I remember when I found the "one"


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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I am starting to feel this bottle and I am in the mood to write, so here we go. I don't think I have posted this story before, but it changed my views on women and helped me tons. I cringe when I read on this forum about how someone here found the "one", how great this girl is, how different she is from most.

I was 19 years old, the ****iest person you would ever run into, but an AFC at heart. I had mild success in high school, always could attract, got laid more than most during my high school career, but really sucked at f-closing. If I was better my number would have been insane.

Anyways, I needed a summer job and finally got one at a hardware store. I worked in the garden center with a bunch of good looking girls and a gay guy. The gay guy ended up being just as much helpful as the broads.

A few weeks in, a co-worker who I've never met because she had been on vacation strolls into work one day. My jaw dropped, literally. Irish brunnette, with a jaw dropping ass, and the nicest little tits you will ever see. Unreal I thought. So, here I am the big AFC at heart and ****y little bastard, I start running game on here. Negging the fvck out of her left and right. Example: She would be sweeping up the floor, I would tell her that I could see a lot of that in her future. It killed her, but she was such a good sport with it. Her personality was one of a kind, just a great girl. Everyone kissed this girls feet and I was putting her on blast at every opportunity. Pretty good, right?

This goes on for a few weeks or so and she starts to show me a ton of IOIs, but she did to most of the guys who worked at this store. I was hesitant, because I was an idiot. Eventually, I decide the next time I see this broad I am demanding we go out. So, every day for work I make sure I look good and was hoping for her to come into work. We don't see each other for weeks.

Finally, one day we are both working an afternoon shift. She looks absolutely jaw dropping again. This is my big moment, we were assigned to do a task together, we start talking, and the entire time I am thinking I need a good time to ask her out. A few minutes into the convo, she drops a bomb, perhaps the greatest thing I've ever heard in my life,

"I am totally pissed about the hours I am getting now. I need another job! I got a child on the way"

I am floored at this point. What the fvck? My dream girl is pregnant?! I ask her if she is serious, she laughs and says yes. And now here comes the boyfriend talk - he is a 35 year old, jobless, balding, loser. Again, I am in shock. How the fvck can my dream girl be such a slut? She continues, "Do you want to know the worst part?"

Of course, tell me.

"I don't even know who the father is."


"And the worst part is the other guy is a different race!"


I could not believe it. My little AFC heart was crushed! But, I learned almost everything from this situation.

The best part was a few weeks later she tells me "You know.. We really should have hooked up. I adore you and I would have fvcked your brains out"

The baby turned out being the boyfriends, it was a healthy boy, she still chats me on facebook every once in a while. She is now a single MILF who is still gorgeous even post baby, but not for me. I occasionally see her at the local saloon and she always asks if I need a wing woman. I always laugh, smack her ass, and send her on her way.

Life goes on. Lessons learned.


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
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yuh alot of guys on this board put beauty as the everything, it means they are great, they got their **** together, they test them on purpose. give alot of credit before they even know the person. oh well.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
You really were an afc to think she was "the one" when you didn't even go out with her! Countless guys feel like this as well about women they haven't even touched.
This goes on for a few weeks or so and she starts to show me a ton of IOIs, but she did to most of the guys who worked at this store. I was hesitant, because I was an idiot.
When you think about it she saw you were a nice guy and used you as an ego boost. Women at work give out IOI's left and right specially in non-professional job settings. It helps feed their ego. It's almost like an extension of high school the way they dress and behave in some of these places. I know from experience I went out with 3 girls from my last job :D

She had no intention of f**** you. That was reserved for her 35 year old jobless bad boy boyfriend that she herself was probably supporting. Her fake IOI's to you were classic ego boosters women use on nice guys they have no plan on f***.

Women are not stupid they know when you're interested in them. That's why they will lead you on with fake IOI's and only when you get a chance to talk to them they will drop the "i have a boyfriend" bomb on you. Leading poor guys on a path of false hope and crushing it is a lot of women's favorite game.

The lesson that hopefully you learned and guys take from your story is to never have a high opinion about any woman or put them on a pedestal specially if you haven't even gone out with them. It doesn't matter how great she looks she could be a drug addict for all you know.