Interesting Situation w/ Girl


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
I posted this in the HS forum, but no one responded, so I'm looking for advice from the experienced DJ's here.

I went to prom with this girl that denied me at first because she was going out w/ her best friend, but she came running back. I took her to prom and we hooked up. But before and through prom I could tell she was playing games and seems like a player herself. I played my own games and played by my rules and we exchanged control back and forth. During prom she was all over me, we hooked up, and I denied her for sex (told her to wait for afterparty...we were in a party bus). She kept trying to test me and I kept winning. The next morning after prom, she calls me up and asks to hangout that night. I say ok, but she calls me later after she gets home from work and tells me she's too tired and is going to sleep. I called her the next day (yesterday) and asked to hangout and she said she wasn't sure what she was doing that night and would give me a call. She never did...

I decided to stop for a second and move away and think about it. She's been playing games and continues to. Right now, I have one-itis and I really can't figure out why. Is it because I'm not getting the attention and phone calls from her anymore? Is it because I want to **** her? Right now, I'm preventing myself from calling her...I'm going to wait till Monday to see if she decides to call me. I'll call her then and see whatsup. I was talking to my friend who's experienced at this and he said I should step away asap before I get one-itis which I already have.

I'm not working on any girls at the moment, because well...I don't have any other girls to work on. I was thinking about trying to pickup some girls off myspace, but not sure.

How do I deal w/ this situation? And lets say she doesn't call by Monday, when I call her, how do I approach it? Do I just do some small talk and ask her out?


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
hello there. not exactly a master don juan myself but thought that i'll contribute my two cents worth since nobody seemed to be helping. basically, finding out why u have oneitis by analysing your situation and her actions will not help you get out of it. neither will working on other girls solve your problem. You just need to realise that no girl, no matter how pretty, is worth so much fretting over, eg. like preventing urself from calling her etc. don't let her **** get to you and regain your frame. she is in your reality, not the other way round. apart from other girls, you still have a life to live and maximise too! cheers.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice, but how do I get back in it w/ her? Last time I talked to her was Friday, when I asked to hangout that night and she didn't call me back. Should I wait until tomorrow to call her? When I call her, should I just ask whats going on and talk a bit then ask her out?

Now that I think about it, I really don't know why I'm holding off on calling her...things were going well until the part where I rejected her for sex and I think that hurt her bad; she wasn't sure what to think. But after the rejection, we cuddled and ended on a good note...she even called me next morning. I really don't get what is going on. Then me asking her out the next day and her saying she'd call me back, but never calling...maybe she was busy and forgot?

Should I just call her up?
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Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
As a general rule of thumb, when u ask whether you should, that means you feel like doing so. I guess as long as you dont come off as being needy or desperate, then calling her won't do you any harm.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Bump...hmmm I'm really not sure what the deal is now.

I called her on Sunday, but she was busy getting ready and said she'd call me back. She called me 10 min later, but was in a rush so I did some small talk, and said...we should hangout sometime next week and she said "yeah definitely", but had to go so we hungup.

I called her yesterday randomly because I heard something on the radio that reminded me of her (something about girls and body language) so I called her up and told her about it...but she seemed out of it and later told me she was sick and frustrated from singing up for classes. It got akward, so we ended the convo w/ her saying "I guess I'll call you later"

I don't know what to do. She obviously has been losing interest since prom. And at prom, her interest was high, obviously since she was all over me, then it tapered off. I think she was upset and felt rejected when I denied her of sex in the party bus. I think she still may be hurt from it, but I don't know.

I was talking to my friend last night when I was drunk and told him the situation. He told me I should be straightforward w/ her and tell her how I feel. He's like, I don't think she's playing games so you should maybe tell her you're interested and enjoy her company and see what she says, but say it when you take her out.

This girl is generally flakey whether she's interested in the person or not. She hasn't called me back since Thursday, which was when she asked me out after prom. I doubt she'll call me back, because the interest level has been tapering off.

Should I call her up and setup an exact date and handle it when I see her? I'm not sure how to approach this though. I just feel its gone now, but I really don't know why. Could it all have been from the denying her of sex?

Let me get some advice, thx.

future dj

Don Juan
Aug 1, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
i think you really need to a refresher course by reading the DJ bible sounds like your the one doing all the calling, initiating etc....i really dont think she's that interested....during the prom you were being a challenge.....what changed....why are you calling her all the called her sunday, then you called her tuesday etc...she hasnt taken the initiative to call you...she's probably not interested...and why did you deny her sex when she asked?


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
future dj said:
i think you really need to a refresher course by reading the DJ bible sounds like your the one doing all the calling, initiating etc....i really dont think she's that interested....during the prom you were being a challenge.....what changed....why are you calling her all the called her sunday, then you called her tuesday etc...she hasnt taken the initiative to call you...she's probably not interested...and why did you deny her sex when she asked?
Thats what I think too...I denied her of sex because it was the bathroom of the party bus...I told her to wait for afterparty. I guess she took it the wrong way and felt rejected.

You're right...last time she called me was Thursday and that was to ask me out. Then I've been calling ever since. I called her Friday, Sunday, and Yesterday.

What should I do to fix it now? I waited 2 days after calling her from Friday to Sunday and she didn't that point, I needed to regain her interest...I told her we should hangout sometime next week and she goes "yah def"

I doubt she'll call should I just call her and setup an exact date? If she flakes then, I get over it? If I meet up w/ her, I could rebuild her interest. Right now her interest is obviously low because b4 prom she called me a lot more.

future dj

Don Juan
Aug 1, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
i'd wait until she calls you again....if she doesnt and you really want to call i'd call her in a week or two
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Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
future dj said:
i'd wait until she calls you again....if she doesnt and you really want to call i'd call her in a week or two
Yeah, I was talking to my friend today and he asked if I was gonna call her. I told him I'm just not gonna call anymore since I've been doing the calling and she's not. Its time I give it a break and see if she comes back...I'll give it a week or 2.


Don Juan
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Next time fcuk her in d bus. Gals like this are really hard to drop bcos you were in sight of the finish line but drop her you must. put it down to experience. realise you will not fcuk every gal you get involved with for one reason or the other.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Wait for her to call you for once. Girls usually call you when their interest level is kicking in. Then a good thing to do is to end the conversation yourself @ a high in the convo. If your laughing and having a good time on the phone. Just bite it and tell her you have to go.