In persuit of the girl from class


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Met a girl in class. She seemed attracted, didn't get many chances to speak to her. Finally sat by her one day, we exchanged numbers, met up to do some homework that was due (we're graduate students, so no fvcking around when it comes to that).

Good conversation (English is her 3rd language so as good as it gets, anyway...), touching initiated by both parties (though she's European so idk if it's still an IOI).

She invites me out to celebrate her roommate's birthday. Said she'd call me the day of. Never did. Didn't speak to her in class the next two days (but it wasn't awkward, because we were never near each other). So I text her and ask about a class I missed. She answers, we exchange a few texts. I text again the next day asking if she's been to a certain part of the city that relates to her background (we're both new to our current city). Few texts back and forth, and I say "I'm free after 9 tonight - wanna grab a drink?"

She responds like 2 hours later saying she has to study, and asks if tomorrow works. I say "sure, I'll be in touch" but I think she's blowing me off, so I plan to not contact her.

Well, tomorrow happened to be today, and she in fact does contact me. So we meet at a bar near where I live (me being the sly devil I never know!). I buy the first round, we talk a bit, then she buys the next round and I suggest we play some pool. There's a couple playing, they offer to play doubles. So we're all talking and playing, good time. Both girls were horrible and us guys were pulling the weight, so that was a good dynamic. Again, good amount of touching between us, mostly initiated by me but she seemed receptive to it.

Now the part I hate - SHE decides to end the night, citing her upcoming exam (true). I walk her to the subway station, and then we part with the hug and double cheek kiss Euro bullsh!t (she stuck her cheek in my face so I really had no choice). It happened really fast.

So I sadly still can't even tell if she's into me, but I will assume she's interested and play it accordingly. I'm not disappointed that there was no kiss, I'm disappointed that I didn't end it on MY terms, and that she seemed to rush the closing interaction.

I am quite thankful that I have a couple other girls I'm seeing at the moment, otherwise I'd be all day mega AFC all over this girl; I feel myself putting her on a pedestal and I need to keep myself in check. I guess the plan is to not contact her til I see her in class (though my inner AFC kinda wants to text her something short and sweet tomorrow), and maybe set something up for next weekend after exams.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
next time, turn her head and take the lips. If she wont let you, then its off the to the friendzone :crackup:
Where in europe is she from?
Im English, but Ive fvcked my way around the continent ;)


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Purefilth said:
next time, turn her head and take the lips. If she wont let you, then its off the to the friendzone :crackup:
Where in europe is she from?
Im English, but Ive fvcked my way around the continent ;)
Yeah you're right, next time I gotta push it further. Things just happened really quickly towards the end.

She's Italian!


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
ARrocket said:
Yeah you're right, next time I gotta push it further. Things just happened really quickly towards the end.

She's Italian!
Italian chicks love it in the @ss! Highest percentage of girls in a world wide survey that said they liked anal sex...

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
She's not interested. Allow me to do the cliff notes version of proof:
ARrocket said:
She invites me out to celebrate her roommate's birthday. Said she'd call me the day of. Never did.
Women who like you don't forget to call you when they said they were going to. Also, she was inviting you to a party, i.e. something that would NOT be considered a date where she could really get to know you. No bueno.
ARrocket said:
Didn't speak to her in class the next two days (but it wasn't awkward, because we were never near each other).
Didn't apologize for not calling, nor did she talk to you in class (and the "we were never near each other" excuse is bullcrap - assuming she has legs, she could've walked over to you - girls who like you will ALWAYS find an excuse to walk up to you).

ARrocket said:
Few texts back and forth, and I say "I'm free after 9 tonight - wanna grab a drink?" She responds like 2 hours later...
2 hours to respond to a simple invite? No bueno - how long does it take to type out the words "yes" or "i'm busy, how 'bout 2mrw?"

ARrocket said:
(While on date) ...good amount of touching between us, mostly initiated by me but she seemed receptive to it.
Aaaaaaand THIS is where you blew it. I know people talk a lot about doing KINO on these boards, but most people do it all wrong. You should be holding back to see how much SHE is initiating touch with YOU. The more touchy a girl is, the more she probably likes you - BUT, if you're the one constantly trying to touch her, it (a) dials back how much she's going to want to touch you, and (b) it's going to creep her out since she doesn't really know you or have high interest in you yet. She may not SAY anything about it - heck, she may act like it doesn't bother her - but, the fact that SHE decided to end the night indicates she was probably tired of being touched by you.

At this point, I'm not saying there's NO chance to get with her; I'm saying it's a very LOW chance. Dial it back a bit and let her come to you. Stop being so touchy and - as I always like to say - STOP TEXING HER SO MUCH, IT KILLS RELATIONSHIPS.

Hope this helps!


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Harry Wilmington said:
Aaaaaaand THIS is where you blew it. I know people talk a lot about doing KINO on these boards, but most people do it all wrong. You should be holding back to see how much SHE is initiating touch with YOU. The more touchy a girl is, the more she probably likes you - BUT, if you're the one constantly trying to touch her, it (a) dials back how much she's going to want to touch you, and (b) it's going to creep her out since she doesn't really know you or have high interest in you yet. She may not SAY anything about it - heck, she may act like it doesn't bother her - but, the fact that SHE decided to end the night indicates she was probably tired of being touched by you. At this point, I'm not saying there's NO chance to get with her; I'm saying it's a very LOW chance. Dial it back a bit and let her come to you. Stop being so touchy...
This hit home for me. Good insight, +1

Harry Wilmington said:
... and - as I always like to say - STOP TEXING HER SO MUCH, IT KILLS RELATIONSHIPS.Hope this helps!
Meh. Texting doesn't kill relationships, being stupid kills relationships.

But your post was pretty helpful, thanks. Today, she could have sat next to me in class, but instead sits in front of me, then turns around and speaks to me.

Anyway, I'll dial it way back and see what comes of it!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Texting kills relationships if this is the convo:

ME- Hey
Her - Hi
ME- Whats up
Her - nm u
ME - oh nothing bored
Her (15 hours later )- cool.

Texting that works:
Me- (some random fact/comment/inside joke/ anything but never say hi,hey,watsup etc)
her- LOL (or something along those lines)
ME- takes conversation to a direction of meeting up ***
Me - So im free on wednesday and was going to grab some lunch, you seem hungry come grab some with me.
Her- obviously your johnchops of course ill go!
Me- cool ill meet you there at 1.

No contact until the date.

You get the picture.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Very true JohnChops, which is why aside from asking her about the class I missed, I've only texted her about meeting up!

But I won't be going out of my way to contact her at all for some time now. Time to focus on other girls/things


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
ARrocket said:
Very true JohnChops, which is why aside from asking her about the class I missed, I've only texted her about meeting up!

But I won't be going out of my way to contact her at all for some time now. Time to focus on other girls/things
Very good stuff AR, you did everything text book correct but nothing compares to the actually field test. She just doesnt seem into you, good idea to find new girls.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
JohnChops said:
Very good stuff AR, you did everything text book correct but nothing compares to the actually field test. She just doesnt seem into you, good idea to find new girls.
Thanks, but I think it's more likely that I did mess it up for myself, as Harry Wilmington pointed out. She is the one who contacted me the night we did meet up, and that makes me think that either

1) I fvcked up once I got her out to the bar, or

2) She was never interested, was being friendly, and assumed I was being friendly as well.

I think she'd have to be pretty dense for situation 2, so I'm guessing it's 1.

But like I said, I'll back off and if she comes to me, great. And if not, no worries