Interesting Dynamics of the show Rich Girls on MTV


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2002
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los angeles, CA
I just watched this show today. For those of you who don't know what it is, MTV is following two filthy stinkin' rich girls around, videotaping them.

One is pretty cute, the other is amazingly unattractive. I mean, wow, it's hard to look at this girl.

Through this show, I witnessed new lows of estrogen induced irrationality.

This ugly girl is really hot for this MAJOR AFC guy, named Michael. The situation is that this Michael guy has a girlfriend. A VERY HOT one at that. (shwing!) And this ugly rich girl claims that she and Michael have been friends forever, and that they made out once. She calls him, bothers him, begs him to come to this party, acts like a complete desperate whiney loser to him, clings to him, leeches off him. You get the picture. Low self-esteem.

She thinks that one makeout session somehow entitled her to a more special relationship with him. But I can see it right now. They were probably both drunk, and SHE probably came onto HIM at that point. Being too drunk to see, he went with it. And she thought it meant something.

So the ug gets all upset at this party when she sees Michael making out with his MUCH BETTER IN EVERY WAY girlfriend. Then Michael and the cute girl are talking about the ug. I'm not sure about this one, but I think the ug has commissioned her cute friend to talk to Michael about how much he hurts ug by being a flake and staying distant as a friend.

A very profound exchange takes place:

He says something like "Well I was with (girlfriend) and (ug) was jealous..."

[Ug's eyes widen with offense.]

Cute friend says: "Well how do you know that? You don't know that. Did she TELL you?"

Then ug storms into the room and says F--- You! To Michael.

For some reason he immensely offended this girl for correctly reading her body language and facial expressions to conclude that she was jealous. And even her friend tried to instill doubt in his own signal-reading prowess by suggesting that nonverbal communication is unreliable.

How is it that a man can so horribly offend a woman for simply BEING ABLE TO READ her? It is almost like women WANT men to be clueless. I hate this!

Here's another thing. I've really liked girls before, and been lead around by them, and ultimately ignored by them. It happens. But I do not sit around with my friends and cry and pine over it. Even in my worst AFC days I didn't do that. When I had SERIOUS one-itis for a specific girl in 7th to 9th grade, it caused me tremendous pain and anguish, but I kept that stuff to myself. I cried alone in my room once when I could no longer uphold the delusion that I would ever get with this girl....this was when I was 13.

This girl is 18 and can't effin' control her darn emotions. Do all girls go sobbing all over the place when they have love trouble? I mean, I've had a very big disappointment recently, but looking back, I got over it pretty fast. I lost my cool at first...sometimes you can't avoid that...but I very quickly moved on with my life.

Maybe I'm really going out on a limb here, but from my experience, males seem to have much more efficient recuperative ability when it comes to a broken heart. It's because we don't encourage prolonged dwelling in emotional sap.

MAAAN. I just want to tell this girl to cut the a-hole out of her life, for good, and with NO WARNING!!! Women talk too much about things, they try to be too diplomatic...

I'm not lying, I had a two-year girl friend (on/off girlfriend) flake out on very specific plans that we made with a mutual friend...she flaked out, and that triggered an epiphany. The epiphany was that she was an inconsiderate, arrogant douche-bag, and I left a nasty message on her machine and haven't said a word to her since (4 months and goin strong). I cut her out of my life like a cancer; that's what she was.

Just thought I'd write about how stunningly insensible women can be. Every now and then we need to remind ourselves what we're dealing with.

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
This board is obviously full of people who are far too cool to help anyone else out....they were obviously BORN men. Ridiculous.

That being said, I haven't seen the show yet (no MTV), but I'd love to check it out sometime.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2003
Reaction score
I watched when a friend stopped by. (We were both a little toasted).

Anyway, I kind of thought how natural can people really be with camera's following them around?

Yeah. That dude was a complete AFC. But he was getting a little...