I'm feeling Great!!!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
I love girls... I love the game... I love girls...

And goddamn I love popcorn!!!! :rock:

....I just come off a big run of going out, been kinda chilling the past week now, relaxing and gathering my strengths. Man there has been some serious ups and downs already in just these few hardcore months... But already so much improvement... so many journeys...

Ok and now that brief intermission is over I have to get my butt back out there and socialize.
Success is right around the corner, I can feel it. Soon I will have all I want. There is no quit option in my body, I'm gonna get good with women and have all the ones I desire or die trying. But either way, I'm having a blast cause this sh!t is fun as fvck!!!!!

Soon, maybe January 1st, I'm gonna start a hardcore mission and do a 30day Goal... Going out EVERY single night for a month straight! Just to further boost the confident levels, the feeling of abundance, the momentum and sheer madness!

Game on everyone, we live a good life.