I cheated on my girlfriend - Lay Report


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Ease said:
Dont listen to these estrogenated pussies

'How would you feel if she did that to you'

Thats terrible advice. Since when is this game fair?

The same rules dont apply to men and women. A man cheats on a woman for different reasons. It can make a man sometimes appreciate his girl more. It keeps a man healthy and confident to keep his game in check during a LTR.

A woman cheats because of all sorts of emotional and deep problems and feelings. The only reason a woman cheats is because of LOW INTEREST level. A woman who cheats is getting ready to jump ship to better prospect.

Such bs. Cheating is ******* behaviour. It is down to a man to decide what he does or doesnt do. Cheating is better than pedestalling your girlfriend, 110%. Cheating on your girlfriend will increase her interest level in you subconsiously, while pedestalling and treating her like a princess will make it fall.

So basically, you cant think of it like that.

Dont cheat unless you can handle it. But a man needs to keep his options open and his skills in good condition to stay SANE and HEALTHY in a LTR.

Iv never been married, but i think thats a whole different game in itself so these rules may have to be adjusted. Then again, if tiger woods can, we should follow example.
Whatever works for you, bro. As a single man, I have my option of hoes and one night stands any time I go out. If I like a chick enough to date her long-term, that means I see her as my equal (which she should be honored by, of course). And as my equal, I can't justify betraying her trust. It's just a respect thing. What separates a LTR girlfriend from some skank that I might "date" for a month or two is respect.

If cheating on your girl makes you happy, go for it. It doesn't impact me in any way. But I wouldn't necessarily define myself as a "estrogenated p**sy" for having standards to how I'm supposed to treat someone I respect.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Iceberg said:
Whatever works for you, bro. As a single man, I have my option of hoes and one night stands any time I go out. If I like a chick enough to date her long-term, that means I see her as my equal (which she should be honored by, of course). And as my equal, I can't justify betraying her trust. It's just a respect thing. What separates a LTR girlfriend from some skank that I might "date" for a month or two is respect.

If cheating on your girl makes you happy, go for it. It doesn't impact me in any way. But I wouldn't necessarily define myself as a "estrogenated p**sy" for having standards to how I'm supposed to treat someone I respect.

I understand what you are saying... and the truth is I agree with a little bit of what just about everyone has contributed to this thread. I really want to thank everyone... I thought there would be more moral attacks on me.. but I think most of the posters are mature enough to realize we are entitled to use experience to search for answers......

You make a good point... I can't say that cheating does make me happy.... probably the happiest I feel is when its just me and my girlfriend and our focus is strictly on our love and one another....

That being said there are other times where my superificial libido so to speak gets the best of me... and I seek trangressions....

I really came into my DJ potential recently... and at nearly the main time I met someone that I could really have a commitment with and that is worthy of a relationship.... Its almost a catch-22 so to speak... but I am smart enough to value my relationship more than superficial hook-ups...

I realize I am taking a risk... but I feel that if I didn't do some of the things I am doing now I may regret it in the future one day when I am married.... and thats when things could potentially get worse....

Knowing the path and walking the path are 2 different things.... - Morpheous from The Matrix


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Australia, ?
As long as you don't mind losing your girlfriend at some point, continue.
I love cheating but it only works if you could leave your girlfriend at anypoint.

If I feel the need to cheat, clearly, my girlfriend isn't fulfilling all my needs.
Consider cheating your dumping of your GF because it catches up, no matter how covert you are.

Sounds like you want the best of both worlds but you must be willing to lose one of them at any point.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
The only woman you really should be faithful to is YOUR WIFE!

Girlfriends come and go. If you get the chance to bang some hot young sloot then you take it. Taking into consideration the sluttyness, lack of morality and overall lack of quality of today's modern women they don't really deserve none of your loyalty.

If you find yourself a woman with a heart of gold then yeah sure she deserves to be treated like a lady and with respect. But 99.9% of women today are sloots who will bang anyone and anything. They don't deserve your loyalty. Even so nobody deserves to have their feelings hurt by finding out which is why you need to do everything possible to keep this top secret (and that includes never telling any of your friends OR ANYONE about such things).


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
f283000 said:
The only woman you really should be faithful to is YOUR WIFE!

Girlfriends come and go. If you get the chance to bang some hot young sloot then you take it. Taking into consideration the sluttyness, lack of morality and overall lack of quality of today's modern women they don't really deserve none of your loyalty.

If you find yourself a woman with a heart of gold then yeah sure she deserves to be treated like a lady and with respect. But 99.9% of women today are sloots who will bang anyone and anything. They don't deserve your loyalty. Even so nobody deserves to have their feelings hurt by finding out which is why you need to do everything possible to keep this top secret (and that includes never telling any of your friends OR ANYONE about such things).

Thank you!!!! I'm really relieved that I have people willing to admit they share this same philosophy....


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
So Friday I ended up meeting another girl and we started making out hardcore.... I popped a woody..... but then today I spent Valentine's day with my girlfriend and I feel so fulfilled...... Its like when i don't see my girlfriend for a while I like it... but if we are together for consecutive days I get bored...

I guess I can't win?


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
How do you like all the extra sex on the side? You sound like a busy guy sneaking and hiding all these chicks from your girlfriend. You must be a pro at hiding them. You should post some of your tips. Just think, if you dumped your girlfriend tomorrow, you wouldn't have to sneak around anymore, and you could reach your full potential meeting lots of other chicks and maybe even meet one that you are in love with.

Why are you still confused after a year? The answer seems obvious to me, and I only read a few of your posts. You're confusion won't go away, it will stay with you each day until you dump your girlfriend. This relationship is a joke, and you keep dragging it on everyday, and now you have to make excuses about marriage to her. Why? Just dump her and be done with it. Don't just get married to get married because YOU know you don't want to marry her. So why postpone it each day and make yourself more confused and miserable?

Let's face it, you're just keeping this girlfriend around for a security blanket. You aren't really in to this chick except that you are comfortable with for the sex. You go out and meet these other chicks, you hook up with them, but you are afraid to let this one go because you know the other chicks probably aren't going to work out, and you're afraid to be alone. So you hang on to this one just to say you have somebody, when you're not really that happy with her. Why do that? Let her go and find someone you really love, and let her find someone that respects her and loves her back. Hanging on to a half-assed relationship is not the way to go because you will always be trying to find someone else better. There is no shame in not having it work out, not really loving someone, trying to find someone better, but its stupid hanging on to something that will never work and something you will always regret.

Just because you put a ring on her finger, say "I Do", and sign a marriage certificate, that won't change how you feel about her, and it will be even worse for you if you do. You will get bored of her very soon. Hell, you will be living with her and she will be around you all the time. How will you feel then? You will cheat again, just because you are married and have a new title, won't change you, and your impulses to cheat on her. Then you will really have to sneak around and hide your chicks on the side. You will get caught sooner or later like most guys do, she will find out, get pissed off, and will take you for half your money, and you will get stuck paying her each month. Do you really want to go through all that? Is that worth it to you? Do you want a boring crappy marriage with her? Do yourself a favor, get out while you can.

I suggest you grow a pair of balls, and tell her exactly how you feel, and let her go. Why keep dragging this thing on when you don't have to? Then you can go out and focus on you and get rid of the albatross hanging around your neck, which is your girlfriend. You can be free from her and meet some new chicks without hiding them from her and stringing her along. If you don't listen to my advice, you will be a miserable man with a lot less money in the bank, and a smaller pay check each month.

Reyaj said:
So after completing my approach journal and dating various women I finally found one worthy of an LTR with me. We have been together for about a year.

so you cheat on her? doesn't sound that worthy or like a great chick to me.

My commitment to my LTR really stopped it from going any further due to its time contraints. In other words I never put the time/effort in on the other girls necessary to go all the way.

If you dump your girlfriend like I suggest, you can put in all your effort in other girls.

but I've evolved in my PUA skills to assume the sale...

sounds like you're doing good to me, so you really don't need to hang on to this girlfriend.

I guess I am so used to sex with my girlfriend that even though she was a decent lay it wasn't as fufilling...

so you keep her for just the sex, while the side dishes aren't so hot in the sack. Doesn't sound like a fulfilling relationship to me.

Anyway since then she's been calling/texting me everyday to hang out... I've been making excuses... I am not sure if I should just cut her off or continue to have her around as a booty call

If you dump your girlfriend, you could have her or any of them you have as a booty call, and you wouldn't have to cut it off. It's better to cheat on a girlfriend than a wife, because there is no money involved when you get caught.

As far as how I feel emotionally towards myself and LTR.... honestly I feel no different.... I don't feel insanely guilty but I realize that I do prefer my LTR to just having sex with women..... The sex is going to be better with my LTR because we are used to each other.....

so you want to be miserable with her, but just have sex that you are used to having. doesn't make sense. maybe if you got a new chick and had regular sex with her it would be better. ever think of that?

Anyway I guess I am just as confused as I was prior... no more confused and no less

I don't see how you still can be confused when you don't love her or want to marry her. If you did, you already would. You don't, so you keep dragging it on and you can either be happy without her or miserable with her. Sooner or later you will have to decide when she forces you to.

Should I continue to have little flings on the side until I decide to marry or should I just stop this BS and focus 100% on my relationship?????

LOL you're going to marry a chick you don't love? Why focus on relationship that is a joke? Dump her and be done with it because you are always going to cheat on her. Just because you are married, won't make you stop, you've been cheating on her for over a year..why stop now? Dump her before you get stuck in a lousy marriage you will totally regret until you get divorced. Get out while you are free.

Reyaj said:
Its like when i don't see my girlfriend for a while I like it... but if we are together for consecutive days I get bored...

don't you think you will be even more bored when you get stuck seeing her face everyday when you're married? you will be trapped in a lousy marriage...think about it.

I don't see my girlfriend as a dumb ass either... believe me I hide this very well... I work extra hard to make sure this is on the Down Low.....

If you dumped her, you wouldn't have to hide anything. You would be free and have less stress...think about it.

but I do agree when I do make the commitment at least to myself the cheating should stop.... some days I feel that way and other days I feel the opposite.

LOL a wedding ring won't change it dude. you are confused and unsure. dumping her is the smartest thing you can do...think about it.

Over a year later.... Still have the same dilemma. However now I am getting heavy pressure to marry or else she is going to move on

still confused are we even after a year? her clock is ticking and you should be dumping right about now. or you will regret this for the rest of your life. grow some balls and dump her before you wind up miserable and poor. Meet a chick who you really love, not just for the sex, and you will be a happy man.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Reyaj said:
Over a year later.... Still have the same dilemma. However now I am getting heavy pressure to marry or else she is going to move on
Marriage isn't for everyone, bud.

Remember that it's a contract. If you can't hold up your end, don't sign the dotted line. Kanye said it best: when she leave yo' ass, she gon' leave wit' half.

Seriously, though, Iceberg has already said everything you need to know. You're treating this girl like an insurance policy - keeping her around for the easy lay while you go chase other tail in your spare time. Now, we all pay for medical insurance, which is f*ckin' expensive as sh*t, because we think some day, we might get cancer or something crazy like that.

The worst that can happen if you drop your "lay insurance" is being single.

I dated a girl once for 2.5 years. She was good enough to keep around, and the relationship got stale. When that happened, I convinced her to do all kinds of crazy sh*t. We had threesomes, orgies, that kinda thing, with her friends and mine. I will say the only mistake that I made in that whole situation was not breaking up with her when I realized that there was no real reason to keep her around aside from sex. I made a choice to stay in a failing relationship based on fear and personal weakness.

So, ask yourself, are you with this girl because you actually care about her (your behaviors say no), or because you have an aversion to being alone?

I, admittedly, have an aversion to being alone, but I would rather be alone than keep around a lay insurance - being in a relationship is mentally, physically, and fiscally expensive. The girl better damn well be worth every second of it.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
Ease said:
Dont listen to these estrogenated pussies

'How would you feel if she did that to you'

Thats terrible advice. Since when is this game fair?

The same rules dont apply to men and women. A man cheats on a woman for different reasons. It can make a man sometimes appreciate his girl more. It keeps a man healthy and confident to keep his game in check during a LTR.

A woman cheats because of all sorts of emotional and deep problems and feelings. The only reason a woman cheats is because of LOW INTEREST level. A woman who cheats is getting ready to jump ship to better prospect.

Such bs. Cheating is ******* behaviour. It is down to a man to decide what he does or doesnt do. Cheating is better than pedestalling your girlfriend, 110%. Cheating on your girlfriend will increase her interest level in you subconsiously, while pedestalling and treating her like a princess will make it fall.

So basically, you cant think of it like that.

Dont cheat unless you can handle it. But a man needs to keep his options open and his skills in good condition to stay SANE and HEALTHY in a LTR.

Iv never been married, but i think thats a whole different game in itself so these rules may have to be adjusted. Then again, if tiger woods can, we should follow example.

This is some of the most stupidest shyt ive ever read

I think Ease had a few girlfriends cheat on him. That is why he is angry. Ease up buddy.

blah blah blah Tiger Woods did it so I can too. Tiger Woods was married so that makes it even worse. Tiger Woods had to pay a lot of money to his wife and to his mistresses.

So you appreciate her when you cheat on her? Your IL for her lowers when you cheat on your girlfriend. dumbass.

You shouldnt pedestal her or cheat on her esp when she is being a good girlfriend. He thinks that it will increase her interest level when you cheat on her. It is hard to find really good girlfriends nowadays. This turd wants to cheat on her. Don't even be in a relationship if you want to cheat that ruins an LTR.

This dude needs to grow up and learn something about loyalty and respect. Hope nobody takes Ease seriously around here. I sure don't. I hope Ease has his future girlfriends and wife (if he ever has any) cheat on him. Then we can tell him that they are building attraction IL and appreciating him more while they get ready to dump him.