I'm not a toy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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Women are equal.

Women today are sexually liberated.

No one woman is confined to the shackles of relationships.

Women can be single have multiple partners and it's ok.

Does all of the above give them the right to ruin a good man?

A man can't be confused. He must always do what is right. A man can't make mistakes; if he does he must learn from them. A man must be responsible in a relationship. No cheating, hitting, etc.

Why in a society where equality oozes from every media outlet and college allumni brat are men made more responsible for their actions.

When a man screws up, it's "I'm sorry baby it just happened. I'll be a better man"

When a woman screws around it's "Oh you didn't give me this or that" or "things have changed. my feelings are different." Why must men feel guilt and women be "liberated". This mentality surely proves that women are emotionally and morally weaker than men.

Here's what set me off today. I was reading a post out of a forum that I frequent and this girl I knew (for a while I was totally infatuated with her) said something that went like this:

"Went to visit my friend *blank* in *blank* (8 days prior to start of new job, working with said friend *blank* in said *blank*).

Got drunk. Yadda yadda.
Broke up with *blank*.

I have a new boyfriend now.

His name is *blank*.

I know what the b!tch did. She visited her good male friend in another city. (both of them isolated alone in strange town) She got drunk and fvcked him. I bet her boyfriend was acting too sensitive or even showed a bit of anger. After that the thrill is gone and she wanted something more fun. I knew the guy she broke up with. Was kind of a pushover, but he could really do no wrong. She was so in love with him at some point she even told me " If i didn't go to san francisco to meet him, I would have just died". You'll give so much to a dude until he starts to show his faults, won't you b!tch? Then you'll be justified in being a traitor to someone who you're supposedly in love with.

What is with that word? LOVE? Now more than ever I have to use it more carefully, because when you say "I love you" to someone who doesn't love you, but says "I love you" to seek validation you will get fvcked the fvck up people.

Next time I hurt a woman, I'll take the woman approach and say she deserved it and give some cosmic b.s. answer why. Women do it all the time. Fvck first! RATIONALIZE LATER! Making others responsible for your mistakes without having a conscience makes careening through life alot more smoother than it is already! George W. Bush and Tony Blair do it, why can't I?! YAY!

Can you guys tell I'm just a little peeved?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Well of course you can't! I could barely do it! I didn't even snip the tip of this cultural problem we have in the times we're living in! Theres so much else too it someone should write a book. It's absolutely recockulous!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
the Netherlands
I agree as well.

We live in a messed up world, that's for sure.
Somehow, women have managed to twist us men around into a position in which we do not want to be, and then they called it "civilization".

I don't want to be civilized! All I want is food, sex and shelter!
Why did we men allow us to become under the rule of women?
I say we start a revolution, in which we train an army of men to become the master of these creatures called women!

Vive la revolucion!

Now I urge all of you to get back to learning more about the way of the DJ, and to become a part of the army of men!
Join up now and bundle your powers into the mastering of womankind!
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
Women are equal.

Women today are sexually liberated.

No one woman is confined to the shackles of relationships.

Women can be single have multiple partners and it's ok.

Does all of the above give them the right to ruin a good man?
Actually men ruin themselves by accepting this newly "liberated woman" (ie. hors) - once you accept a woman being a hor you give her the power!

There is no such thing as "sexual liberation" - it is called being a hor - don't use the jargon of the feminist hor/homo agenda which has permeated the media for the last half of the twentieth century!!!

An no, women cannot have multiple partners and it's "ok" - It is not "OK" - it's called being a hor!!!

Quit seeing and treating hors like women and your eyes will be opened!!!

99% of the men on this site accept the liberated hors mindset today as being "ok" and love them - this is a recipe for disaster!! And these fools deserve all the drama and trauma that befalls them!!

Women are not our "equals" - they are our complementary natures!! Again the term "equal" is part of the hor jargon/agenda!!

ThunderMaverick - what you describe is an artificial construct manufactured in the past 5 decades - through media mind control!! The women we see today are a deviation and a perversion from which they were originally created!!

Most of the world, including females, reject this hor and sees her for what she is - sadly those who control the American and European media want to spread this sick corrupt cultural thinking and depravity around the world!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
The mantra flying around is: "Keeping on fvcking until you find a keeper".

This attitude is what causes most of us to lose a huge part of our souls. Half of ourselves are gone to someone we've invested so much in. We walk around half empty looking desparately for someone who's going provide that other half. Hence, complimentary natures, as you said LMS. Certain parts that a complementary between man and woman are used in such corrupt ways. We give in for the wrong reasons and when we do we get confused, upset and of course what is the best way to get over someone? By getting on top of someone! However we try to fill that need with something meaningless, expecting nirvana. It's a risk giving up a part of you so intimate only to have it not be returned when things go wrong. Our attitude is to NEXT, give up when you're bored (when YOU think you've had enough) use until it's no longer useful.

It's a vicious cycle that won't end unless people wise up and understand that none of us are perfect. The more you try to look for "the one", the more you get lost. You're caught up in being in love without knowing what love truly is. Think about it. For those who's parents are still together; is it just luck that generations before us toughed it out through troubling times and not abandon each other just beacause there were "better options"? They believed in each other. They both knew what each one was assigned to do and they did it.

With divorce rates so high and premarital sex so rampant we're still seaching for love? Hahahahaha. This mentality is a joke. How can you possibly believe this when you don't even believe in yourself or your partner? How can you believe this without having hope for your own future? You worry, you fvck, you move on. We are a generation of quitters. So fine. Keep quitting. Me, and I know most people here won't quit. I've gone half way when it came to quitting. We'll be careful. We'll be sure. We won't let a person who doesn't deserve us have half of us.

Me personally, I won't fvck someone I'm not in love with. Not anymore. "But "TM", you say "how will you know you guys are compatable if you don't have sex?! You got to have good sex for the marrage to be good!"

Absolutely wrong. It's not sex that keeps a healthy couple together. It's chemistry. Sexual chemistry happens OUTSIDE of the bedroom. Without penetration. Strong physical chemistry is what LEADS to the bedroom not, after sex. Without chemistry there would be no reason to take your partner into the bedroom. Chemistry, trust and understanding is what makes GOOD SEX. Experience-shmerience. I was a virgin who rocked my exs world. I was the best she ever had. I payed attention to detail. I cherished her body. I listened to her, but I took control. Even a day before the breakup she said the sex was excellent and that confused her a bit.

So gentlemen, as a man who knows what he wants out of life and won't quit when he gets it, I would like to make an announcement!

I'm becoming a virgin again!

"But TM, you can't do that! You already had..." *slaps you on the mouth*

I'm becoming a virgin again! =D


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
OK little boy. go play "being a woman" and "thinking like a woman"

I will stay right here, pulling your girls without even trying while keeping my soul.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Cute. You obviously can't understand sarcasim when you read it.

And you can't pull my girls, I'm not dating anyone. And if I was, you wouldn't be "pulling" anything since I'm in California. If you have the attitude of banging around just to bang around then fine. I wasn't talkinga about you. I'm talking about people who bang around expecting to find love. Like sitting out in the middle of a football field blindfolded trying to hit a randomly placed pinata. By the time you somehow find the pinata, you'll be too worn to hit it.

This doesn't apply to you, but you obviously took something I said personally. So...maybe it does. =D
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
Me personally, I won't fvck someone I'm not in love with. Not anymore.
There is a dilemma here - your statement means that you will only love a hor....but hors are not to be loved but used for merely sexual pleasure - so you do not love a hor then thus you will never have sex again - unless you are waiting for marriage!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah that's what I mean. I'm waiting for marriage. I'm only going to have sex with my wife.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
Yeah that's what I mean. I'm waiting for marriage. I'm only going to have sex with my wife.
Well. hors are to have sex with but not to be loved - these DJ's are falling in love with hors - which is against the legendary "Don Juan" attitude!!!

The only women you should truly love is your mother, Daughter, sister, and your wife!!!

Any girl that you are sexing other than your wife s a hor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And hors, by definition, cannot love and should not be loved!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
You should have just said that you were a virgin from the beginning and saved my time. Virgins and non virgins are wired entirely different. There is no argument against this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Oxide said:
You should have just said that you were a virgin from the beginning and saved my time. Virgins and non virgins are wired entirely different. There is no argument against this.
True but there's the converse as well. If you've had sex and subject yourself to the will of women in order to get it, you're probobly not much better off. I've seen guys do really stupid stuff in order to get laid by some dumb tramp. It makes me sad:( like watching a drug addict.

I hear people whine about the double standards that put men at disadvantages every day from whiney dudes who are not progressive thinkers and can't think outside the box. So the system has changed and things are different. You can't blindly clunk your way into a dominant life where it's assumed that you are going to dominat your relationship the same way your dad and his dad did. That's exactly why I stopped taking advice from my dad in the first place. Instead I've learned to attack the issues of socializing and interacting with women from a different angel. I find ways to turn things in my favor once again so I'm coming out ahead. I'm not trying to save man kind because, honestly it's every man for himself anyway and I have to look out for number 1. From that I've had sucess and achieved. I plan on using progressive thinking and strategy until the day I die in just about every aspect of my life and women are no exception.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
I have no idea what you are trying to say. All I know "every man for himself" is what I play for one night stands... I will put my friends over hoes..and had done many a time in the past.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I'll make a basketball analogy to this;

Michael Jordan was a great player. Knew the game. Knew the rules and played other people like puppets, in his own words. He was damn good. So when he makes a foul, an offensive foul, or misses a three pointer he'll ***** at the ref or make a fit, whether it be loud or quiet.. Deep down he knows he commited the foul or missed the shot, but sometimes you just gotta b!tch about it. I know the game, the rules, the nature of women (past this whole femenism crap which was funded by the Rockafellers, just so they can get the other half of the population of america to pay taxes and tear the family structure apart).....but I thought she was an exception and I let my guard down. Like an idiot.

Oxide, I was a virgin when I met her. I was not a virgin after we got to know each other. She took it because I trusted her enough. And by no means was she a bad person. She was just "confused". She's 22 and she wants to have her fun. Like I said, fine. I'm 25 and I know what I want, as far as my future and what I see want in a potential mate. Sex isn't going to influence me anymore, and actually, it didn't before I met her. I wanted to test my limits and I went for it.

"True but there's the converse as well. If you've had sex and subject yourself to the will of women in order to get it, you're probobly not much better off. I've seen guys do really stupid stuff in order to get laid by some dumb tramp. It makes me sad like watching a drug addict."

You just summed up several of my paragraphs into one short one. =D Conquering women becomes an addiction or figuring out how to "conquer" them becomes addictive. You lose the balance in yourself and get lost in lust and infatuation. Women become obsessed by not wanting to be alone and search and fvck and end up by themselves again and wonder why?! They become impressionable with the fact that they can have "free love" without something pure being taken from them. Reminds me of "the law of conservation" from the anime full metal alchemist.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Only the first part really pretained to your previous post Oxide. The rest was directed in response to the original poster.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
You just summed up several of my paragraphs into one short one. =D Conquering women becomes an addiction or figuring out how to "conquer" them becomes addictive. You lose the balance in yourself and get lost in lust and infatuation. Women become obsessed by not wanting to be alone and search and fvck and end up by themselves again and wonder why?! They become impressionable with the fact that they can have "free love" without something pure being taken from them. Reminds me of "the law of conservation" from the anime full metal alchemist.
And now I'll expand on that point, again. It need not be that way for anyone who's got a grip on themselves. Where men fail is that they don't think enough in our era. Sure i've done stupid stuff in the past with women but instead of laughing about it and saying it was okay because I had sex, I reviewed it and learned. I don't compromise my dignity for sex nor will I make gross changes to my schedule for it. I do it on my terms and I don't let any wh*re dictate my choices. I work on my terms follow my guidelines and rules.

I had a conversation today with two of my co workers and we were talking about dating and relationships. The female I was with told the male he was cute and he was a good boyfriend because he said he'd never cheat on his g/f (and he was lying through his teeth to impress her WHY? I WATCHED him attempt to do just that). Me on the other hand she said "PRMoon, you're just not boyfriend material!" but then she kinda tried to even it out by saying neither was she. I asked her way and she said "You're just different. It's not that you don't care about anything, but you have this above it all ambiance". And that's exactly what it is. I'm above that defined boyfriend crap that so many guys put themselves through. I'm not going to do things for you because it's nice. I will do them if they are necessary but just becaue I'm a man does not make me your servant and nor do I want you doing anything for me that I can do myself.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy the company of others but no one, man woman or beast, is going to walk on me without getting stabbed in the neck in their attempt. That's just how it goes. However since I prefer avoiding conflict, I tend to think about ways I can get things not only to work to my advantage without conflict, I want the other party to do it and feel as if they arrived to that decision on their own. That is progression in thinking in a nutshell. It's strategy and implementation resulting in favorable outcomes with minimal stress.
Mar 18, 2006
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ThunderMaverick said:
...They become impressionable with the fact that they can have "free love" without something pure being taken from them...
Yes, you hit a soft spot in me!!! I had to read that a few times and it made an impression on me - this is a very deep statement you made for those of us "in the know"!!!

Oooooooh, I wish I didn't have soooo much to drink so that I can answer this fully!

Yes, something is taken away - something very special - something innate - deeply rooted in their being - it is a very deep connection to their womanhood!! Yes, they lose their innocence and thus their femininity when they start horing!!!!!

As I mentioned in my prior posts - "free love" is a homo/hor/feminist jargon!!! It is not free – once the woman chooses to be a hor she loses her innocence and thus her femininity!!!!! This is the purity that you speak of – the purity of the female essence!!!!!!

Once she has corrupted herself she has become a male in her thinking and her actions - and thus a perversion and deviation from her original state as a female and thus is no longer complementary to the male nature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, this is why I say “Say ‘No’ to hos!!!!!” Because they have become masculine and thus are no longer befitting to the male psyche or being!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
this issue makes me very angry

I was good friends with this girl in class, and she befriended another girl. my friend became more rude to me over time. one day, we were all working on a school project together, when they say something and I politely disagree with it. suddenly, both of them spit venom and try to rip my argument to shreds
cuz ya know, since I'm a man, I couldnt POSSIBLY be right :rolleyes:

Note: I know this experience wasnt in the context of relationship or hors, but it shows the disrespect girls will give a guy.

getting back to the main issue, those 2 girls only hang out with eachother now. they are both ugly, stubborn, rude, fat loners.

One of the girl's bf waits outside our classroom every day to spend 10 mins with his girl on her breaks from class. (we have 1 break every hour. which means he will wait 3 hours to spend half an hour with her. whipped x 10)

he also recently proposed to her. poor guy. his life will be hell

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Some guys will **** ANYTHING
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