I'm Going To Become A Master Pick Up Artist

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Along with wealth, I've decided to hone my skills and become a MPUA, a master pickup artist. Last week, I was in Barnes and Noble, (after a self-imposed two month exile.) I since I pride myself on being a "student," of "The Game," I've decided to re-read Louis and Copeland's "How To Succeed With Women" and I stumbled upon IT!!!

"It" was a book by Neil Strauss aka Style entitled, "The Game, Pentrating The Secret Society of Pick Up Artists." I'm looking at the book and I could tell by the title that is wasn't some lame ass p.o.s written by some idiot chick promulgating the same bull****. I picked it up, went and got " Why We Want You To Be Rich, proceeded to the cafe, got my vanilla latte, secured a comfty chair and read.

Like most of the guys on this site, I'm far from a natural when it comes to female gender. Though looks were neve a problem for me, it was my actions, believing the bull**** that was spouted on Oprah, my naturally generous nature that turned me into an "average frustrated chump." Through experience, Tom, sosuave.com, and the documentary "American Pimp," I was able to "unlearn," what I had learned. I then acquired the knowledge and the know how to become successful with chicks.

But this book is about nerds, geeks, and weirdos who through lots of practice with no results, but through sheer persistance master the techniques of pick up and took their game to an entirly unimagable level. In the case of Style he over the course of two years, he went from not even being able to approach a woman, to having menages and having Courtney Love live with him and a bunch of other guys in a manison the Hollywood Hills.

While reading the book, I was like, "Damn. If these dudes can transform themselves. Why can't I? I'm not good at a lot of things, but what I am good at is following directions and mimkicking behavior that yields efficicaous results. My goal is to be the guy in the club that meets a chick then takes her to bathroom. To be the guy that has menages at will. To be the guy that's in a polyamourous relationship and all the chicks are cool with it. (I.e. Hugh Heffner.) To be that guy that has that celebrity type quality to them, but unlike the celebrity who only has a singing voice, or athletic ability and no game. Women will flock to me because of my "aura," and the things I say to them.

After I finished with Strauss' book. I realized that needed to learn "body language." That's one of the things that's always killed me. Being that I'm not very preceptive, when a chick did like me. I wouldn't notice the subtle hints that she would give off. When I did finally figured it out, she obviously move on to the next object of her desires.

The training, studying, and rejections are going to be long, hard, and at times, frustrating, but I'm up for the challenge. Just like I absolutely positive I can become rich by flipping houses. I can have some really cool sexual experiences once I've master these techniques. This is going to be interesting.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
the Netherlands
Perhaps set your goals a little smaller to begin with. These things sound vague and you don't sound like you have a concrete plan or strategy.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Josetown a.k.a Chocolate City Area
Yea, how about the bootcamp? That should be a great challenge to start with! :)


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
You may want to consider crawling before thinking about walking? If you honestly think reading a couple of books but not having any practical experience is going to phantasmagorically transform you from the toad into a stud you've got quite a reckoning coming at you.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
I actually like this (the original) post. First of all, I like that he doesn't say A) Can I become a PUA B) Should I become a PUA, no he says "I'm Going To Become A Master Pick Up Artist", because he has at least realized that he doesn't need anyone's approval to do so. This is really important.

Second, this guy has sought out expert advice. This is really important, because it is not only a source of inspiration, but in any new field it's important to learn how the "wheel was built" so to speak. To aquire some kind of base to build upon.

Third, I disagree with him that he is better at mimicking others than being original. Very few ideas are truly original, but instead are spin offs from existing ideas that are (honestly) only partially original. Most of what we think is original, if we were to trace it down, has stemmed from some other source. That's OK, that just means the human race continues to refine and progress all the time.

Finally, I do agree that modular goals are more easier to manage. So at the top level we know he wants to become a master PUA. He isn't looking for a wife, he isn't looking to settle down, he's looking to be an MPUA. This is important because it will help disctate the path of action. I hope he's already done all of Louis and Copeland's missions. If not, I would personally start there as I found them very useful. Reading the book without doing the missions and practicing the suggested technique is only about 10% of the benefit one could receive from the book (same as any other source). The reason I am such a fan of "missions" is it is a motivator to get one doing and using information, it has a much better chance of getting interlized this way, IMO.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Agreed Hero. Guys thought I was just going to go out and do this and didn't think I had a plan. But I do have a plan. That's why I'm going to go out and buy books on body language, rune reading, cold reading and other subjects.

I'm also going to be in the field a lot more. Unlike some of the guys on this site who want instant results. I'm going to do my due diligence by researching and practicing. We'll see what happens.