewed my faith in it. ..and for the rest of us, internet dating helps us gain experience with women.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I don't have any problems online, but then again I didn't give up. I learned from my experiences and not just griped about them. Sarging online isn't for everyone just like being a DJ isn't for everyone. Some people see it as either a WIN or LOSE experience while others see it as WIN or LEARN.


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
1.People lie. Everybody lies on the net for many reasons and we all do it.
a lot of people lie and there is ways to learnt to read through the BS
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
2.Looks count. If looks matter to you then its going to be really hard when you find this women who is amazing person and has an awesome personality but when you two finally meet, is not what you quite thought or had in mind. In fact you may not be attracted to her at all. And it’s not her fault she may have even sent a picture to you, but guess what people look different in person.
as always , get multiple pics , and head in with an open mind
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
3.The person lied about something physically about themselves and when you finally meet it is completely overwhelming to handle and is a complete turn off. Perhaps if they told you before you met then it might have not been in issue at all. See number 1 on the list
then you deal with it and move on
listen why did you send me a pic and not tell me that you have put on 40 pounds since then ?
trust for me is a big thing
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
4.Humans need contact with the other person not just verbally but physically as well. Studies have proven this when a newly born child was born he was never held, touched or anything. Not to long the baby dies because the lack of love and physical touch of the parent. We are emotional especially women creatures. We need to be loved and touched. So in a relationship it’s even more so or it will die. But you can’t do that on the net now can you? Typing *hug you don’t count
thats why you dont have an email relationship , get them on the phone and meeting ASAP
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
5.Lot of the times people won’t comment do to the distance so in essence your just wasting your time for nothing.
common sense works through this , all online adds are like buying a car or a house , there is a secret code to look for
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
6.It will be hard to remain loyal considering none of you live close by.
what are you doing chasing ass that lives far away , i wouldnt date someone that lives too far away that i met IRL or online , thats why there is that little box that says profiles within 20 miles of where i live
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
7.Even if you get along well together online as well as in person and lets say you marry the person doesn’t mean its all good. I have read and personally seen where people do this get married then all of a sudden down the road things change about the other person they are not who they were when you visit them all that time And this leads me to number 8.
why are you marrying someone that you hardly know or havent lived together ??
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
8.Short visits don’t do it. Short visits can’t make long-term relationship work because you can’t know a person who they really are by just a few visits. You need to spend a lot more time with them like you would with a girlfriend close by or a girlfriend close to marriage. Or things will happen like in number 7.
again why date people that live miles away
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
9. Trust. You have to have it especially in a LTR/ Internet dating. And you can’t have any insecurity about if she might cheat or what have you.
sounds just like real life when she is banging the boss at work

Originally posted by Cheat_LBJ
Seriously though, what does it say about a "hottie" if she has to resort to the internet to get laid?

Most even marginally attractive women could get a dozen guys approaching them just by going out to a bar.
yep but most want more than just a fvck , and are sick to death of having every d1ckhead in the club walk up to them

of course you also get the girls that dont head to clubs/bars all that much because people work way too much

and internet dating is safe for them as they can qualify and learn a whole lot more about this guy before they even meet, and find someone with similar interests and things in common with

Internet is now more available in most workplaces and more and more people are internet dating so are willing to give it a go

internet dating isnt the be all and end all of dating but it can be a useful tool to practice with , and you could be surprised at just who you might meet


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Different strokes for different folks.

Takes all kinds of people to make the world go round.

More than one way to skin a cat.

...and any other cliche I missed.

Personally, I meet love meeting girls on the web. I've posted 100x about it.



Don Juan
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
San Antonio
hell it worked for me too, twice. One of my girls knows about the other girl and has agreed that when i break up with my current girlfriend she would be my girlfriend....whenever that happens, lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
My mate is the best i know at the whole internet thing. He takes some gambles like having the grl sleep over his house :eek:

Personally i prefer to see them out and be all hayy!! then the next time their on the net number tie, meet etc

it boost your popularity loads as you talk to a girl on the net, see her out, introduced to all her mates, make a gd 1st impression and your circle is bigger :)

I personally dont but you could easily make it the only way you get girls as long as your gd looking.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
I've always exhausted ALL resources... I talk to girls everywhere around me - bars, clubs, stores, school, etc... AND Internet

It cant hurt to schedule dates off the Internet; however, be aware that there are millions of fatties lurking the prowl and will falsify pics just to get you to meet as well as very non social girls.

Most chicks that I've dated from Internet have either turned out to be all a$$ or incredibly too SHY and non-social.

Just screen the ho's very well b4 u meet them and dear god , at least talk to them on phone b4 u go out ....

Laterz ...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by TxCowboy
...Just screen the ho's very well b4 u meet them and dear god , at least talk to them on phone b4 u go out ....
This is all that's really necessary; the ability to qualify the woman. Yeah, it's not as simple as if you were face to face with her, but it's not impossible if you know what you are doing.

Just like the suggestion of talking to her on the telephone first, it's just another tool used in qualifying. You can't tell how she looks over the telephone though so using the telephone isn't foolproof, but then again nothing is.

There are DJs that focus their craft only in certain situations based on their strengths. However, just as having several different DJ skills helps your craft, having the ability not to be limited by your medium or surroundings will also help your craft.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
I would like to put forth my perspective on Internet dating as it relates to our evolution.

It is very obvious that Internet dating is a massive industry. That fact alone suggests that it is a fundamental part of our modern society. It can’t be ignored as some kind of freakish form of entertainment.

We have to understand that the more populated a city becomes the less people tend to socialize. It is just a fact that in smaller towns people socialize more and are generally more friendly then their urban counterparts. This lack of socialization is the very reason why many men can’t find good women. We no longer have any ties to our tribal roots and we are for the most part left to our own devices.

For thousands of years this lack of socialization was never a problem for men. We could always resort to using our club and insure that our gene pool lived on. But, as modern man we can’t use our strength anymore to get the woman we want. There are laws against that sort of thing. We can’t just go around and hit girls over the head and take them back to our cave. Regardless, that urge exists for every man. We often just want to take a girl we see and BANG her right there! .

With our hands tied behind our backs, women have had the upper hand on us. They are still allowed to use their natural attractiveness and beauty to attract us. In some cases they have placed many ridiculous demands on us in an attempt to usurp power from us.

So what is the solution to this? How do we solve this problem? Well thankfully as men we are very intelligent. We are the inventors of all forms of technology. It only seems natural that we would use our minds to solve this problem

And that is where the Internet and Internet dating (databases) come into play.

The Internet is an invention created by MEN. It is our way to filter out all the crap out there and find exactly what we want. We can filter out all the fat girls, the feminists, and various other undesirables. We don't have to conform to ideals and restrictions placed on us by women. We can just be ourselves and find what we are looking for with only a few mouse clicks. So from that perspective it is actually a good thing for the modern man.

On the Internet you find the same thing that you do in the world and throughout history. You find women who seek attention and then you find the guys take what they want. The fact is women on the Internet (the millions and millions of profiles) are the same as women who are in the clubs. Women are women it doesn’t matter where you meet them. In a few generations the Internet won’t seem so strange. It will be a normal and a very safe way to meet people. Don’t forget Internet dating has only existed for about 15 years or so.

Therefore I think I would have to disagree that Internet dating isn't useful. I would in fact argue that it is a useful tool, a replacement for the “big club” if you would, that helps us proliferate our gene pool.

I recently had a conversation with a girl who considers her self a feminist. She told me that, “ I should like all women even the fat ones” I told her, “well why do you think us men created the Internet. We no longer need to listen to that feminist crap. We can filter it all out and find exactly what we want. We can find dates with very little effort.” Needless to say she didn’t like that. She doesn’t like dating sites anymore either. I couldn’t help from laughing. I then told her how I only reply or send messages to the slim girls. I told her I don’t even read their profile J She didn’t like that either.