I need a couple of opinions on this one


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
This site is a great resource, but this 'f*ck everyone, hold no allegiance, I just wanna f*ck whoever I can' attitude is ridiculous.
I am un-moved by all the declarations of undying love for your friends.... You guys are still missing the point....

I don't advocate cheating on your friends, but you gotta be aware of the very nature of human kind to NEVER under-estimate what your friends can do and to that point, what your GF can do too.... remember it takes two to tango so its not just a bretrayal of friends its also a betrayal of lovers... there is equal blame here...

and if DYD "attraction is not a choice" is true and it is most of the time, drop your game and watch others take your place....

I suggest you read the book "The Naked Ape": by Desmond Morris who takes a look at the human species from a zoologist point of view. He goes into much detail about the human dating ritual and attraction...

My post is simply serving as a community warning to ALL...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
agree with the majority of the board here, i had an AW g/f who i used to laugh it off when my mates used to dirty dance with her and flirt but if i ever got seriously p!ssed off then they would stop at once and dont EVER would have thought they would have chose her before me...

bro's before ho's mate, as slickster says, as a friend your an a$$hole,

help your friend get over his loss, take him out and have fun with other girls and stop pondering over how your going to leave him in moaning and try to hit on his ex.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
I've looked this situation upside down and sideways and i've decided contacting this woman is a bad thing. If anything i broke them up faster. I just got drunk and let loose like an idiot i guess. Since reading the DJ bible i've been noting the negatives going on with people instead of their positives which is not a good deal. I need to just try to keep my friend instead of going after this chick because women come and go. We are having a keg party tomorrow night and i'll invite him to it. Thanks for the posts guys, I think I may have been getting flustered over nothing. She was probably just Sh1t testing him like usual. I've identified this flaw and hope it is fixed.