I need a push...maybe you can help!


Aug 14, 2007
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I honestly don't even know what I'm going to ask here, but I'll try to do it anyway. First, some background information. I have been fat all of my life and it's always really bothered me. I am relatively young (16) and have fallen in and out of depression because of my body weight. I am not even what people would call really fat, with a BMI of 26-27. Constantly, I try and fail to lose weight and it becomes an endless cycle. I have never been taught to exercise or where to start (pathetic as it is, after successful determination I am now able to do a whole four pushups... and that's up from none). My main problem is that if I go out with my friends we always get junk food. I always say oh nooo I'm not going to get it but I always crack. A big issue for me is that no one cooks food in my house. School is starting again, and I feel as if I'm losing my high school years in a depressing way. I really need to find a way that I can juggle sitting eight hours a day with a workout program while following a diet. I do not know what to do, but maybe some of you have advice of at least somewhere I can actually start.

Thank You Very Much,


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2009
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First off stop ending your words with Fat afc dude.

Realize that everyday you have a choice,you either get better or worse,no in between.

I wish you luck.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2009
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I have some time.

I have been fat all of my life and it's always really bothered me. I am relatively young (16) and have fallen in and out of depression because of my body weight.

There is your problem,do something about it.

I am not even what people would call really fat, with a BMI of 26-27.

Well then,lets see if there are people fatter then you that aren't depressed about their weight why are you? Dude everything is good,some things are just better then others.

Constantly, I try and fail to lose weight and it becomes an endless cycle.

It only failed because you were misinformed and didn't have to desire to make it for yourself.

I have never been taught to exercise or where to start (pathetic as it is, after successful determination I am now able to do a whole four pushups... and that's up from none).

Watch Pumping Iron, Arnold Total Rebuild. Watch the way they lift,the form,desire and such.

My main problem is that if I go out with my friends we always get junk food.

How often do you and your friends go out? You can have junk food once or twice a week if your young,but I always advise to stay from Trans Fat regardless.

I always say oh nooo I'm not going to get it but I always crack.

Desire and Passion over temptation dude.

A big issue for me is that no one cooks food in my house.

Learn to cook,actually you dont need to cook. Learn to mix tuna with stuff.

I really need to find a way that I can juggle sitting eight hours a day with a workout program while following a diet.

Dude I sit at a desk 8+ hours a day,only getting up to pee and poop. Crack open a can of tuna or two in the morning on the way to school,put it in a container,mix it with salsa or olive oil or veggies and snack on it at breaks. Raw unsalted peanuts and cashews are good snacks. Also hit up your local organic food store and by some natural fruit rolls,great snacks!


Aug 14, 2007
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Edit: Thank you all for your responses so far!

@blinkwatt101 making my diet completely tuna would be bad, no?


How much are weights to purchase? Would I be able to get a decent set for less than $500? How do I go about doing weights and would that lead to weight loss? Doesn't cardio lead to weight loss more than weights but maybe they would help?

You can't convert fat to muscle :(


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2009
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@blinkwatt101 making my diet completely tuna would be bad, no?

I would highly advise against it. But that being said,I have a friend who lost a ton of weight just eating 2 big cans of tuna a day.

Dude if I were you I'd just get a can of tuna,organic salsa and a banana to snack on during school. Bring a large water bottle and pound it through the day over and over,help filter out all the crap thats in your body now.

How much are weights to purchase? Would I be able to get a decent set for less than $500? How do I go about doing weights and would that lead to weight loss? Doesn't cardio lead to weight loss more than weights but maybe they would help?

Don't buy weights. Get a gym membership. Meet new people,find people who have physiques you want,ask them for advice.

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
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Your parents never cook? What the hell do you eat every day?

What you should know is that eating junk food is not "normal". Maybe it became normal, because it's addictive and there are so many “restaurants” that sell junk. There’s an McDonalds on every corner in many American cities. Why waste time cooking a healthy meal?

Well the point is, those restaurants don’t care if you get fat, unhealthy and depressed. They want you to get addicted and go to their restaurant as much as possible.

If your parents don’t cook for you, you should take control over your own life. Even if you’re only sixteen.

What do your parents make you and what do you eat each day?