Incorporating weighted dips/pull-ups


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hey all,

I posted here, probably back in late April, asking for advice. Got some good advice, got some good free weight equipment off of craigslist, and I've been working out three times a week. I skimped on a bench so I've been using one of those inflatable balls (exercise balls, is that what they're called?) for dumbbell presses, etc. Now, I do have both a pull-up bar and a dip bar, and I recently ordered a leather dip belt.

This is my current routine:

Monday - Deadlift, Triceps
Wednesday - Shoulders, Squats (nothing too heavy, just using sets of 30 lbs or 40 lbs dumbbells)
Friday - Flat/Incline Chest Presses and Flies, 1 Bicep exercise, usually hammer curls.

How can I best incorporate the weighted pull-ups and weighted dips? Back and triceps are two areas upon which I want to improve?

That's kind of a long preamble to a short question but I appreciate your feedback.



Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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I would incorporate them just like you would with any exercise with that body part.

I do weighted dips, pull-ups and push-ups. I will do them with the body part I train. Dips go with tri/bi day, pull-ups are done with my back and shoulder routine and push-ups are done on chest days.

I'll usually start off with pull-ups on back day, and I end with push-ups on chest day.

Now my suggestion would have been to NOT get the dip belt and go with a weighted vest. I have one that holds up to 60lbs and they make them that hold up to 84lbs.

Trust me, you wont be doing dips, nor pull-ups with that amount. Now push-ups you can, cause I do push-ups with 110lbs. I have people stack plates on my back.

Now the reason I suggest the vest is that it distributes the weight all over the body unlike a belt where you have the dumbbell or plate dangling off of you.
I can personally say that if you do it often, it will catch up to you in the long run and you'll be saying how much your back hurts, and how it digs in your side because of the way it hangs on the belt. So if at all possible, get the vest cause you can use it to run too. It is SO much easier to use as well.

You can do a good burn out with it too. Mine holds 2.5lb plates (2 per slot) and when I do pull-ups, sometimes i'll load weight, then pyramid down. I'll dumb 5lbs off, rep more, dump 5, rep, etc etc, then rep out with body weight.

Now what you have, remember will only get you so far. You shouldn't be doing squats with 80lbs unless your learning. If so, as time flies, what you have will be useless unless you have those days where you have no option. It will just keep you at where you are.

Muscles need to go through what is called the over load principle.

The principle of overload states that a greater than normal stress or load on the body is required for training adaptation to take place. The body will adapt to this stimulus. Once the body has adapted then a different stimulus is required to continue the change. In order for a muscle (including the heart) to increase strength, it must be gradually stressed by working against a load greater than it is used to. To increase endurance, muscles must work for a longer period of time than they are used to. If this stress is removed or decreased there will be a decrease in that particular component of fitness. A normal amount of exercise will maintain the current fitness level.

Hope this helps. I know it was extra, but I saw you didnt do too awful much, so maybe list more of what you do. I dont see a back routine in there, nor do I see what you do for shoulders. You also only do one arm exercise

Remember that hammer curls are NOT the same as regular curls.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
I do this circuit:

Pull ups
Bodyweight triceps extension
Chin ups

All to one rep short of failure. I repeat the circuit 3x. I do it with a 25 lb weight vest. I do this twice a week on Monday and Friday. This is probably considered "overtraining" by most people on here, but size is not my primary objective.