I was busy, she found someone new


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
NewToTheGame, wherever you are, I should have listened to you buddy.

I posted a thread a while back about a 20 year old girl I started seeing, just looking for general advice on dealing with much younger women (I'm 33). So we've been seeing each other for a few months, she lives 2 hours away. I know, LDR, but I figured 2 hours isn't that big of a deal. So we generally talk or text every day, she's never brought up being exclusive and obviously neither have I. So the last two weeks is where the sh*t hit the fan. I've had some family issues which I won't get into but lets just say it was stressful to say the least, took up most of my time off. She knows about this. Some of you guys know I'm a cop, so needless to say I have a stressful job. I work nighshift in a pretty busy urban area so I have to be on my toes, obviously. We've been busier than normal lately...I don't know if it's the heat or the Oxycontin or whatever but people have just been nuts lately. I've just been occupied nonstop. So this girl texts constantly, like turbo thumbs texter. To the point where it's excessive. She's also into snapchat and Facebook and all that (I dont have a FB account, dept. rules). Sometimes, especially if I'm at work I can't respond to calls or texts for a while. During the day...I'm asleep because I work nights. I haven't seen her in a few weeks. We sort of slowed our communication for the past two weeks. Still in contact, just not as much as usual. I spoke to her on the phone a few days ago and she accuses me of "going ghost" on her for about two weeks. I reminded her I've just been busy...nothing to do with her. But she sounded pissed...not enough attention I guess, or less than she was used to. Guess I spoiled her. Maybe she assumed I was losing interest or seeing someone else. Fair enough, but I wasn't. I got the feeling something was up. I know she's big into facebook, so I google her name and it brings me to her page. So imagine my surprise (or not) when I see her main picture hugged up with some dude. Now here's the thing, we've never talked about being exclusive. So if she's seeing other guys then okay. I can't fault her for that. But she makes her main photo on her page a picture of her and him for the world to see. Gotta admit that pissed me off a bit, couples do that sh*t. I was just there recently so if she's been seeing someone it's new (2 weeks Lol). She's constantly telling me she misses me, can't wait to see me, blah blah blah. I get swamped with work and family issues for 2 weeks and I guess I'm replaced because I can't provide enough attention. Maybe she was looking to fill that void, maybe she was seeing him all along. I don't know. NewToTheGame warned me about girls that age, that they will attempt to nail you down while they continue to play the field. You guys think I should confront her about it, or just let it go and walk?
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
GS750 said:
NewToTheGame, wherever you are, I should have listened to you buddy.

I posted a thread a while back about a 20 year old girl I started seeing, just looking for general advice on dealing with much younger women (I'm 33). So we've been seeing each other for a few months, she lives 2 hours away. I know, LDR, but I figured 2 hours isn't that big of a deal. So we generally talk or text every day, she's never brought up being exclusive and obviously neither have I. So the last two weeks is where the sh*t hit the fan. I've had some family issues which I won't get into but lets just say it was stressful to say the least, took up most of my time off. She knows about this. Some of you guys know I'm a cop, so needless to say I have a stressful job. I work nighshift in a pretty busy urban area so I have to be on my toes, obviously. We've been busier than normal lately...I don't know if it's the heat or the Oxycontin or whatever but people have just been nuts lately. I've just been occupied nonstop. So this girl texts constantly, like turbo thumbs texter. To the point where it's excessive. She's also into snapchat and Facebook and all that (I dont have a FB account, dept. rules). Sometimes, especially if I'm at work I can't respond to calls or texts for a while. During the day...I'm asleep because I work nights. I haven't seen her in a few weeks. We sort of slowed our communication for the past two weeks. Still in contact, just not as much as usual. I spoke to her on the phone a few days ago and she accuses me of "going ghost" on her for about two weeks. I reminded her I've just been busy...nothing to do with her. But she sounded pissed...not enough attention I guess, or less than she was used to. Guess I spoiled her. Maybe she assumed I was losing interest or seeing someone else. Fair enough, but I wasn't. I got the feeling something was up. I know she's big into facebook, so I google her name and it brings me to her page. So imagine my surprise (or not) when I see her main picture hugged up with some dude. Now here's the thing, we've never talked about being exclusive. So if she's seeing other guys then okay. I can't fault her for that. But she makes her main photo on her page a picture of her and him for the world to see. Gotta admit that pissed me off a bit, couples do that sh*t. I was just there recently so if she's been seeing someone it's new (2 weeks Lol). She's constantly telling me she misses me, can't wait to see me, blah blah blah. I get swamped with work and family issues for 2 weeks and I guess I'm replaced because I can't provide enough attention. Maybe she was looking to fill that void, maybe she was seeing him all along. I don't know. NewToTheGame warned me about girls that age, that they will attempt to nail you down while they continue to play the field. You guys think I should confront her about it, or just let it go and walk?
You're getting worked up over a fbook hug?

I am prescribing you to spin more plates. In a NORMAL situation I would say stay with her because I see nothing wrong here except for conspired jealousy but you two are nothing more than fbuddies.


I think you have put too much value into her and are putting her on a pedestal. So I would cut strings and spin spin spin.


Whatever you do, DO NOT put anymore value into this 20 something ****. Any woman who would get mad when you're going through family issues can fck off.

Mr. Kalikoat

Don Juan
May 3, 2014
Reaction score
You guys never where exclusive. If you have an issue with her continuing playing the field, either tell her you want to be exclusive with her, or simply next her.

Personally I'd just walk and next her.

Edit: Also what MisterFisterSister says, f*ck this chick if she can't accept you have serious family issues to deal with. B*tches like her really need to be next'd.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Conspired jeaousy...didn't consider that. Very possible indeed.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Just keep trying to fvck her when you get the chance. If she's cheating on some dude with you, it's not your problem. Just leave things as they are, no need for a confrontation.
If you feel strongly about it, just go ghost.