I'm not attracting any women but I'm happy with my life


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
I'm happy with my life since I'm now living on my own with a full-time job in an industry I enjoy.

I'm just not attracting any women lately and I'm confused why. I don't have girls on Facebook messaging me and showing interest, and in real life, it's generally the same thing.

I'm 28, bald, short and stocky. Not insecure about being bald, my body type, or having glasses. I feel pretty good about myself, but with women I'm just not doing well.

Some of it is that I prefer younger women and females that look better than I do and I won't settle.

I feel younger mentally than my age and I identify more with college age people than ones my age.

I'll bang females that look about my range or worse, but they're not going to be my girlfriend.
I want a wild sex life with plenty of options. I probably do objectify women to an extent.
I prefer women in the 18-21 range also, but will date older women or women my age.

So, what should I do to start attracting the women I want?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
Communicate confidence thru body language?

I've been practicing... had a redhead follow me through ralphs for a bit.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Social circle would help. Don't have one in this new city I'm living in. Mainly just try and meet out in public through cold approach/running into them while doing things.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
I'm happy with my life since I'm now living on my own with a full-time job in an industry I enjoy.

I'm just not attracting any women lately and I'm confused why. I don't have girls on Facebook messaging me and showing interest, and in real life, it's generally the same thing.

I'm 28, bald, short and stocky. Not insecure about being bald, my body type, or having glasses. I feel pretty good about myself, but with women I'm just not doing well.

Some of it is that I prefer younger women and females that look better than I do and I won't settle.

I feel younger mentally than my age and I identify more with college age people than ones my age.

I'll bang females that look about my range or worse, but they're not going to be my girlfriend.
I want a wild sex life with plenty of options. I probably do objectify women to an extent.
I prefer women in the 18-21 range also, but will date older women or women my age.

So, what should I do to start attracting the women I want?
time to start hitting the gym bro, maybe even start doing a martial art so you can have something to do after work that will also help you get in shape and gain confidence


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Join a dance class or something you would like to do, preferably with women. My hunch tells me you are unknowingly telegraphing that you don't get much female attention. Once you get comfortable with women in a social setting, naturally you will start to get eyes on you even when you are alone.

Don't expect girls to fall into your lap by working out or anything else that has completely nothing to do with women. If you want them, you have to put yourself out there. Simple as that.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Land of slow.
I'm happy with my life since I'm now living on my own with a full-time job in an industry I enjoy.

I'm just not attracting any women lately and I'm confused why. I don't have girls on Facebook messaging me and showing interest, and in real life, it's generally the same thing.

I'm 28, bald, short and stocky. Not insecure about being bald, my body type, or having glasses. I feel pretty good about myself, but with women I'm just not doing well.

Some of it is that I prefer younger women and females that look better than I do and I won't settle.

I feel younger mentally than my age and I identify more with college age people than ones my age.

I'll bang females that look about my range or worse, but they're not going to be my girlfriend.
I want a wild sex life with plenty of options. I probably do objectify women to an extent.
I prefer women in the 18-21 range also, but will date older women or women my age.

So, what should I do to start attracting the women I want?
This happens to DJ fingz when he gets wierd Haha. Work on Pick up game get #'s and you will get over it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
If you're bald, short, etc...YOU SHOULD IMPROVE YOUR IMAGE.
You should lose fat, and then gain muscle massin a year or more. Besides you will gain strength which is always a good thing.
You should improve the way you dress, your hair (or lack of), and your facial hair (or lack of).

AFTER you've done with this, then having a social circle will start to pay off, but you cannot expect to get women when you look like a rotten potato. Duh.

As a general rule, women are attracted to men that are above their own level of sexual value: if you're a 5, you will get somen below 5. If you're a 7.5 you will get women below 7.5. This is why you're getting ugly women.

You can't expect to attract women just because you're 'happy' with your life. If you dont make them at least a bit horny, they won't sleep with you. Making them horny --> looking good + charming/jerkboy attitude.

So in conclusion:
1 Improve your image.
2 Improve your social circle.

If he goes to a dance class looking like a creep it will not help.Just do #1 and #2.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Communicate confidence thru body language?

I've been practicing... had a redhead follow me through ralphs for a bit.
Agreed with this. As I walk confidently down the street, I notice women purposefully crossing my path the be noticed themselves and so they can make eye contact. It's about taking notice of what your opponent is doing and being ready to take action. A women who is interested in being approached will make it obvious to you and put herself in your orbit.

If he goes to a dance class looking like a creep it will not help.
Agreed with this as well. I think dance classes are quite cliche these days for men. Women know that a lot of men go to get near women. Unless you genuinely want to go dancing, don't bother, or you will look like a fraud. I even find genuine male dancers quite creepy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
If you're bald, short, etc...YOU SHOULD IMPROVE YOUR IMAGE.
You should lose fat, and then gain muscle massin a year or more. Besides you will gain strength which is always a good thing.
You should improve the way you dress, your hair (or lack of), and your facial hair (or lack of).

AFTER you've done with this, then having a social circle will start to pay off, but you cannot expect to get women when you look like a rotten potato. Duh.

As a general rule, women are attracted to men that are above their own level of sexual value: if you're a 5, you will get somen below 5. If you're a 7.5 you will get women below 7.5. This is why you're getting ugly women.

You can't expect to attract women just because you're 'happy' with your life. If you dont make them at least a bit horny, they won't sleep with you. Making them horny --> looking good + charming/jerkboy attitude.

So in conclusion:
1 Improve your image.
2 Improve your social circle.

If he goes to a dance class looking like a creep it will not help.Just do #1 and #2.
I would say don't put off meeting women entirely, focus on bringing your looks. The difficulty you face now will prepare your mind (should you pull through) when you look much better in the future.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Land of slow.
This thread is done.(drill Sergeants last words) You're out*. Go hunt Yeti with Josh Gates. Librarians have come out Haha. for a Tobey Mcguire/ John McEnroe Meggido 2


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Agreed with this. As I walk confidently down the street, I notice women purposefully crossing my path the be noticed themselves and so they can make eye contact. It's about taking notice of what your opponent is doing and being ready to take action. A women who is interested in being approached will make it obvious to you and put herself in your orbit.

Agreed with this as well. I think dance classes are quite cliche these days for men. Women know that a lot of men go to get near women. Unless you genuinely want to go dancing, don't bother, or you will look like a fraud. I even find genuine male dancers quite creepy.
Dancing is fun though and a great way to fill your masculine spirit with a variety of ladies who will look forward to dancing with you if you are any good. It's a perfect leadin to sex too since you are up on them and can hold and feel or they can.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Dancing is fun though and a great way to fill your masculine spirit with a variety of ladies who will look forward to dancing with you if you are any good. It's a perfect leadin to sex too since you are up on them and can hold and feel or they can.
I agree with the logic behind it, but it's too cliche now. It may have been unique for guys to do this 10-20 years ago, but not any more. Weak guys have cottoned on to the idea and some guys I have indirectly seen doing these things do look and act quite creepy; like, they've exhausted all other means by which to get physically close to a woman.

I see how it would work for some guys and I do enjoy dancing in normal clubs; indeed, most of my success has come from this as I have good rhythm. But all the prancing about in choreographed, synced routines etc....? It's not for me. Maybe I've just had bad experience.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
I agree with the logic behind it, but it's too cliche now. It may have been unique for guys to do this 10-20 years ago, but not any more. Weak guys have cottoned on to the idea and some guys I have indirectly seen doing these things do look and act quite creepy; like, they've exhausted all other means by which to get physically close to a woman.

I see how it would work for some guys and I do enjoy dancing in normal clubs; indeed, most of my success has come from this as I have good rhythm. But all the prancing about in choreographed, synced routines etc....? It's not for me. Maybe I've just had bad experience.
Well if you join dance classes solely for women, you're gonna get sniffed out pretty easy... Like you said, first and foremost OP has to enjoy/have an interest in dancing to begin with.

Just putting it out there because latin ballroom has allowed me to be in my masculine (more easily so because it is expected for the guy to lead) and this has transferred tremendously into other areas of my life of how I carry myself, being a leader of others and also being extremely comfortable with physicality up till the point I think I'm turning women off on dates for being overly touchy.

Something every newbie should consider if they find themselves having trouble interacting with the opposite sex as there's no expectations, only professionalism.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Land of slow.
Well if you join dance classes solely for women, you're gonna get sniffed out pretty easy... Like you said, first and foremost OP has to enjoy/have an interest in dancing to begin with.

Just putting it out there because latin ballroom has allowed me to be in my masculine (more easily so because it is expected for the guy to lead) and this has transferred tremendously into other areas of my life of how I carry myself, being a leader of others and also being extremely comfortable with physicality up till the point I think I'm turning women off on dates for being overly touchy.

Something every newbie should consider if they find themselves having trouble interacting with the opposite sex as there's no expectations, only professionalism.
LOL Phone me 781. Dial out Haha. OP However Konada You can't tell a Lonsdale from a Destroyer


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I'm 28, bald, short and stocky. Not insecure about being bald, my body type, or having glasses. I feel pretty good about myself, but with women I'm just not doing well.
I'm only 5'9 (which could be considered short) and I'm bald....but chicks routinely say I look good. I won't know where to start with recommendations until I see a pic of you. I doubt you are someone that's just "ugly", but I can't make physical recommendations without a pic.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Well if you join dance classes solely for women, you're gonna get sniffed out pretty easy... Like you said, first and foremost OP has to enjoy/have an interest in dancing to begin with.

Just putting it out there because latin ballroom has allowed me to be in my masculine (more easily so because it is expected for the guy to lead) and this has transferred tremendously into other areas of my life of how I carry myself, being a leader of others and also being extremely comfortable with physicality up till the point I think I'm turning women off on dates for being overly touchy.

Something every newbie should consider if they find themselves having trouble interacting with the opposite sex as there's no expectations, only professionalism.
Exactly and that's why OP should take dance classes because he wants to dance, first and foremost. You can meet women doing other things, but I take your point about interactions.