"I'll never see her again"..self fulfilling prophecy?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
I have noticed that when an interaction with plate or potential plate doesn't go the way I want, or I feel the energy changing I always have this thought as she drives off "well, I probably won't see her again".
And it usually turns out I am right. Am I extra good at telling when a girls IL is dropping, or is this a self fulfilling prophecy?

Last time my current plate was at my place I saw her driving off and I had that though, and sure enough, I have had no texts or calls from her when she usually hits me up with random pictures and texts over the weekends. However, I have usually booked a date on a thursday for the next week with her, and I didn't do that this time. So we may both be at a stalemate right now waiting for the other to contact. Not sure about that yet.

I can't decide if I feel this way and it effects the 'relationship' or do I have good instincts? Going to give a call tonight to the last plate and see what she sounds like, this may solidify my theory.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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Is this the one who wanted to fvck by the fire?
She sounded like she was really into you!
Bummer dude.
But this shyt happens. Every few months you'll find the plates start to drop off when they think or realise that you're not willing to offer a serious commitment.
Then you have to start again, sign some more rookies to your roster and repeat the cycle.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2014
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You said doesn't go the way you want. Perhaps this is actually your IL that is dropping?

Is the feeling affecting the relationships you have? Most definitely.

Your inner wants are probably deep. Arising from this are the the thoughts feelings and behaviours that drive interactions.

I get the sense that your gut knows she ain't really what you are looking for. State very clearly inside yourself what you are really looking for and clarity about plates will be easier.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Something I've noticed after reading a lot of red pill stuff and becoming more aware is to always go with your gut instinct. If you think her IL is dropping, then it probably is.

Personally, I wouldn't call her up. Have you already banged her? If so, definitely don't call her up. She is most likely in another guy's arms or exploring the potential of being with another guy. Calling her up might only feed her validation. Just start seeking another woman or make yourself busy.

If there's another thing I've learned is that an interested woman will push heaven and earth to be with you. For example, I woke up this morning to two missed calls and a text from a girl asking if she could come over to my house. THIS WAS AT 3AM!!

If she's not chasing you after you had sex with her, don't do it, my friend.