I know a bad cop?


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Basically this guy is part of my girlfriend's crew. He is a total dvck always talking **** and trying to provoke crap. Nobody talks back to him cause they are scared he is a cop...

The thing is he does certain things as a civilian that really irk me being that he is a police officer and probably cites regular citizens for the same crap.

He drinks heavily and drives and also doesn't use turn signals or any crap like that. He is also a racist and makes ridiculous comments.

So my question is should we just accept that because cops can do this crap or should I try to get him in trouble somehow so he loses his badge? And if so how?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
If you feel he is a liability and know what agency he works for, make a phone call and ask to speak to their Internal Affairs (or Professional Standards, whatever they call them on the West Coast) and file a complaint. They will probably ask for a statement and dates/times.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
If this is true, he'll self destruct. Count on it. Best case scenario he'll just lose his job at some point. Guys like this slip through the cracks and get hired sometimes. But their careers always end. With all the technology in 2016; dash cameras, body cameras, smart phones with video, GPS in patrol cars, etc. guys like this have very short careers in police work...usually less than 3 years. Now if you decide to report this, you'd better have proof to back up your concerns.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Basically this guy is part of my girlfriend's crew. He is a total dvck always talking **** and trying to provoke crap. Nobody talks back to him cause they are scared he is a cop...

The thing is he does certain things as a civilian that really irk me being that he is a police officer and probably cites regular citizens for the same crap.

He drinks heavily and drives and also doesn't use turn signals or any crap like that. He is also a racist and makes ridiculous comments.

So my question is should we just accept that because cops can do this crap or should I try to get him in trouble somehow so he loses his badge? And if so how?
If he's doing BS outside of his precinct other cops will not necessarily cover for him. A lot of time they hate other cops doing crap in their precinct. So they can be tipped off if he is outside his area.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
If you feel he is a liability and know what agency he works for, make a phone call and ask to speak to their Internal Affairs (or Professional Standards, whatever they call them on the West Coast) and file a complaint. They will probably ask for a statement and dates/times.
That's the thing.. I feel like it then just comes down to my word against him and they are most likely going to stick up for their own. I'll then just have this guy hating me with nothing happening to him at all... Doesn't sound like a winning move for me :(

If this is true, he'll self destruct. Count on it. Best case scenario he'll just lose his job at some point. Guys like this slip through the cracks and get hired sometimes. But their careers always end. With all the technology in 2016; dash cameras, body cameras, smart phones with video, GPS in patrol cars, etc. guys like this have very short careers in police work...usually less than 3 years. Now if you decide to report this, you'd better have proof to back up your concerns.
A lot of his family are also cops so he has some strong connections. For all I know he is professional on the job so that technology won't interfere but it's how he acts when he's off duty and not around superiors I guess. Like I said this guy binge drinks and drives intoxicated.. Like wtf????

If he's doing BS outside of his precinct other cops will not necessarily cover for him. A lot of time they hate other cops doing crap in their precinct. So they can be tipped off if he is outside his area.
Unfortunately I feel that other cops wouldn't do a damn thing and probably are similar. All the cops I've known who were off duty and commited some traffic violation (speeding, running red lights etc....) and got pulled over were immediately let go once they showed the cop that they were also a cop. That is why he feels he can get away with this.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
That's the thing.. I feel like it then just comes down to my word against him and they are most likely going to stick up for their own. I'll then just have this guy hating me with nothing happening to him at all... Doesn't sound like a winning move for me :(

A lot of his family are also cops so he has some strong connections. For all I know he is professional on the job so that technology won't interfere but it's how he acts when he's off duty and not around superiors I guess. Like I said this guy binge drinks and drives intoxicated.. Like wtf????

Unfortunately I feel that other cops wouldn't do a damn thing and probably are similar. All the cops I've known who were off duty and commited some traffic violation (speeding, running red lights etc....) and got pulled over were immediately let go once they showed the cop that they were also a cop. That is why he feels he can get away with this.
This is the type of attitude that, to be honest, sucks. "I feel." "For all I know." "I feel." Stop...

If you have a problem with how he acts, follow the advice I gave you earlier. Both GS and Mrgoodstuff were 100% correct too.

If you report it, it WILL get investigated, especially in California. Whether his acts cause him to get some paperwork, a day off, a few weeks off, or even up to and including termination, it'll happen. Especially if he is as brazen as you say. He'll get caught up sooner or later. Report him so it can be sooner, especially if it involves alcohol. That is a GIANT pet peeve of agencies. If you don't report it because you get your feelings caught up, don't complain or be the guy later on that comes to the media with "oh, he's been doing this for years and no one did anything about it" when (not if) he gets caught up in something. You may have to give a statement to an investigator. So what? Do what you feel is right.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
That's the thing.. I feel like it then just comes down to my word against him and they are most likely going to stick up for their own. I'll then just have this guy hating me with nothing happening to him at all... Doesn't sound like a winning move for me :(

A lot of his family are also cops so he has some strong connections. For all I know he is professional on the job so that technology won't interfere but it's how he acts when he's off duty and not around superiors I guess. Like I said this guy binge drinks and drives intoxicated.. Like wtf????

Unfortunately I feel that other cops wouldn't do a damn thing and probably are similar. All the cops I've known who were off duty and commited some traffic violation (speeding, running red lights etc....) and got pulled over were immediately let go once they showed the cop that they were also a cop. That is why he feels he can get away with this.
Well get him outside of his city. Other cities definitely don't care from cops of other cities.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
This is the type of attitude that, to be honest, sucks. "I feel." "For all I know." "I feel." Stop...

If you have a problem with how he acts, follow the advice I gave you earlier. Both GS and Mrgoodstuff were 100% correct too.

If you report it, it WILL get investigated, especially in California. Whether his acts cause him to get some paperwork, a day off, a few weeks off, or even up to and including termination, it'll happen. Especially if he is as brazen as you say. He'll get caught up sooner or later. Report him so it can be sooner, especially if it involves alcohol. That is a GIANT pet peeve of agencies. If you don't report it because you get your feelings caught up, don't complain or be the guy later on that comes to the media with "oh, he's been doing this for years and no one did anything about it" when (not if) he gets caught up in something. You may have to give a statement to an investigator. So what? Do what you feel is right.
Ok say I go down to his precinct or whatever and say this guy drives drunk and doesn't use turn signals. They go to "investigate" it and he just says that isn't true.... I don't see how my word is going to trump his...??

Well get him outside of his city. Other cities definitely don't care from cops of other cities.
This isn't true from my experiences. They all seem to "honor" each other. Usually when they are stopped for speeding regardless of the area, other cops just let them go scott free.
Let me end this kindergarten. If you don't like the guy, don't hang out with or around him, even if that means finding a new girlfriend.
I don't hang around him personally but obviously have to see him when I'm with my gf and her family. Why should I give up a great girl just because the guy her sister is dating is a dvck?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Ok say I go down to his precinct or whatever and say this guy drives drunk and doesn't use turn signals. They go to "investigate" it and he just says that isn't true.... I don't see how my word is going to trump his...??

This isn't true from my experiences. They all seem to "honor" each other. Usually when they are stopped for speeding regardless of the area, other cops just let them go scott free.

I don't hang around him personally but obviously have to see him when I'm with my gf and her family. Why should I give up a great girl just because the guy her sister is dating is a dvck?
Ok, one more time. This is super simple...

Either go down (or call) and file a complaint, or get over it. There is more to the "investigation" than just asking him questions, especially in California. If you want to keep feeling like it won't matter, then put your feelings away. If you think what he is doing is wrong, then go and say something. It will get looked into, it will get investigated, especially if you aren't the first or only person that says something.

Speeding is different than drunk driving. I've pulled people over for speeding. Cops, doctors, construction workers, the fry guy at Wendy's, the mom on her way home, the dude that was just running to the store...None got tickets. There have been other times that cops got tickets. It happens. It's nothing special.