I don't fvckin get people...what the h3ll is going on


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
So...tomorrow is my friend's birthday. He lives in Toronto, and I rarely get a chance to see him. I spoke to him on last tuesday, and we agreed me and my bud should come down monday night. Here's what basically happened...last night my buddy didnt want to go to visit him because he didnt want to drive there. Tonight when I got off work, I phoned him and asked if he wanted to join me for a pint of beer on me, and he said "sorry man, I'm in Toronto with Dave." I didn't say anything back except for "ok I'll talk to you tomorrow then", but I feel so pissed off that I don't even know where the fvck to start. I don't fvcking get it. He has no job, isn't looking for one either, I understand he can go up there whenever the fvck he wants to, but why did he go tonight if he did not feel like driving there last night. Last night was also my ONLY night off work this week. This is fvcking bull****. Now they're going up to a club, and I'm stuck here sitting by myself, posting on these boards again. I think I'm just gonna go out get hammered by myself in a bar down the street from me. I just don't get why he would pull such a d1ck move on me.

Anyways I'm just posting this cuz I need to get it out of my system somehow. Your advice is appreciated. Should I ask him why he decided to go on without me? The problem is that my other friend (b-day dude) is pissed at me for not coming too, and it's completely not my fault. He knew i had monday off, and like I said the only reason we didnt go last night is because this a-hole didn't feel like driving there.

Thanks guys, and sorry about this monstrous rant.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
why do you care?

You are living an unfulfilling frustrated chump of a life because YOU are CHOOSING to have your happiness depend on other people.

Be like me, I only give a crap about myself and nobody can affect my level of happiness except me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
When a man gives another man the runaround, there's a woman involved.

And +1 what Desert Fox said. I prefer to go out by myself because I don't need to rely on the security of surrounding myself with friends. I go out to bars and concerts by myself, make friends with a couple people for the night, maybe party with some cool crazy chick, and then I call it a night and have no regrets because I had fun.

Learn to be independent of your friends, and you'll get a lot more out of life.

...oh yeah, and thread moved to Anything Else...


Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
lol man that's fvcked up. that was pretty much a d1ick move. I really don't know what to say. I'd confront him about it, but that's just me lol

so i'm assuming you don't have a car? how do you get to work?


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
i do have a car...i drive my dad's hyundai accent...but im not abou to go and ****ing join them now. my friend specifically requested for both of us to go up there and he decided to go on his own.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
and besides...ive never driven in the city before. i just got my licence 2 weeks ago


seek&destroy said:
and besides...ive never driven in the city before. i just got my licence 2 weeks ago
Tell the birthday guy why you didn't make it; tell the other guy to fvck off.