If prostitution were legal in USA (everywhere), would wives have less "headaches"?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
Lexington said:
To say that only "low value" men are using the services of prostitutes is simply false. Are there low value men using them? Certainly. But many of them are also very successful.

In NYC and Connecticut, many escorts charge hundreds to thousands of dollars per hour. They wouldn't be charging that much if there weren't people paying these rates. And the people who can afford it aren't exactly low value. These are Wall Street fat cats and other super rich folk we're talking about here. They don't have trouble landing women. They are simply paying for the convenience and ease.

Paying for an escort is no different than paying for a nice meal at a restaurant. Sure, you could make that meal yourself if you bothered to put in the effort. But sometimes, you'd prefer to have it prepared by professionals and served to you.

If you've got the money, I don't see anything wrong with it. Sometimes, guys just want to fvck. They don't want to socialize, they don't want to "game" a girl, they don't want to court her. They just want a sexy girl to come over, fvck them and then fvck off. If you are among the super rich, then a few hundred bucks is chump change. Why not?

It's possible to be a successful high value man and to be extremely attractive to women but to also enjoy the services of high end hookers from time to time.
See thats something I just can't get my head around, it could be that I love the thrill of gaming a hot chick.

I sort of also understand the fact that once your successful you can pay for top notch ladies just for a quick bang. BUT most guys that are using prostitutes on a regular basis are short changing themselves by not actively improving their lifes and trying to attract hot chicks into their lifes and instead they just pay for a hot girl instead of trying to get a hot girl as their fb/gf/fiance/wife.

I'll use my old highschool mate lets call him ronnie, hes a tall good looking bloke he fits the whole "tall dark and handsome" criteria. He always dated average girls in highschool and even married one right out of lawschool. He could easily pull in super hot girls for the simple reason he's loaded is in good shape and is very very direct when it comes to business. When it comes to girls like I said he's married to a average looking girl who seems to control the show. Even though my mate thinks he runs the show I can tell just by the way she tells him to do things that he's whipped.

He uses prostitutes nearly every week and many times me and him have talked about the fact he is not sexually attracted to his wife, shes nice but he wants something more but he's too afraid of cutting his attachment to her and finding a better woman. Instead he pays for sex with hot girls instead.

I'd rather go without sex then pay for it. I would say that most guys should stay away from using a prostitute untill they can actually get girls equally as hot without having to pay her to sleep with them. It's a catch 22, there is no clear right or wrong answer but I would exhaust all my skills before I'd use the services of one.

I got into this discussion with a few mates today and after a solid few hours they all ganged up on me and said don't knock it till you try it mate. And after reading this thread and that link mrRusckus put up I'm getting very curious and want to try out a working girl.

Interesting I've gone a whole circle on this idea all within a short week.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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typical said:
I got into this discussion with a few mates today and after a solid few hours they all ganged up on me and said don't knock it till you try it mate. And after reading this thread and that link mrRusckus put up I'm getting very curious and want to try out a working girl.

Interesting I've gone a whole circle on this idea all within a short week.
Typical, the old saying that you are not paying a prostitute for sex...you are paying her to leave afterwards.

BTW, I agree with you. The way I look at it (I have not used any escorts before), you drop an expensive amount of money for a short pleasure and it's gone. I'd rather use that money to better my life and towards achieving goals of mine.

Regarding, the opinion that we all pay for sex regardless may be true. However, only if you put companionship with women sex being the rewards for time invested.

It's not that way when you only allow women in your life that you actually enjoy spending time with. Then sex is a nice benefit. You don't have to put up with any drama, if you are actually enjoying yourself when you are with the women you choose to 'game'.

This is the problem I see with many guys on this site. Sex is the #1 goal with women they deal with. Sex is more of a barometer, it shows the health of the relationship, if it's not there you are not in a healthy interaction with women. It should naturally flow, based upon your guidance and leadership. It should be fun, the whole process. If it's not, find another gal.

Remember, women are a nice fun addition to life. When you view it that way, it's not something you pay for...it's a hobby. I love to flyfish, it doesn't pay a damn thing but just for my own personal enjoyment.

I think that's the difference there.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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It's true that in hiring an escort/hooker one pays a significant amout of money for a temporary thrill, but that could be said for many entertainment/ recreational purchases.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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typical said:
Bottom line is that using a prostitute is being LAZY no matter how you try and justify this behaviour you and I both know its a lazy choice.

So WHAT!!!!

I know how to cook, and i still go to restaurants.

I still use a lawnmower despite having scissors.

I still use a car when i have a bike.

I still use a forklift instead of training to deadlift 800 for 10 years.

I call a plumber when my pipes are all fvcked instead of pouring myself into master plumber books.

Fvck man, sometimes you want to cut out the drudgery out of life. Chasing women is DRUDGERY. You personally might like it, but I have a small circle of friends and that is what I am happy with. "Liking to meet new people" really isn't me very often. Sometimes, though. I still get mine.

Maybe you are Mr. Outgoing, but while I'm not shy, I'm an introvert. Chatting up chicks is largely boring and draining and most have sh1tty personalities I don't want to bother sorting through.

No i haven't ever used a prostitute. I've never even given a nickel to a stripper. But I wouldn't say no permanently to the idea of it, especially as I get older and older and regardless of how cool and awesome I make myself I am going to have a harder and harder time fvcking 20 year olds who don't have the puke faces of even 'attractive' 30 year olds. I'm never going to be a stud celebrity.

Laziness? Sure. But what is wrong with that? No one is skilled at everything nor desires to be skilled at many things or even has the time to do such things. If learning to game chicks isn't a priority to him, then why should I give a fvck if some dude doesn't bother to learn it? I'm okay myself with women and a decent amount of game, but don't go around fvcking 9s all the time but I get a supply of cute 7s and sometimes an 8 that I'm happy with. But it's still a goddamn chore to go out in order to meet them. I'd rather wash the dishes than sort through the trash out there to find the one tolerable chick in a dozen. (who then gets pregnant and wants to keep it and rapes me through the justice system, which is probably less likely than with a prostitute)


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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typical said:
"Just go see that wh0re of yours if you want sex so much"

This would become the the line women would use on their "Weak" bf's or husbands. I say this because that is what is happening right now in New Zealand as being a prostitute is now a legal profession. I hear it many times when my best mates tell me their wifes/gfs have told them to go fu(k a wh0re if they want sex so bad, it hs become worse since they legalized it.
Hmm ... if a wife allows her husband to spend family cash on a prostitute for him, that doesn't sounds all that bad. :woo: Basically, she is saying that she does not want to do her wifely duty, and would prefer to hire someone to do it for her - not a whole lot unlike a wife who hires a maid to clean the home.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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PappyS said:
It is true the prices are too high in most rich countries, though.
About 11 years ago, in provincial city in Russia, the going rate was $7/hr - cheaper than bowling! :yes:


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
mrRuckus said:
So WHAT!!!!

I know how to cook, and i still go to restaurants.

I still use a lawnmower despite having scissors.

I still use a car when i have a bike.

I still use a forklift instead of training to deadlift 800 for 10 years.

I call a plumber when my pipes are all fvcked instead of pouring myself into master plumber books.

Fvck man, sometimes you want to cut out the drudgery out of life. Chasing women is DRUDGERY. You personally might like it, but I have a small circle of friends and that is what I am happy with. "Liking to meet new people" really isn't me very often. Sometimes, though. I still get mine.

Maybe you are Mr. Outgoing, but while I'm not shy, I'm an introvert. Chatting up chicks is largely boring and draining and most have sh1tty personalities I don't want to bother sorting through.

No i haven't ever used a prostitute. I've never even given a nickel to a stripper. But I wouldn't say no permanently to the idea of it, especially as I get older and older and regardless of how cool and awesome I make myself I am going to have a harder and harder time fvcking 20 year olds who don't have the puke faces of even 'attractive' 30 year olds. I'm never going to be a stud celebrity.

Laziness? Sure. But what is wrong with that? No one is skilled at everything nor desires to be skilled at many things or even has the time to do such things. If learning to game chicks isn't a priority to him, then why should I give a fvck if some dude doesn't bother to learn it? I'm okay myself with women and a decent amount of game, but don't go around fvcking 9s all the time but I get a supply of cute 7s and sometimes an 8 that I'm happy with. But it's still a goddamn chore to go out in order to meet them. I'd rather wash the dishes than sort through the trash out there to find the one tolerable chick in a dozen. (who then gets pregnant and wants to keep it and rapes me through the justice system, which is probably less likely than with a prostitute)
See thats something you need to work on introvert/extrovert are labels that people place upon themselves and others (and I firmly beleieve this) and use it as a shield to hide away from the problem at hand.

And because your shying away from a problem you are in fact being LAZY so thus you bring it upon yourself.

You consider the most basic human aspect a chore which actually isn't. If you learn to screen people from their behaviour you can within a few minutes tell the boring people from the upbeat fun people. I don't waste any time talking with closed minded or boring people I cut it short and sweet and move on.

I wasn't always like this at 16 years old I was quite a shy guy but mate learning to socialize over the years has given me countless opportunities in many many things some legal and some illegal but in the end all fun.

But Mr .Positives post hits the nail on the spot and its exactly how I feel about women. Most of them want a strong minded average looking level headed guy that they can cuddle up with at night thats all and some times it works and sometimes it doesn't and many times you meet a wack job but thats how the mating system works.

p.s I don't think I'll be paying for the services of a prostitute after all thanks mr.positive :)


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
Men have a BIOLOGICAL, evolutionary sex drive. We need women.

Women, on the other hand, don't need us at all like we need them.

So yeah. I have been for legalizing prostitution for a LONG time. It would even help with crimes. Maybe rape would go down, like date rapes etc....

Men would be a lot less frustrated because there are a lot of good people who would never go to a prostitute because it's illegal.... but if it was legalized.....

plus you would deal a serious blow to the criminal underground who would suddenly lose a lot of money and power.

and no, I have never paid for sex.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
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Single4Life said:
Men have a BIOLOGICAL, evolutionary sex drive. We need women.

Women, on the other hand, don't need us at all like we need them.

So yeah. I have been for legalizing prostitution for a LONG time. It would even help with crimes. Maybe rape would go down, like date rapes etc....

Men would be a lot less frustrated because there are a lot of good people who would never go to a prostitute because it's illegal.... but if it was legalized.....

plus you would deal a serious blow to the criminal underground who would suddenly lose a lot of money and power.

and no, I have never paid for sex.
WRONG. Women need us more.

Go back to cave man days. Women wouldn't be able to survive without men. A pregnant woman hunt? A woman with small children protect herself?

It's only in our "modern" society where men have become "useless"


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Women may need men more but generally, men want sex more than women. Women crave sex as well, but not as much as men. This is why the porn industry almost entirely caters to men. This is why female prostitution is far more common than male prostitution. A pretty significant percentage of women have a tough time even achieving orgasm and some argue that the female orgasm serves no evolutionary purpose.

Since females bear a much higher burden from sex they are much more selective. On the other hand, the male bears almost no biological cost.....so he can plow as many fields as he wants. Testosterone is the main reason that men have a stronger sex drive. Women who undergo sex change operations often report that testosterone gives them a massive increase in sex drive.

People argue that if prostitution were legalized, prices would drop. I'm not so sure about that. Even in places where it's legal, good pvssy is quite expensive. The problem is that there will always be a very high demand for good pvssy and there will always be shortage of supply.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Lexington said:
Women may need men more but generally, men want sex more than women. Women crave sex as well, but not as much as men. This is why the porn industry almost entirely caters to men. This is why female prostitution is far more common than male prostitution. A pretty significant percentage of women have a tough time even achieving orgasm and some argue that the female orgasm serves no evolutionary purpose.

Since females bear a much higher burden from sex they are much more selective. On the other hand, the male bears almost no biological cost.....so he can plow as many fields as he wants. Testosterone is the main reason that men have a stronger sex drive. Women who undergo sex change operations often report that testosterone gives them a massive increase in sex drive.

People argue that if prostitution were legalized, prices would drop. I'm not so sure about that. Even in places where it's legal, good pvssy is quite expensive. The problem is that there will always be a very high demand for good pvssy and there will always be shortage of supply.
Supply and Demand eh ?? So you can either earn a tonne of money and pay for it or learn to game women and get it for free. I like the second idea way more means I can use that money and buy that cool new phone I want :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Lexington said:
Even in places where it's legal, good pvssy is quite expensive.
I think that's because in most places where it's "legal", it's still taxed and regulated almost to the point where it may as well be illegal.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
typical said:
Supply and Demand eh ?? So you can either earn a tonne of money and pay for it or learn to game women and get it for free. I like the second idea way more means I can use that money and buy that cool new phone I want :)
I was talking about supply and demand in terms of prostitution prices.

You keep stating it as though buying sex is an either/or proposition. Like I've said before, you can be really good at gaming women and making them drip but you can also indulge yourself with escorts too. Just like you can be a pretty good cook but also enjoy a nice restaurant-cooked meal.

Those Wall Street guys are a lot of things, but they're definitely not losers. Most of them are ultra hard working and ridiculously successful. They don't have a tough time landing beautiful women. It's just that sometimes they'd like to order good quality pvssy the same way they order a pizza.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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kerpal said:
I think that's because in most places where it's "legal", it's still taxed and regulated almost to the point where it may as well be illegal.
I don't think prostitution is taxed at any higher a rate in places where it's legal (e.g. Netherlands, Australia etc.) than most other services. Even here in the USA, any girl can sign up to be an escort. She can advertise her services online and could even do it with few or no taxes since these are all cash transactions. A quick Google search will pull up a bunch of escort services in any decent sized town or city. There are pretty much no regulations governing the escort trade. Yet even the uggs are charging high prices.

The thing is that almost every guy wants pvssy. Even 60 and 70 year old dudes would love to get it on with a hot young 20 year old. There just isn't enough hot pvssy to go around for all the guys that want it. Demographics dictate that supply simply cannot meet demand. Prostitution is relatively cheap in places like Thailand etc. for Westerners because of those countries' lower cost of living and higher rate of human trafficking.

That fact that this website and hundreds of others like it exist on the internet are proof of how much demand there is for pvssy. You're not going to find too many websites discussing how women can pickup men.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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MatureDJ said:
I was reading an article in my local rag about some 'ho's getting killed, and one of the comments got me thinking

It seems that the American wife has complete control of the sexual currency in the marriage, and because of this, husbands are much more supplicative. It seems that if husbands had an easy and affordable way to procure sexual release services, then the wives would not have so much power.

What do you all think?
Sexual currency is what it's all about. This is why sluts (and prostitutes) are bad for women: they upset the social order of things. This is a good read on the subject:


1. Sluts threaten to disrupt in tact relationships and (especially) families.
2. Sluts destroy their own ability to be trusted as a wife and mother.
3. Sluts devalue the sexual currency of women in general, making commitment more difficult to obtain for those who want it.

I personally do not believe legal brothels would seriously impact the "I have a headache" excuses or low libidos of women in any meaningful manner unless the stigma and social acceptance of men using said brothels also changed. If POOF! hookers were legit, but all the social expectations on men and whatnot are as they are right now, nothing would change.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2011
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TheAsianLoverReturns said:
WRONG. Women need us more.

Go back to cave man days. Women wouldn't be able to survive without men. A pregnant woman hunt? A woman with small children protect herself?

It's only in our "modern" society where men have become "useless"
no, I was talking about sex drive.

Not about who needs who more in the overall sense. Just sex drive.

You took a quote out of context from my post and ran with it like a strawman......


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Single4Life said:
no, I was talking about sex drive.

Not about who needs who more in the overall sense. Just sex drive.

You took a quote out of context from my post and ran with it like a strawman......
Yes, that's why it's good to see multiple women at the same time.

Being in an exclusive relationship gives all the power to the woman.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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Once you have more money than time, your values begin to change.

Most men have way more time than money. So wasting time to them is less important than wasting money.

I used to be very anti-prostitution in that "only weak men use it" sense. These days, I can understand the draw. I have many girls now, but when I'm older, I wouldn't mind spending my later years smoking weed and banging hookers and chilling on my boat.

We all understand why "normal" women frown on prostitution. It lowers their sexual value because prostitution provides easier access. However, this thread and many similar discussions also reveal than some men have an avid interest in keeping prostitution illegal, too, or at least shaming it. If prostitution were legal/acceptable, many of those easy-access sluts guys sleep with for free would suddenly start charging. Why not?

So for the men with little money but plenty of time, the idea of sluts turning into PPV is a pretty bad idea. It would also put a squeeze on how many girls are "not prostitutes" in the dating pool, as many more women would be doing it. Same thing happens now in lighter form with porn actresses and strippers. Many attractive women now are off the dating market because they are 'commercial women'. Legalized, lucrative, and acceptable prostitution would not only affect the sexual marketplace for 'normal' women, it would affect certain kinds of men as well.

Broke dudes with plenty of time but no money would probably end up losing in a widespread prostitution scenario.

This is the inverse problem with monogamy versus polygamy. Monogamy forces second-tier women to accept second-tier men, instead of being the second wife of a first-tier man. This benefits beta males and alpha women(they don't have to share their rich husband). Prostitution is this same problem,but from the opposite side of the fence. Prostitution(men sharing women) and polygamy(women sharing husbands) balance each other out.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Sh0t said:
We all understand why "normal" women frown on prostitution. It lowers their sexual value because prostitution provides easier access. However, this thread and many similar discussions also reveal than some men have an avid interest in keeping prostitution illegal, too, or at least shaming it. If prostitution were legal/acceptable, many of those easy-access sluts guys sleep with for free would suddenly start charging. Why not?

So for the men with little money but plenty of time, the idea of sluts turning into PPV is a pretty bad idea. It would also put a squeeze on how many girls are "not prostitutes" in the dating pool, as many more women would be doing it. Same thing happens now in lighter form with porn actresses and strippers. Many attractive women now are off the dating market because they are 'commercial women'. Legalized, lucrative, and acceptable prostitution would not only affect the sexual marketplace for 'normal' women, it would affect certain kinds of men as well.

Broke dudes with plenty of time but no money would probably end up losing in a widespread prostitution scenario.

This is the inverse problem with monogamy versus polygamy. Monogamy forces second-tier women to accept second-tier men, instead of being the second wife of a first-tier man. This benefits beta males and alpha women(they don't have to share their rich husband). Prostitution is this same problem,but from the opposite side of the fence. Prostitution(men sharing women) and polygamy(women sharing husbands) balance each other out.
An interesting observation! So poor males have the same interest in shaming prostitution, since they cannot access those women who have become professionals, with those women having been taken out of the dating pool.

And most interesting is that beta males and alpha women - the very same women who reject the beta males - have the same modus operandi in convincing the alpha males and potential prostitutes that prostitution is bad and should be outlawed, and as you said, just a different manifestation of the idea of exalting monogamy and shaming and outlawing polygyny.

But it seems that you are saying that by definition, a man who can afford a prostitute (or a lap dance, etc.) is himself a bit of an alpha for having the cash. But such a man paying women is lower than the alpha who doesn't pay for it (or a least does not need to pay to get action), but higher than the poor beta. I guess such a man would be a beta plus? :yes:

I can understand this. As I am living in eastern Europe, it is quite affordable to get a decent prostitute - at a price that the regular man cannot afford - so I must be somewhat of an alpha here. However in the USA, the going rate for a prostitute seems to be far too high (although a quickie lap dance that ends in ejaculation can be affordable), so I guess I am definitely not alpha in the USA. :(


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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Prostitution is nothing more than assisted masturbation.

It is wrong, because of motives. Lust and Greed. Both come from frustration in hope that money or human contact will fill the void. It won't. It will make it worse.

But I am for legalization, bc it will solve the criminal aspects. I'm not so sure about Human sexual Slave Trade (enormous evil industry) though. Depends on the prices. If they are low enough to make the slave (the risk) too expensive, then, yes.

Are there slaves in Amsterdam? I guess so.