Instant Success (For n00bs)


Don Juan
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
Many people think of pick-up as using a set of techniques in order to sleep with a girl, but pick-up is actually much more than that. Using techniques is great, but becoming too caught up with techniques can bring one away from their natural self, which will then make it extremely hard later on to keep and hold an exceptional woman. For my style of game, I like to use a combination of both "Natural Game" and a little bit of technique. When I say Natural game I mean using a game that is more like me, rather than memorizing a bunch of canned scripts to attract a female.

Rating Women
Many people rate a woman's hotness on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being the worst, while 10 being the best. This is great for styles such as the Mystery Method to calculate the number of negs etc... but what I will focus on here is Natural Game. There is actually 4 gradients that people can be in.
1. She is to good for me
2. I'd Like to sleep with her
3. She is alright
4. I don't want to sleep with her.

In reality, there is never a woman that is never too good for you.
You can sleep with any woman that you want no mater what her social status etc... is, so we change the She is to good for me to a I'd like to sleep with her.

So the first category is down, which leaves you with 3 more categories.

Then you change the She is alright category to no, leaving you with a basic yes and no.

This mindset is great, because it simplifies things so much. Instead of worrying about some bs that is false, you can focus on something that is true.

Don't think about whether or not the girl is interested in you. Think about interesting she is to you.

Your Voice
Many people fail to realize the importance of the voice. Your voice is the one that shows your internal emotional state, which can affect the behavior of others. One thing that I have done to help me with my voice is to Say a random sentence like... The Ocean is Beautiful. Say this normally. After you have done that, Say it with friendliness. say it until it actually sounds friendly. Once you have done that, add a layer of confidence to it. once you have done that add a bit of sexuality to it. After doing this for 30 min or so, walk into a conversation and your voice will sound very confident/Strong/sexual!

Many men go up to a woman scared and timid, because they are worked up on whether or not the girl is interested in them or not. One thing that I have learned that helped me a lot is to walk in to a conversation with a mindset of "This girl is TOTALLY interested in me." This will change the way that you interact with the girl and will bring up your self-esteem and confidence up and it will be not only seen in your facial expression, but also in your voice.

Being Yourself
Many men do not know how to be themselves when hanging out with people. What I recommend to remedy this is to start hanging out with a lot of worthwhile people. Learn how to joke with others and be comfortable in your own skin.

Be Different
If something has not been working for you, change it! For example. If you have a long ass beard, or long ass hair, CUT IT! After you cut your hair, you will see a big difference and you can see things about yourself that you have not seen before.

Approach Anxiety
Think of it like this. If you don't approach her, you will die and you can not reproduce EVER and your life will suck ass!


If you do approach her, you will be happy and content, because you will realize how easy it is to approach.

and also one last thing about Approaching, Women want to be approached by men, that is why they dress up put on makeup etc.. It is not like they do not want ****, because they do!

Your Smell

Try wearing some pheromone enhanced cologne. The pheromone will make you happier, which will attract girls to you. This happens because women want to be near a happy guy. Not some unhappy grouch.

Smile & have fun

Lastly, don't forget to SMILE & have fun! :D You don't wanna be known as the CREEPER!
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