I have a question


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
This is just about trying to understand what girls mean. Not where I went wrong cos I think I know I made mistakes. Im learning.

Basically I met a girl through a friend on facebook. We started messaging and then skyping. Iv now been talking to her for 6 weeks. Some skype sessions too. Have asked her on a date and she says yes. But we live in two different cities so diffixult to meet up atm. She then told me.she went out last week and met a guy and she got on with him so well and they have been texting to meet up. But then he flaked. But the point was she knew him one hour in the club and was happy to go on a date with him. Then the next week I asked her do u like me just as a friend?

She said yes. I said ah u should have said I wudnt have asked you out on a date. She said no worries. Then she said you are nice and everything but I dont know too well.

But if logic is right she knew the guy one hour in a club and was happy texting him and meeting up for a date and reli liked him but we have been akyping for 6 weeks and she said she doesnt know me that well. Then she says we can hang out as friends wen I come visit your city.

Someone explain to me how this makes sense???


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
lamobatsman said:
This is just about trying to understand what girls mean. Not where I went wrong cos I think I know I made mistakes. Im learning.

Basically I met a girl through a friend on facebook. We started messaging and then skyping. Iv now been talking to her for 6 weeks. Some skype sessions too. Have asked her on a date and she says yes. But we live in two different cities so diffixult to meet up atm. She then told me.she went out last week and met a guy and she got on with him so well and they have been texting to meet up. But then he flaked. But the point was she knew him one hour in the club and was happy to go on a date with him. Then the next week I asked her do u like me just as a friend?

She said yes. I said ah u should have said I wudnt have asked you out on a date. She said no worries. Then she said you are nice and everything but I dont know too well.

But if logic is right she knew the guy one hour in a club and was happy texting him and meeting up for a date and reli liked him but we have been akyping for 6 weeks and she said she doesnt know me that well. Then she says we can hang out as friends wen I come visit your city.

Someone explain to me how this makes sense???

It doesn't mate. It's females, logic doesn't apply to them.

Let me tell you what I am doing differently as I'm in a near identical situation to yourself i.e. friend of a friend, different cities etc.

1. I've had one skype session, it was admittedly a long one on a friday night but it was chilled and it ending with neither of us wanting to hang up on the other. It reiterated for me that I liked this girl and I saw we had some chemistry. I don't intend to skype her again anytime soon.

2. We snapchat alot recently. Some were risque, others were just normal fun. I kept it light, kept her guessing. Haven't snapped her in awhile, but do I care? Nah. I'm wayyy too busy with uni and stress aha. But i'm not constantly contacting her like it appears you were.
I wouldn't go so far as to say you suffocated your girl but you sure didn't make her miss you.

Intense Contact + Short Period Of Time = Bad idea.

3. It all comes back to contact mate, I snapped this girl and got her number eventually as it took me awhile to sort other girls in my life and now I want to focus more on her.
Anyways, got her number. Couple texts, bit of banter and BOOM asked her for a coffee when she comes to visit me later this month. (yup, I got her to come see me)

Gauged her response which was promising then left her to it and got on with the rest of my week. I'll deal with her when she's down but I'm hopeful.

You can only do so much mate, I mean you might have harmed your chances here. I suggest go ghost.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Because Women Are Irrational Emotionally Driven Human Beings

lamobatsman said:
But if logic is right she knew the guy one hour in a club and was happy texting him and meeting up for a date and reli liked him Someone explain to me how this makes sense???
Imagine you haven't ate all day, but you known you're going to have dinner waiting for you when get home, however you stop in Subway and get a six inch. Why did you stop in Subway despite the fact you're going to have dinner later, because it was right there in front of you. Same difference with the chick and ole boy, he was right there in front of her face and was able to do the things IN PERSON, that you thought you doing via texting and Skype. He was able to touch her, covey interest thought body language, lean in close and make the hairs on the back of her neck raise, and another things to raise her interest level.

lamobatsman said:
but we have been akyping for 6 weeks and she said she doesnt know me that well. Then she says we can hang out as friends wen I come visit your city.
She doesn't know you. All you are to her is a face on a computer screen and any interaction you've up and until this date is "fantasy and bullsh*t." That's why I don't believe in the "text game," bullsh*t because nothing matters until you get that chick right there in front of you, in the flesh. The factor of the matter is though we can talk to each other on via the "Vis-a-Phone," a la The Jetsons, you don't really know a person until you met them and deal with in real life, you can also extent that to long distance relationships also.

The good part is that you learned a valuable lesson about females, that they're attention wh*res, and you were this chick's attention fix. The moral of the story is that your time and attention are commodities are extremely valuable and you need to regard and treat them as such, if you don't you'll continually find yourself as being used as an instrument to assuage their perpetual boredom, and I say that from personal experience. http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=73178. Also, don't get involved with women that is more than forty-five minutes away from you under normal driving conditions and engage chicks during your daily activities, more than likely, she'll in your now good luck.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
lamobatsman said:
This is just about trying to understand what girls mean. Not where I went wrong cos I think I know I made mistakes. Im learning.

But if logic is right she knew the guy one hour in a club and was happy texting him and meeting up for a date and reli liked him but we have been akyping for 6 weeks and she said she doesnt know me that well. Then she says we can hang out as friends wen I come visit your city.

Someone explain to me how this makes sense???
It makes perfect sense.

You seem to forget that most modern women are wh0res who have seen more sausage then a deli. :crackup:

The guy at the club was probably hot and sexy.. thus making her vagina tingle and her wanting to get pounded by him ASAP.

You.. on the other hand.. went the "relationship first" route and tried to be her BFF before trying to f*ck her. So she saw you as a beta faggot and lost all sexual interest. Women who are looking for "fun" just want fun and don't care about getting to know you and talking sh!t. She just wants to get pounded.

Don't worry about it. Just know a wh0re when you see one and don't always assume every woman is some innocent princess looking for her soul mate. :up:


New Member
Dec 2, 2013
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lamobatsman said:
This is just about trying to understand what girls mean. Not where I went wrong cos I think I know I made mistakes. Im learning.

Basically I met a girl through a friend on facebook. We started messaging and then skyping. Iv now been talking to her for 6 weeks. Some skype sessions too. Have asked her on a date and she says yes. But we live in two different cities so diffixult to meet up atm. She then told me.she went out last week and met a guy and she got on with him so well and they have been texting to meet up. But then he flaked. But the point was she knew him one hour in the club and was happy to go on a date with him. Then the next week I asked her do u like me just as a friend?

She said yes. I said ah u should have said I wudnt have asked you out on a date. She said no worries. Then she said you are nice and everything but I dont know too well.

But if logic is right she knew the guy one hour in a club and was happy texting him and meeting up for a date and reli liked him but we have been akyping for 6 weeks and she said she doesnt know me that well. Then she says we can hang out as friends wen I come visit your city.

Someone explain to me how this makes sense???

If a girl is not interested in you she will not continue talking to you .. So, she was interested in you .. you do not need to ask her that...

If a girl tells you about other men she is seeing, especially ones that flake on her, it's because she is trying to make you jealous. She wants you to be a man and tell her you want to see her soon and commit to a time and day ..

By asking her if she likes you as a friend, you put her on the spot, and she just said yes ... and it was over ... after that, she would say anything to get rid of you..


New Member
Dec 2, 2013
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Thanks for the nice blog. keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. Sometime we ignore this sort of things and also suffer a lot as well .Thanks you for the tips.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
Washington, D.C.
You need to next that hoe fast. Stop wasting your time. Scarcity is real.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
It makes perfect sense.

You seem to forget that most modern women are wh0res who have seen more sausage then a deli. :crackup:

The guy at the club was probably hot and sexy.. thus making her vagina tingle and her wanting to get pounded by him ASAP.

You.. on the other hand.. went the "relationship first" route and tried to be her BFF before trying to f*ck her. So she saw you as a beta faggot and lost all sexual interest. Women who are looking for "fun" just want fun and don't care about getting to know you and talking sh!t. She just wants to get pounded.

Don't worry about it. Just know a wh0re when you see one and don't always assume every woman is some innocent princess looking for her soul mate. :up:[/QUOTE

im confused!!! She said she doesnt know me well and you say I have been trying to get to know her first and that wad wrong. Contradictiion im confused! I dont get it


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
Every time you see the words facebook or online messaging/chatting etc. You know your off to a bad start. Maybe even the WORST start.

Whats wrong with talking to girls in person? Seems to work.