I Need Your Help...

lil hooligan

Don Juan
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
As the title suggests, yes i am reaching out and asking for help in this situation.

Little bit of info,

20 y/o, in the British Army, stocky build ( done boxing training in spare time *no six pack though ), consider myself a good looking lad, approachable etc. And yes, I do rate myself as an AFC
*note to add: if i wear a suit normally look like i'm on my way to court.

Had a few posts on here but mostly like reading things by others,

I have read the DJ Bible, Book of Pook and The Art of Seduction in the past and casually glimpse over them from time to time.
( need to have a deeper read of the above again )

And have read Tantrics 85/15% RULE regarding this particular matter

Down to the brunt of it,

As i mentioned before I am in the Army, and the girl i want is also, she is 23 and has a boyfriend ( who she doesn't seem to talk to much or see )

Now i know what your thinking oneitis but it's not as there a plenty of other girls i would date / fvck if the opportunity arose but this particular girl I want atm.

We live in Army Accommodation and she lives in the room opposite me, we are in different troops so don't really talk much during the day,
after work we normally go outside for cigarettes together ( I have started initiating more kino but not that much )
and normally just talk sh!t ( not depressing sh!t ) just general chit chat or b!tching about work together

Now what I am asking for help with is.. wait for it... how to get that lay, what to say to her, how to act, yes that's basically what it boils down to after you take out all the bullsh!t.

A little bit to read but if you've made it this far I do thankyou for taking the time.... Cheers

Note: If i do get a good piece of advice on what to say, hell i'l go knock on her door and say it next time we go for a smoke ( prob 30 mins or so )
at least i'v got my confidence.

Note: Looking to join someones bootcamp also if any are coming up

Oh and this is a biggie: She is out of the Army in 1 month and lives at the other side of the country

lil hooligan

Don Juan
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
C'mon guys not trying to sound whiney but i see alot of b!tching on the daily within these forum walls but less and less advise given out when it is asked for...

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Advice on So Souave???

lil hooligan said:
Now what I am asking for help with is.. wait for it... how to get that lay, what to say to her, how to act, yes that's basically what it boils down to after you take out all the bullsh!t.
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you take this girl out more than likely you're not going to get know her carnally because of a lack of experience. Using the military as an analogy, it's the equivalent to be given a rifle and being told to run out into an open field and take the enemy position. More than likely you're going to killed.

Being able to have to consistently have sex with a woman takes practice in the development of the skill set. The best I can tell you do is ask her to accompany you some where. For example, you her, you approach, engage in some random conversation, then say, "Come with to the mess hall, for coffee, etc. If she agrees, treat it as a date and try to smash.

lil hooligan said:
Note: Looking to join someones bootcamp also if any are coming up
This site doesn't offer bootcamps. If you're interested in doing a bootcamp go to www.rsdnation.com or www.venusianarts.com. Also if you want to see some infield footage, go to Youtube and look at the various RSD videos. This site does have a wingman forum where you can meet with guys in your area and sarge together.

lil hooligan said:
Oh and this is a biggie: She is out of the Army in 1 month and lives at the other side of the country
Don't get into a long distance relationship.

lil hooligan said:
C'mon guys not trying to sound whiney but i see alot of b!tching on the daily within these forum walls but less and less advise given out when it is asked for...
Not for nothing, it seems that the complaining seems to be more wanted than the advice on this site.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
lil hooligan said:
C'mon guys not trying to sound whiney
All right, I'm going to let you have it because you said you're not trying to be whiney - which is basically a form of whining. And I want you to rid that from your personality. Okay, ready?

When I first read that you've already been through the DJ Bible and The Book of Pook, I was confused as to why you're even bothering with this girl and why you need help. By the time I got to the end of your post, I figured it out.

When guys come to this site looking for...

lil hooligan said:
how to get that lay, what to say to her, how to act
...then it doesn't matter that you've been provided with tools as good as the DJ Bible and Book of Pook, because you're so focused on what you think you need that you're not taking what you ACTUALLY need.

It's like a young army hooligan who wants to go out into the desert, perhaps because there's some hot army chick there. A wise old sergeant offers him one of those camo military parkas and the young guy scoffs, "Pffft! I'm going into the desert where it's HOT! What would I want with a parka?" And so the young hooligan stamps his little feet off into the desert in search of the hot army chick. He almost gets to her too. But, alas, nightfall came and the temperatures dropped. He curled up into a ball and died from the cold.

Indeed, you should have taken that parka, hooligan. If you're looking for clever lines and tricks to get a girl to f*ck you, there are plenty of "PUA" forums out there. But they won't give you the stuff you need to survive in the desert at night. That's why this site doesn't focus on pickup, it focuses on the self.

I know, can't give you too much sh*t - you're 20 and not expected to be particularly introspective. You can't quite appreciate the correlation between working on yourself and having success with women, all you want to do is get instant results. You want the tricks. But you know what, Private? There are no tricks.

Go back and read your bible. More importantly, read the Book of Pook. Really, read anything that puts an emphasis on cultivating abundance and transforming yourself into a real man - the kind that will have so much confidence, so much success and so much game that he won't have to waste his time with girls who have boyfriends!

And I get it, you live on base. There probably aren't a lot of options for you and it's probably no easy task to spin plates. This girl is convenient and possibly your only prospect, which is exactly why you won't get her. This is how women get put on pedestals, when we let them become our only option and we start scheming, trying to figure out...

lil hooligan said:
how to get that lay, what to say to her, how to act
And if any part of your above quote really pisses me off, it's "how to act." Buddy, she should be worrying how to act around you! Now, this specific girl won't because she has a boyfriend, but you get my point - you should just be working on becoming the best you that you can possibly be.

After that, it all becomes so easy. No trying to figure out how to score with taken women. You'll just be working with a simple three step process.

1) Live a life full of ambition, passion and confidence.
2) While you're living that life, approach the women you want. Knowing that you're a good catch and using what you've learned here, asses if the woman is interested and available. If she is, proceed to step 3. If not, don't waste any more time.
3) Isolate. She going along with it? Well, my friend, good news: she passed step 2 (interest) and is willing to come over to your room or whatever (step 3, isolate) and you are now going to get laid. No special strategy involved, you were just your own awesome self, made sure you went after the right women, and then escalated*.

*Oh, and all the while you were sure not to fall back to old AFC tendencies where you texted for reasons other than setting up dates, showed too much affection too soon, talked too much, etc.

I guess the cliff notes is that you have got to stop wasting your damn time on this particular girl. Stop looking for the magic password to get a girl to spread her legs for you (especially if all you're working with is a smoke buddy who has a boyfriend). If you can get this sh*t together in your early twenties, you're going to be unstoppable by the end of this decade.

Now drop and give me 100 reps. (The green dotted kind under my name, not push ups).


Maximus Rex said:
Using the military as an analogy, it's the equivalent to be given a rifle and being told to run out into an open field and take the enemy position. More likely you're going to killed.
While I generally find Rex's all-bolded posts too difficult on the eyes to read, I enjoy that we both went for the military analogies. The rifle's a good one too. What good is it without the training?

lil hooligan

Don Juan
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry for not replying earlier but been a bit busy,
Firstly want to thankyou both for your replies / advice it has helped me in these last few days so again thankyou ( both rep'd )

Just mentioning a few extra details that have happened since,

Firstly I have been trying to make myself less available, e.g. if she asks me if we are going out for a smoke I will say i'v already had one but i'l get her next time etc.

( info ) this weekend i bought an instrument that i'm now learning to play )
We were having a conversation about it and she dropped in that her ex used to have one but he was cr@p on it, i asked if that was the guy she was seeing she said yes ( so telling me she is now single ).

Another time: We were both having a conversation then somehow she turned it to having children and asked when i wanted them i said i do want them but not for a few years and she said she thought the same thing.

Within all this i have been doing more kino to which she is responding well, and also been holding eye contact alot more than we used to (which i think is a good sign).

Now what I am asking for help with is.. wait for it... how to get that lay, what to say to her, how to act, yes that's basically what it boils down to after you take out all the bullsh!t.
Reference what i said before i have also re-evaluated this and have thought yes i would have a relationship but i wont do a LDR so i'd be happy with a FB.
The "what to say", i do have a hard time finding the words but that's something ill have to learn on my own.
Lastly "how to act" i am confident in how i act atm but was only asking how to in case there might be something i'm missing etc.

Like i said i'm a confident person in general like around family, guy/girls that are friends but seem to have to push myself to be confident around a girl that i like.

I think i'm getting good IOI's from this girl so i'm going to go for it, why not...


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
If you read all of that then you already have all the information you need. You just need to apply it and get experience. None of us can hold your hand and tell you exactly how to get the lay, what to say and how to act. Besides, some of the dudes here have different ways of doing things and you may get conflicting advice. If you feel that a certain time is the right time to ask her out then do it. If you feel that a certain time is right to ask for the number, kiss her, escalate further, etc. then do it. Of course your instincts aren't going to be the greatest at first but that's where practice and experience comes in. Your male ancestors were successfully able to fvck a woman and pass on their seed to the next generation. There's no reason why you can't do the same.

lil hooligan

Don Juan
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
Cheers JoeMarron your right, I have to learn on my own and yeh if my ansestors could do it why cant I, gotta learn to go with my instincts.

And thelastmanonearth she definatly doesn't look like that ;)