If you don't like women you will fail


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
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Posting this as a result of some other stuff I've read on this board today, thought it deserved it's own thread.

This forum has a lot of bitterness and anger, and so many posts here seem to give an impression they do not like nor respect women. And think that they are only good for one thing...

But you know what, thinking this dooms you to failure. How can you truly understand and respond to someone you dislike? It's impossible to ever master women with this mindset.

The guys who do the best are those that LOVE women. Not just their curves, but also their way of thinking, their attitudes, and all their differences from typical men. I'm like this, I have tons of female friends because I genuinely prefer spending time with them for the most part. Also having a higher level of empathy allows me to say the right things, and ultimately get what I always want.

I think this would be my number one piece of advice to most people on this board. Stop getting angry, and try to embrace just how amazing women are :D


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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In before flaming.

I agree with what you said and most certainly the part about empathy.

Having a good deal of empathy allows you to relate better with all people, especially women. Its an important thing to be able to understand the feelings of another person, and if more people had a bit of empathy things would be a lot better in society.

One of the big problems I had with my ex was that she although she could be an emotional girl, she never seemed to be able to understand why I felt the way I did about certain problems we had. She made me feel like an idiot for even being upset at things, and made me second guess my stances on stuff.

At the end of the day, with hindsight being 20/20, it was all because she had no empathy at all and never really understood me. Thus she was very selfish emotionally imo.

However, I will admit that although I am very empathetic, I am also very analytical. And I am not sure if these traits tend to always go hand and hand, but they sure dont mix well within myself. Causes way too much over-thinking xD


Don Juan
May 16, 2007
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Some people on this forums have had very bad experiences with women and this site seems to be an outlet for them to vent

But its nothing that hasn't been said or heard before
So they are just wasting time


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
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The problem is that most guys here love women TOO MUCH, not too little. Usually you see a lot of problems with guys liking women TOO much, and the women in return runs away, and goes and fvcks a bad ass that doesn't give too sh*ts about her lol.

So, no, I'm pretty damn sure most guys on here LOVE women so damn much that it's actually hindering their ability to keep some good ones. They put them on a pedestal.

So don't you women worry, we do love you big time!! :yes:


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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This is so not true. You don't have to love everything about women to be successful with them. Some of the most misogynistic guys I know do the best with girls.

These guys I'm talking about aren't bitter. They just understand that '*****es ain't sh*t'.

Of course having the 'I hate women because they don't like me' loser type vibe is going to turn women off but that doesn't mean you have to love everything about them. Most women are only good for one thing! There are some quality ones, but even among those very few are as smart, interesting, insightful, funny or decent as my best male friends.

The girls that have been most into me are the ones that I have treated badly. There was no premeditation on my part, I just didn't value or respect them. It made them like me all the more.

Good for you having a bunch of female friends and preferring to hang out with a bunch of giggling, inane broads than with your guy friends, but it doesn't mean anything. I agree that on a friendship level it's hard to like someone that doesn't like you but that doesn't apply to making the gina tingle.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
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i have alot of bitternes, and anger inside.. but i try to keep it under control een though it leaks out at times.. With the things ive been thru in my life, and with women, i dont see how i could not be jaded and have a pessimistic view of life and women.
This doesnt really help or harm "it is what it is"... im not out to do women harm and talk bad about them or become a misogynist. but the odds are stacked against me..how am i suppose to get a chick when im the 584398953288 guy that approached her and asked for her number and when u call her she doent even remeber you lol ..and i do only see women useful for one thing. because after sex WHAT ELSE IS THERE?????
i dont even believe in friends with the opposite sex.whats the point????? if im talking to a chick 99% of the time im trying to get some booty i dont need to be her friend already got friends.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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Tesl said:
I'm like this, I have tons of female friends because I genuinely prefer spending time with them for the most part. Also having a higher level of empathy allows me to say the right things, and ultimately get what I always want.

I think this would be my number one piece of advice to most people on this board. Stop getting angry, and try to embrace just how amazing women are :D
I see what your saying has merit here, anger and bitterness is impossible to hide and will show in every word you speak. As men we need to rid ourselves of it.

However the last part of your post shows your true angle on the matter. This is dangerous territory and probably even worse than bitterness. 'Embrace how amazing women are' is not a phrase that any man should utter too many times. Having many platonic female friends and 'preferring to spend time with them' is homosexual behaviour.

My own enlightenment is that we must love women for what they are. They are cute, delicate, attractive, they smell good and are devoted to the man they love. Make us feel like bigger and stronger than we are, and depend on us. They have amazing maternal instincts and will look after you. There's nothing like the affection and touch of a beautiful girl.

However any man that says 'women are amazing, we need to embrace them and say the right things and spend time with them' needs a punch in the face.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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sexysuave said:
The problem is that most guys here love women TOO MUCH, not too little.

Exactly, thats the WHY guys get bitter, angry and frustrated. Its because they want it TOO bad. You don't get angry or bitter about something you're relatively indifferent towards.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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Willis, I'm with you.

Tesl, there is no intention to flame here but I'm interested - sex aside what is it that you really like about women? I basically only tolerate women's utter inanity, banality and blandness just because I want to bone them.

I think the only thing I've found is that they're probably more likely to show sympathy when you have some kind of an issue. I can't think of anything else. They're like little children.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Tesl said:
try to embrace just how amazing women are :D
Rule nr.3 afc manual -stockholm press 1965

Yo'Mama said:
The girls that have been most into me are the ones that I have treated badly. There was no premeditation on my part, I just didn't value or respect them. It made them like me all the more.
Same thing happened to me except that I never treated badly any gf but everytime I made thing clears about who was the one leading.
Those with whom I shared decision or asked to lead when I was young mostly went cold after few weeks and left.

Ease said:
However any man that says 'women are amazing, we need to embrace them and say the right things and spend time with them' needs a punch in the face.
No need to punch him, he is asking for punishment from women with his attitude.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Ease nailed it. Yes I agree, it's good to like women for the reasons he says. But I think it's important to recognise, at the same time, that they are fundamentally beneath us and we indulge them as we indulge children.

As long as you give a vibe of being confident, content with life and in control then you can be as disrespectful as you want to women and they will still come flocking.

I'm not a big rap fan but have been listening to the seminal 'The Chronic' lately. That couldn't be a more misogynistic album but I would bet my life that Dre et al were drowning in ***** when it was released. You can say that's because they were famous, which is true, but if women really cared about being respected and valued they would have been running away from these guys as fast as they could instead of running to drain the semen from their balls before the other *****es got all the goodness.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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Bible_Belt said:
If you don't like women you will fail

I agree.
I agree with you when you say women (like everybody) have good sides, bad sides and you need to understand that BUT I disagree with using LOVE and HATE when it comes to women. This type of all or nothing attitude is whats getting guys into trouble.

You can 'like' some girls or 'dislike' some girls but to say you should LOVE all women is a road to ruin. You write, 'loving women gets you women' Thats simply not true. That repels women ironically enough.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Willis said:
im not out to do women harm and talk bad about them or become a misogynist. but the odds are stacked against me..how am i suppose to get a chick when im the 584398953288 guy that approached her and asked for her number and when u call her she doent even remeber you lol ..and i do only see women useful for one thing. because after sex WHAT ELSE IS THERE?????
i dont even believe in friends with the opposite sex.whats the point????? if im talking to a chick 99% of the time im trying to get some booty i dont need to be her friend already got friends.
Can you see how this pessimistic attitude is harming you? I'm not talking about women now, I'm talking about your entire life. You don't see yourself as good enough. You're not going to be successful so why bother?

Until you start seeing yourself as someone of value you're not going to be in control of your life - and because of that you're going to kept attempting to seek validation from women and sex.

Once you starts validating yourself, that's when you start being in control of you life. That's when you start looking at things differently. Then when you walk over to a girl that's had 584398953288 guys approach her, you simply act like your the first guy to approach her. Because they weren't guys - they were boys - otherwise she'd be talking to them, right?

High Voltage

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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Ontario, Canada
Tesl said:
... so many posts here seem to give an impression they do not like nor respect women. And think that they are only good for one thing...
First: Respect is earned, not given freely. And certainly not given because she is a 'girl' (whatever that means to you).

Second: In order to be liked you must be likeable. Girls think that just because they have a puzzy they are likeable. Wrong.

I've dealt with girls enough that indifference is my default. Once you truly realize that girls are all interchangable you develop a sense of apathy.

Remember: Just because you don't like girls doesn't mean you hate them.

- HV


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Yo'Mama said:
These guys I'm talking about aren't bitter. They just understand that '*****es ain't sh*t'.
Thats the right way to look at it I believe. But I see a difference between some typical bitxch you just want to date and smash, and the girl you actually wanna be in a relationship with.

Yo'Mama said:
Ease nailed it. Yes I agree, it's good to like women for the reasons he says. But I think it's important to recognise, at the same time, that they are fundamentally beneath us and we indulge them as we indulge children.
Cant agree with that really. Men and women have their roles sure, but there are some things we need them for and some things they need us for.

So I wont say they are beneath me. I dont respect people beneath me, and I do respect women, so....

Plus, a woman I have to treat like I child I find no attraction to. I want someone on my level. Thats how I chose all the people I want around me in my life.

Ease said:
My own enlightenment is that we must love women for what they are. They are cute, delicate, attractive, they smell good and are devoted to the man they love. Make us feel like bigger and stronger than we are, and depend on us. They have amazing maternal instincts and will look after you. There's nothing like the affection and touch of a beautiful girl.
This is why I think men shouldnt be bitter. Vent sure, and be mad for a lil while and get all the hurt out of you. But never bitter, because there are great women to be had that are described the way you just did.

Theres so many people in the world to stay angry for super long over a woman who wronged you. It will hurt like hell sometimes, but always know that where one woman fails, there WILL be someone to take her place if you let them inside.



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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If you like women too much you will fail.



Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
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Noodles said:
Can you see how this pessimistic attitude is harming you? I'm not talking about women now, I'm talking about your entire life. You don't see yourself as good enough. You're not going to be successful so why bother?
no i dont see anything about my pessimistic attitude harming my life. im actually good, and how do you know what i see myself as just because some b!tch didnt text me im suppose to cry..

Until you start seeing yourself as someone of value you're not going to be in control of your life - and because of that you're going to kept attempting to seek validation from women and sex.
there u go again telling me about myself through and internet forum, and you know absolute sh!t, i guess you know everything about me now since you read my post...smh

Once you starts validating yourself, that's when you start being in control of you life. That's when you start looking at things differently. Then when you walk over to a girl that's had 584398953288 guys approach her, you simply act like your the first guy to approach her. Because they weren't guys - they were boys - otherwise she'd be talking to them, right?
NO!....i dont need to look at things differently ive already been there.. im indiffernt. and why act like the first guy or anyother fagg!t at all..you are you..(what happen to the value you were refering to earlier). and she is talking to other guys..you just dont know about it..


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2011
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well.. as long as you're successful at manipulating their "emotions/feelings" you'll be ok. Though if you're not then you will have to like women one way or another.

Women are lead by their emotions/feelings ie IMPULSE and give NO thought to any logic or common sense, values, honor, justice, etc. so why then must we agree with them at their every impulse?