I’ve been working on me hardcore..


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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Literally every aspect.
Physical fitness,
No fap,
Seeking wisdom..
My literal daily motivation to even exist for a while now is to improve myself however I can..

i say that to say, I walked into a “dance bar” tonight. Took a look around. The women, no morals, short attention spans, impressed by shiny things like little trolls, unable to hold an intelligent conversation .. attention seeking children wrapped in adult flesh.

The men, looking like vultures circling two days old sour meat .. I truly was the alpha there. There was no speculation, no debate in my mind I just felt it.. finally after all these years, there was no fake chest poke, no need to prove. It was just an inate feeling that no man here was my equal and no woman here truly deserved me

I sighed and thought to myself .. To finally feel this Uber confidence and then realize...

this is beneath me. All these years?? Fools gold.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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Most men spend their lives chasing money and sex, thinking they will be happy when they get all they want. And most never do, so they carry these ideas to their grave. It is rare to have the life experience of achieving those goals, and realizing there is more to this existence after all.
So much more. At this point I can’t even advocate approaching women anymore.
Why? When I have so much to offer and them so little..

nice body from working out, strong will power from self discipline, I could provide if I choose to from working hard, erections that could hold up a towel from no fap and cardio..

And they have nothing more than a vagina with residual odor from their cheesesteak and vodka diet .. I’m good.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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So much more. At this point I can’t even advocate approaching women anymore.
Why? When I have so much to offer and them so little..

nice body from working out, strong will power from self discipline, I could provide if I choose to from working hard, erections that could hold up a towel from no fap and cardio..

And they have nothing more than a vagina with residual odor from their cheesesteak and vodka diet .. I’m good.
Be positive. There are likely a few driven and ambitious babes out there who'll be grateful for you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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Once you find inner peace all else is redundant my brother


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
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The thing about being at the top is you find out you'll invariably have to pick someone lower on the mountain and invest in bringing them up to your level. You effectively become a venture capitalist. This grows you in new ways because you have to invest in a very detached and interdependent way. Enjoying them for who they are but inspiring them to grow.

The other option is to continue on solo and meet much fewer girls that are up to your standards, possibly none.

Both options are viable and you can do a bit of both, there is no wrong answer. It all depends on what kind of legacy you want to leave behind.


Jan 17, 2020
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I walked into a “dance bar” tonight. Took a look around. The women, no morals, short attention spans, impressed by shiny things like little trolls, unable to hold an intelligent conversation .. attention seeking children wrapped in adult flesh.
We all need to go through a "party" phase where we meet and slwep with as many women as possible. Eventually we all outgrow it (which is why we need to do it as soon as possible) and start seeking a healthy LTR with quality women.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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Good for you OP. I just wish men had these epiphanies when their hormones are going crazy and they are brainwashed by movies, music, tv, and society to obsess over women. Even now, if a man is not committed to ONE woman, he is considered a LOSER.

Government considers him a loser
Family consider him a loser
Friends consider him a loser
Women consider him a loser

Society protects and values women because their is MONEY in pleasing women, and it allows for stability. So all of society’s messages PROMOTE it.

Suppose most of the alpha men got more than one women pregnant and didn’t to commit to them. It’s possible. But how deadly would that be for society? Beta men would have no incentive to work for a woman‘s love and affection. The alpha man gets the woman because he is genetically blessed, and the beta man is out in the cold. Beta man does care to not work, does not pay taxes, governments can’t rule.

In order to level the playing field and have governments function, they have to enable to beta man to compete with the alpha man. How can they do this? Invent commitment, win the girls affections with money, and shame those who don’t commit. Beta man is constantly trying to buy her affections, perfect for powers that be.

Single men are dangerous, worthless, and not to be trusted. Single women are liberated, sexy, and have the world by the balls.

But I’m going off on a tangent. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Dec 18, 2017
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Good for you OP. I just wish men had these epiphanies when their hormones are going crazy and they are brainwashed by movies, music, tv, and society to obsess over women. Even now, if a man is not committed to ONE woman, he is considered a LOSER.

Government considers him a loser
Family consider him a loser
Friends consider him a loser
Women consider him a loser

Society protects and values women because their is MONEY in pleasing women, and it allows for stability. So all of society’s messages PROMOTE it.

Suppose most of the alpha men got more than one women pregnant and didn’t to commit to them. It’s possible. But how deadly would that be for society? Beta men would have no incentive to work for a woman‘s love and affection. The alpha man gets the woman because he is genetically blessed, and the beta man is out in the cold. Beta man does care to not work, does not pay taxes, governments can’t rule.

In order to level the playing field and have governments function, they have to enable to beta man to compete with the alpha man. How can they do this? Invent commitment, win the girls affections with money, and shame those who don’t commit. Beta man is constantly trying to buy her affections, perfect for powers that be.

Single men are dangerous, worthless, and not to be trusted. Single women are liberated, sexy, and have the world by the balls.

But I’m going off on a tangent. :rolleyes:
Interesting concept and read.


Oct 29, 2020
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Next, try a nicer dance club.
or don't go into social environments a. at night or b. at a bar for awhile

Congrats on your accomplishments. You achieved what you wanted in the time frame you wanted.(you posted last year about wanting to be ready by this age to start having kids/get steady woman)

Try new social environments where people need your leadership and good example of living.

Find an all girls' sports team to coach or manage.

Volunteer at your local food bank.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Someone on this site once told me his main goal was 100% self acceptance. I liked that and use it as my own. Sometimes it flows naturally, sometimes I have to remember how to get back. But it's always on my mind: Be true to myself. The ego becomes diminished and what other people think and do becomes meaningless. Every action becomes a choice of what will make most happy. Thus I'm in a kind of personal nirvana, though one I've always got to work at to sustain. The work is half the fun.

Maybe those people in those clubs like the OP describes are living their best lives, maybe not. Not my problem.

I know that in any social environment, I'm going to walk into that room self-assured, relaxed, and not giving a fukk. Whether that makes me top dog or not doesn't phase me. If there's a guy there I can learn from, even better.

I hope we see more threads like this and fewer about "how can I play this."


Sep 10, 2014
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Ironically the things that most people chase after end up being far less fulfilling once they have it than they originally thought...sometimes to the point they become a shell of themselves since they have no purpose in life anymore and realize the purpose they spent their entire life trying to fulfill was meaningless and a waste of their time.

They look back at their life and wonder what it was all for...then they realize the friends they push away or fvcked over, how they destroyed their families and how their kids hate them and wish they could have done it all over again and did things differently.

Gives you pause to make you really think about what is important in life.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2020
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I think it is great that you are working on yourself and improving. I think we could all do that and I commend you for it.

However be careful of too much self congratulations, it might all be in your head. The test of a man is not how he perceives himself but how others perceive him. You say you were the alpha male in the room. Did the other people see you that way? Did the girls in the room come over to talk to you?

Next time you are in this situation, test yourself. Pick the best looking girl in there and go talk to her. Does she hang on your every word? Does she ask you home with her? You don’t have to go home with her, this is just a test for you.

Sometimes we convince ourselves that we are so good at something that we don’t even try, don’t make any effort to test ourselves. In reality we don’t try because we are afraid to test ourselves, we are afraid to fail.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2018
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I really identify with the first post and @cola really explained, in the best way that can be explained, on how to reach true alpha/leader status. This is what it means to leave the matrix.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Literally every aspect.
Physical fitness,
No fap,
Seeking wisdom..
My literal daily motivation to even exist for a while now is to improve myself however I can..

i say that to say, I walked into a “dance bar” tonight. Took a look around. The women, no morals, short attention spans, impressed by shiny things like little trolls, unable to hold an intelligent conversation .. attention seeking children wrapped in adult flesh.

The men, looking like vultures circling two days old sour meat .. I truly was the alpha there. There was no speculation, no debate in my mind I just felt it.. finally after all these years, there was no fake chest poke, no need to prove. It was just an inate feeling that no man here was my equal and no woman here truly deserved me

I sighed and thought to myself .. To finally feel this Uber confidence and then realize...

this is beneath me. All these years?? Fools gold.
Where is the ROI? At the risk of sounding based, I think the London model is king in the Era of flu lockdowns and dating apps that are full of low hanging fruit.

Big ups mate on life changes. if you think women care, you are greatly mistaken. I highly recommend you add SIDE HUSTLE to your current endeavors. my path has changed. it's a new world. we're not going back EVER. Not the 50s or prevent pandemic. plan accordingly.

At 30, I am not playing house nor catering to women. on my purpose. I approach a handful everyday. comply or bye. all VOLUME. PURPOSE > OVER WAMAN.

Get better not bitter. -jb

It goes for us all. The future is cat farms and spinster *** dumpsters. So be it. Watch the world burn. Get money. Get muscles . Learn Game. Meditation is money. Focus. keep busy. What's your NEW direction after pandemic?