I'd like your opinion on social media and attracting women

His airness

Don Juan
Oct 19, 2021
Reaction score
I usually post a story once a week on average.i'm thinking of decreasing my social media activity because i'm only searching validation i get when women watch my stories.it's weak and pathetic...this crap has to stop.

I also dont want to be a ghost so that attractive women on my friends list forget about me.

Do you think women like men more that post a lot , every now and then or never?
How often do you post pics , stories...?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
I only post if i am doing something very interesting or fun and that usually means i'm out of my hometown as nothing fun ever happens in my hometown

90% of women will NOT reply to anything you post they probably aren't even absorbing anything you are posting

I rarely if ever post to get a reaction or attention from women , i just post because i want small minded people in my hometown to see there is a world outside of the hometown.

Also over the last 12 months ive stopped adding plates to my instagram this is because

1) women who are interested in you like to over analyse your content and are far more likely to be turned off and than turned on by it

2) if she can see what you are up to 24 hours a day it destroys her ability to fantasise about what you are doing

Women like to imagine scenarios where you are out sleeping with other women that is what makes you desirable to her in the attraction phase

His airness

Don Juan
Oct 19, 2021
Reaction score
I only post if i am doing something very interesting or fun and that usually means i'm out of my hometown as nothing fun ever happens in my hometown

90% of women will NOT reply to anything you post they probably aren't even absorbing anything you are posting

I rarely if ever post to get a reaction or attention from women , i just post because i want small minded people in my hometown to see there is a world outside of the hometown.

Also over the last 12 months ive stopped adding plates to my instagram this is because

1) women who are interested in you like to over analyse your content and are far more likely to be turned off and than turned on by it

2) if she can see what you are up to 24 hours a day it destroys her ability to fantasise about what you are doing

Women like to imagine scenarios where you are out sleeping with other women that is what makes you desirable to her in the attraction phase
Thanks , that makes sense

The reason i started posting more stories in the last year was i was trying to attract a few hot women on my fb friend list. And doing so by being creative and different than the rest. I've got a a very creative and humoros side that puts me above regular guys posts/stories.
But i realized i started craving validation like a little b!tch.i want to post more and more...
I know i have to change. But out of sight out of mind is also true...so i guess i have to find a compromise.

I'm curious if someone was in my postion and started posting let's say once a month..how did that affect his all around quality of life and how women respond to it?